Form 1023 (Appendix 11)
NSF Cooperative
No. NCR-9218742
Network Information
Services Manager(s) for
NSFNET and the NREN:
INTERNIC Registration Services
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20550
Network Solutions,
505 Huntmar Park Drive
Herndon, VA 20170
NO. NCR-9218742
National Science
Network Solutions,
Network Information
Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and the NREN: INTERNIC Registration
Type of Award:
Cooperative Agreement
Estimated Total
Effective Date:
January 1, 1993
Expiration Date:
September 30, 1998
This agreement is
awarded under the authority of the National Science Foundation
Act (R@ U.S.C. 186 et seq.) and the Federal Grant and Cooperative
Agreement Act (31 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.)
This agreement is
entered into between the United States of America, Hereinafter
called the Government, represented by the National Science Foundation,
hereinafter called the Foundation or NSF, and Network Solutions,
Incorporated, hereinafter called the A wardee.
NSF Program Official:
Donald R. Mitchell
Telephone : 202-357-9717
e-mail: dmitchelf@nsf.gov
NSF Administrative
Altie H. Metcalf
Telephone: 202-357-9843
e-mail: ametcalf@nsf.gov
the parties have executed Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218742,
Network Information Services Manager(s) for NSFNET and the NREN:
INTERNIC Registration Services.
Aaron R. Asrael Roger L.Evans
Grants and Contracts Chief Financial Officer
(Date) (Date)
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Network Solutions, Incorporated
Washington, D.C. 20550 Herndon, VA 22070
- 1. Background and
Purpose of Agreement
- 2. Special Requirements
- 3. Statement of
- 4. Turnaround and
Performance Measures
- 5. Estimated Requirements
and Review
- 6. Responsibilities
- 7. Period of Performance
- 8. Funding
- 9. Annual Report,
Program Plan, and Budget
- 10. Other Reporting
- 11. Directed Activities
- 12. Key Personnel
- 13. Order of Precedence
- 14. Publicity,
Public Information and Publications
- 15. Project Income
from Registration Fees
Grant General Conditions
- GC-1 (10/91)
Cooperative Agreement General Conditions - CA-1 (12/91)
During the past
two decades computer networks have facilitated collaboration
among members of many research and education communities and
provided them with remote access to information and computing
resources. These networks have continued to grow both in the
number of users connected and in the capabilities provided to
the individual users. It is anticipated that such networks will
become essential to research and education during this decade.
In particular, the collection of interconnected networks known
as the Internet has become important for many research communities.
It is also of increasing importance for education.
Today more than
5,000 networks comprise the Internet. These networks link together
hundreds of thousands of computers and millions of users throughout
the world. The domestic, non-military portion of the Internet
includes NSFNET. It also includes other federally sponsored networks
such as NASA Science Internet (NSI) and Energy Sciences Network
(Esnet). NSFNET, NSI, and Esnet, as well as some other networks
of the Internet, are related to the National Research and Education
Network (NREN) which was defined in the President's Fiscal 1992
budget and which has been authorized by the passage in December,
1991, of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act,
Public Law 102-194.
The NREN is projected
to evolve from a part of the Internet containing portions of
NSFNET, NSI, and Esnet. This evolution will reflect the legal
and technical requirements of the various sponsoring agencies.
For example, NASA and DOE are mission agencies whose networks
traffic must relate to the agencies missions. NSF, on the
other hand, is chartered to support science and engineering research
and education; hence NSFNET can carry all traffic contemplated
for the NREN and may in fact support additional traffic as well.
Because of the breadth
of the charter of the NSFNET, it is projected that it will continue
to serve an expanding base of research and education users. The
provision of enhanced network information services for NSFNET
will be an important part of the expansion in user base.
In cooperation with
the Internet community, the National Science Foundation developed
and released, in the spring of 1992, Project Solicitation NSF92-24
for one or more Network Information Services Managers (NIS Manager(s))
to provide and/or coordinate (i) Registration Services, (ii)
Director and Database Services, and (iii) Information Services
for the NSFNET. As a result of this solicitation, three separate
organizations were selected to receive cooperative agreements
in the areas of (i) Registration Services, (ii) Directory and
Database Services, and (iii) Information Services. Together,
these three awards constitute the NIS Manager(s) Project.
