Censoring the Internet at Paraguay (South America)

In electoral times COPACO the statal telecomunication company of Paraguay decide to censore the Internet, as they can.

This company has a monopoly over the International Fiber access of all comunication over