It is essential
that the three project participants selected work closely together
to provide a seamless interface for users in need of services.
For this reason, the three awardees, at the request of the Foundation,
have developed a detailed concept and plan to provide this seamless
interface called the "INTERNIC," have revised their
proposals to reflect the implementation of the "INTERNIC"
concept, and have agreed to the structuring of their three (separate)
awards as one collaborative project. This Cooperative Agreement
for Registration Services is one of the three (3) collaborative
awards resulting from the NIC Manager(s) Project solicitation.
It is anticipated
that all registration services required during the period of
this Agreement will be obtained and furnished under the terms
of this Agreement and that the definition and providing of these
services will help facilitate the evolution of the NSFNET and
the development of the NREN. References to NSFNET in this Agreement
should in general be understood to include the NREN as well.
A. Collaborative
Proposals and Effort(s)
1. An important
aspect of the Awardee's work is coordination with the Network
Information Services Managers for (i) Database and Directory
Services (AT under Cooperative Agreement NCR-9218179) and (ii)
Information Services (General Atomics under Coop erative Agreement
NCR-9218749) to provide a "seamless interface" for
internet users in accordance with the "INTERNIC" concept
explicated in the Awardee's revised proposal dated October 19,
1992. Hereafter in this agreement, Awardee's two collaborating
pa rtners, General Atomics and AT&T, shall be referred to
as Collaborators and Awardee shall coordinate its performance
hereunder with the efforts of its Collaborators in accordance
with the "INTERNIC" concept explicated in the Awardee's
revised proposal dat ed October 19,1992. The NSF Program Official
reserves the authority to resolve technical, managerial, or scheduling
2. This requirement
for close collaboration and coordination among the three aspects
of the Network Information Services Management Project shall
be stated in each of the three awards. Such collateral agreements
and fund transfers consistent with the cu rrently approved Program
Plan (see Article9) as may be necessary to effect the coordination,
collaboration and seamless interface to users called for by the
"INTERNIC" concept or improve the overall integration
of the NIS Manager(s) Project may be entered into by, between
and among the Awardee and its Collaborators without further Foundation
approvals. Absent a specific inclusion in the approved Program
Plan, Awardee fund transfers made pursuant to this Article may
not exceed $50,000 in any Program Year.
B. Directed Activities
At the request of
the NSF Program Director, as set forth in article 13 (below),
the Awardee shall attend such meetings, seminars, conference
and planning and other events and shall provide such related
supplies and services as necessary to promulgate info rmation
regarding registration activity to the worldwide internet community
and to facilitate the most effective, efficient and ubiquitous
registration services possible.
A. The Awardee shall
provide to non-military internet users and networks all necessary
registration services (which were) previously provided by the
Defense Information Systems Agency Network Information Center(the
B. The work will
be performed in general accordance with NSF Project Solicitation
NSF 92-24 for Network Information Services Manager(s) for the
NSFNET and the NREN, the Awardee's proposal No. NCR-9218742,
dated September 23,1992, amended by Awardee's sup plemental proposal
addressing collaborative INTERNIC activity, dated October 19,
1992, hereinafter referred to cumulatively as Awardee's Proposal,
and in conformance with the technical and/or performance requirements
contained therein and set forth below.
C. The Awardee shall
provide registration services in accordance with the provisions
of RFC 1174. As stated in RFC 1174:
[T]he Internet system
has employed a central Internal Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
for the allocation and assignment of various numeric identifiers
needed for the operation of the Internet. The IANA function is
currently performed by the Universit y of Southern California's
Information Sciences Institute. The IANA has the discretionary
authority to delegate portions of this responsibility and, with
respect to numeric network and autonomous system identifiers,
has lodged this responsibility with an Internet Registry (IR).
D. Moreover, in
cooperation with the IANA, the IR may create delegate registries
to carry out registration services for specified domains.
E. The Awardee shall
work with the DISA NIC to design and implement a transition plan,
as outlined in Awardee's Proposal, that will minimize inconvenience
to the networking community during and after the transition.
F. The Non-military
internet registration services to be provided under this agreement
will initially include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Domain name registration
2. Domain name server registration
3. Network number assignment
4. Autonomous system number assignment
G. Possible future
changes in the registration services provided under this Agreement
may include, but shall not be limited to, the use of alternate
registration/numbering systems or schemes and the imposition
of a user based fee structure. However, in no case shall any
user based fee structure be imposed or changed without the express
direction/approval of the NSF Program Official.
A. The following
describes the required turnaround and availability of Registration
1. 3 working days/Class
2. 5 working days/Class B
3. 22 working days/Class A
B. Turnaround is
the time from receipt of a completed template, and any information
pertaining to network topology and usage of previously assigned
address space as may be specifically requested in individual
cases, to the assignment of a number. Availa bility is the provision
of the registration data to the INTERNIC Database and Directory
Services Awardee.
C. The quality of
Awardee's registration services will be measured in accordance
with the formulae contained in Section J of Awardee's revised
proposal of September 23, 1992 and in light of the turnaround
times specified above.
A. Estimated Requirements
The registration
services currently required for the performance of this Cooperative
Agreement are described above. The registration services described
above are only an estimate of the immediate and long-term requirements
of the scientific research an d education community and are furnished
for planning purposes only. Since the future needs of the scientific
research and education community are unknown at this time, the
Foundation reserves the right to increase, decrease or modify
the quantity, qualit y, content or nature of the registration
services to be provided hereunder. Should the Foundation exercise
the right to increase, decrease or modify the quantity, quality,
content or nature of the registration services provided hereunder,
appropriate cha nge to estimated costs, fees, and funding schedules
for shall be negotiated and incorporated into the Agreement.
B. Performance Review
By December 31,
1994, the Foundation will review the project to determine whether
to continue funding and to provide general direction as to the
continuation and contemplated level of future support to be provided
for the remainder of the agreement.
A. Awardee
The Awardee has
primary responsibility for ensuring the quality, timeliness and
effective management of the registration services provided under
this agreement. To the extent that NSF does not reserve specific
responsibility for accomplishing the purpo ses of this Agreement,
by either special condition or general condition of the Agreement,
all such responsibilities remain with the Awardee.
B. National Science
1. General
NSF has responsibility
for registration services support, support planning, oversight,
monitoring, and evaluation. NSF will make approvals required
under the General Conditions and, where necessary and appropriate,
NSF will contact and negotiate with Federal agencies and other
national and International members of the Internet community
to further the efforts of this project.
2. Technical
a. Program Officer
Performance of work
under this Cooperative Agreement shall be subject to the general
oversight and monitoring of the NSF Program Officer. This involvement
may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Review of the
Quarterly and Annual Reports, Program Plans and Budget.
(2) Participation in resolution of technical, managerial and
scheduling concerns; review and, where required by the Agreement,
approval of technical reports and information to be delivered
by Awardee.
b. Limitations
NSF technical involvement
will be consistent with the general statement of work as stated
in this Agreement. The Program Officer does not have the authority
to and may not:
(1) request additional
work outside the Statement of Work;
(2) issue instructions which constitute a change as defined in
Article 8 of GC-1(10/91);
(3) require an increase in the Agreement's estimated cost or
extension to the Agreement's period of performance, or;
(4) change any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications
of the Agreement.
c. Awardee Notifications
If, in the opinion
of the Awardee, any instructions or requests issued by the Program
Officer are within one of the categories as defined in (1) through
(4) in the above paragraph, the Awardee shall not proceed but
shall notify the NSF Grants and Contr acts Officer and shall
request, if appropriate, amendment of the Agreement in accordance
with Article 37, "Changes -- Limitations of Funds,"
of the Attached Cooperative Agreement General Conditions.
3. Approvals
Unless stated otherwise,
all NSF approvals, authorizations, notifications and instructions
required pursuant to the terms of this agreement must be set
forth in writing by the NSF Grants and Contracts Officer.
This Agreement,
effective January 1, 1993, shall include a three month phase-in
period, a five (5) year period of operational support (commencing
April 1, 1993), and a six month (no additional cost) flexibility
period and shall continue through September 30, 1998.
A. Agreement Amount
The current total
estimated amount of this Cooperative Agreement, exclusive of
such amounts as may be provided in connection with Directed Activities
provided pursuant to Article 11 (below) is $5,219,339 of which
[ Proprietary Figures Omitted ]
B. Allotted Amount(s)
1. There is currently allotted and available
for expenditure for provision of registration services under
this agreement, exclusive of amounts allotted for Directed Activities(as
shown in paragraph 3, below), $1,162,245, of which [ Proprietary
Figures Omitted ]
2. Amounts anticipated to be needed for
reimbursement of costs incurred in connection with Directed Activities
as provided pursuant to Article 11 (below) are not included in
the allotted amount(s) shown in paragraph 8.C, below. Amounts
for directed act ivities may be allotted from time to time throughout
the period of this agreement.
3. There is currently allotted and available
for expenditure in connection with reimbursement for directed
activities under this agreement $0.
C. Obligation
For purposes of payment of the Foundation's
portion of all allowable costs (including those incurred in connection
with the performance of Directed Activities in accordance with
Article 11 below) pursuant to the terms outlined in this Agreement,
the tot al amount currently allotted by the Government to this
Cooperative Agreement is $1,162,245. This allotment covers performance
through March 31, 1994.
D. Limitation of Funds
1. The parties estimate that performance
of this Cooperative Agreement will not cost the Government more
than the estimated amount specified in Article 8.A, Agreement
Amount, above. The Awardee shall use its best efforts to perform
the work specified in Article 3 and all obligations under this
award within the allotted funds.
2. Paragraph C of this Article specifies
the cumulative amount presently available for payment by the
Government and allotted to this award. The parties contemplate
that the Government will allot additional funds incrementally
to the award up to the fu ll estimate specified in Article 8.A,
Agreement Amount, above.
3. The Awardee shall notify the NSF Grants
and Contracts Officer in writing whenever it has reason to believe
that the costs it expects to incur under this Agreement in the
next 60 days, when added to all costs previously incurred, will
exceed 85% of th e total amount so far allotted to the Agreement
by the Government.
4. When and to the extent that the amount
allotted by the Government is increased, any costs the Awardee
incurs before the increase that are in excess of the amount previously
allotted by the Government, shall be allowable to the same extent
as if incur red afterward.
E. Compensation and Expenditures
1. As compensation for its performance
under this agreement, Awardee shall be compensated for its direct
and indirect costs (see Article 8.E.3) and shall be paid a fixed
fee as provided in this agreement.
2. The Awardee shall also be reimbursed
for such travel and related costs as may be specifically required
and approved by the NSF Program Director pursuant to Article
11 (below). Expenditures under this agreement must be in accordance
with a current Bud get or Program Plan which as been approved
by the NSF Grants Officer and no reallocation of funds in excess
of $10,000 between budget line items is permitted without prior
written (or e-mail) approval of the NSF Program Official.
3. The amount currently allotted includes
an indirect cost allowance at the following maximum provisional
rates, subject to downward adjustment only:
Internet Services [ Proprietary Figure
Omitted ]
Material Burden [ Proprietary Figure Omitted ]
G [ Proprietary Figure Omitted ]
F. Future Allotments
The actual level of continued NSF support
for future years will be negotiated annually with the Awardee
and will depend upon annual review of progress, the proposed
Program Plan and the availability of funds. The actual funding
of such allotments may b e provided unilaterally by NSF on an
incremental basis.
By December 31 each year, the Awardee shall
submit both electronically and in 10 hard copies an Annual Report,
Program Plan and Budget to the Foundation for approval. These
Program Plans and Budgets shall be submitted in a format and
level of detail approved by the Foundation but shall, as a minimum,
contain project goals and objectives specified with sufficient
technical criteria, milestones, and timetables to measure the
progress of the effort toward the attainment of objectives during
the time period for which it is being submitted. This Program
Plan will be the basis for the performance goals and funding
for succeeding twelve month operational period beginning April
1. Each submission should contain narrative information indicating
(for the past year's activities) by functional area and overall;
any goals accomplished, exceeded, or missed and explaining any
significant deviations from the previous year's plan; any educational
achievements; patents, copyrights, or other innovations resulting
from the activities; industrial and other funding, income and
contributions. Each annual submission should also contain information
on actual line charges and expenditures (both annual and cumulative)
by functional area and overall, in the same level of detail for
which it projects the succeeding year's costs, and a summary
budget in accordance with NSF Form 1030. The Awardee will receive
formal approval of the Program Plan from the NSF Grants Officer.
The Foundation accepts (i) the Awardee's proposal as the Program
Plan covering the period April 1, 1993, through May 31, 1994;
and (ii) the budgets dated October 19, 1992, as the approved
budgets for the period January 1, 1993, through May 31, 1994.
A. Timely Notification of Significant Problems
The Awardee shall inform the NSF Program
Official (either by e-mail or in writing) in a timely manner
of any significant problems or events that could affect the overall
schedule or progress in the program.
B. Verbal Reports, Collaboration Briefings
and Liaison
1. The Awardee shall meet on an informal
basis, as necessary or requested, with the NSF Program Director
to review progress to date and to exchange views, ideas, and
information concerning the program. During the initial three
(3) month phase in period, and thereafter until notified by the
NSF Program Director, a weekly status review meeting shall be
held to discuss the progress of the transition/phase in, including
any problems or delays encountered and changes occasioned by
same. (Such weekly status review meetings may be held by telephone
and the substance thereof confirmed via e-mail when agreed.
2. The Awardee and Collaborators shall
jointly meet, as requested, with the NSF Program Director to
detail the progress and discuss the status of the collaboration
effort and any difficulties being encountered in providing to
the Internet community the seamless interface service envisioned
by their collaborative proposal and called for in Article 2 in
(above). It is currently contemplated that, at least during the
first twelve (12) months of the award, such meetings shall be
held quarterly at either NSF, the Awardee's or Collaborator's
3. When requested by the NSF Program Director,
Awardee shall arrange to have its subawardees in attendance at
meetings which deal with their areas of activity. In addition,
at the request of the NSF Program Director, the Awardee shall
arrange on-site meetings for the Program Officer, other Federal
staff and/or representatives of the world-wide Internet community
and the Awardee's professional personnel, and/or those of its
C. Monthly Letter Progress Reports
Monthly letter progress reports may be
submitted electronically to the NSF Program Official and NSF
Administrative Official at the address shown on the cover page.
These (monthly letter progress) reports shall be submitted in
such detail and format as required by the Foundation's Program
Director and shall contain statistical and narrative information
on the performance of the Awardee during the preceding month.
D. Quarterly Status Report
1. Awardee shall prepare and furnish electronically
and in four hard (4) copies quarterly letter status reports;
the first quarterly status report will be for the period from
January 1,1993, through March 31, 1993. These reports shall show
the status of all major events and summaries and major work performed
during the quarter, including technical status, accomplishments,
problems, collaboration activities, changes in future plans,
and any pending requests for NSF approval and should be fully
reconciled with the information, goals and projections contained
in the Annual Report and Program Plan. The report shall also
include a summary of award expenditures and line charges both
cumulative and for the current quarter.
2. The report shall be prepared on a quarterly
basis and shall be submitted within (30) days after the reporting
period ends. No quarterly report need be submitted for the quarter
in which the Annual Reports are submitted, but, Awardee must
insure that any germane information for the quarter not contained
in the Annual Report (i.e., list of pending requests for NSF
approval) and submitted by separate letter.
E. Final Report
The Awardee shall submit electronically
and in ten hard (10) copies a final report to NSF at the conclusion
of the Cooperative Agreement. The final report shall contain
a description of all work performed and problems encountered
(and if requested a copy and documentation of any and all software
and data generated) in such form and sufficient detail as to
permit replication of the work by a reasonably knowledgeable
party or organization.
F. Submission of Reports
All reports and Program Plans are to be
forwarded to the Foundation electronically. Hard copies of reports
are indicated to be forwarded in the specified number of copies
to the following destinations:
No. of Copies Addressee 1 National Science
Foundation e-mail: awilson@nsf.gov ATTN: Alfred W. Wilson Division
of Grants and Agreements, Room 495 Arlington, VA 22230 [Amend
01] Remainder National Science Foundation e-mail: dmitchel@nsf.gov
ATTN: Donald Mitchell Division of Networking and Communications
Research and Infrastructure, Room 1175 Arlington, VA 22230 [Amend
From time to time the NSF Program Director
may require the Awardee to attend such meetings, seminars, conferences
and planning and other events and/or to provide related supplies
and services as necessary to disseminate information regarding
registration services activity to the worldwide Internet community
and/or to facilitate the most effective, efficient and ubiquitous
registration services possible on an expedited basis. In such
a case, the following procedures will be followed;
A. The NSF Program Director shall request,
by e-mail, the Awardee's attendance or special services required
and an estimate by the Awardee of any reimbursable costs involved;
B. Awardee shall submit to the NSF Program
director, by e-mail, its estimate of any such reimbursable costs
involved; and
C. the NSF Program Director shall forward
to the Awardee a letter directive requesting that the travel
be performed and/or the special services be provided and specifying
the maximum amount that Awardee will be reimbursed for its efforts
pursuant to the letter directive.
D. Pursuant to such a letter directive,
Awardee may incur costs against the "Directed Activities"
amounts included in the approved budget provided (i) that the
costs so incurred do not exceed the maximum amount specified
in the letter directive and (ii) provided also that the awardee
may not incur costs under a letter directive if such costs, when
combined with costs incurred under other letter directives will
exceed the amount allotted for directed activities as set forth
in Article 8.B.2 (above).
A. The following individuals are considered
key personnel and essential to the work:
Alan S. Williamson
John Zabluski
B. Any changes in the individual (s) or
significant changes in their proposed level of effort as set
forth in the approved Program Plan for any period requires the
prior written approval of the NSF Grants and Contracts Officer.
Any inconsistency in this Cooperative Agreement
shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order
(a) the Special Provisions; and (b) Grant General Conditions
(5/94) and Cooperative Agreement General Conditions (5/94). [Amend
A. All news releases, public information
brochures, publications and other similar items (not limited
to printed media, and including video, etc., prepared by Awardee,
subawardees, and/or their employees or contractors which describe
activities or results under this Registration Services Agreement
1. acknowledge the sponsorship of NSF:
2. be sent to NSF in reasonable quantities
for project and related NSF distribution before being distributed
or shown to the public; and
3. in the case of news releases or public
information, be coordinated with and have the approval of the
NSF Program Official before release.
B. An acknowledgment of NSF support must
appear in any publication of any material, whether copyrighted
or not, based upon or developed under this project, in substantially
the following terms:
The material is based on work sponsored
by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement
No. NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
C. All writings such as reports, books,
journal articles, software, data bases, sound recordings, video
tapes and video discs, except scientific articles or papers published
in scientific, technical or professional journals, must also
contain the following disclaimer:
Any opinions, findings and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of
the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation.
A. If, and to the extent that Awardee is
authorized and/or directed to charge and collect user fees for
the Registration Services provided hereunder, any user fees so
collected shall be placed in an interest bearing account, and
shall be used to defray the Awardee's and the Foundation's Project
expenses in the following descending order of priority:
1. Project expenses incurred by Awardee
as a result of the imposition of such fees.
2. Project expenses of the Awardee charged
to the Foundation under this award. (Program Plans and future
year funding requests should reflect any such Income.
3. Project expenses of Awardee's Collaborators
charged to the Foundation under their respective Awards. (Program
Plans and future year funding requests should reflect any such
inform and project fund transfers.
4. The provisions of this Article
shall apply only to any Project Income which is generated from
the imposition of user based fees on registration services. Article
19, Project Income, of the General Conditions shall apply to
project related revenue from any other source [Amend 01].
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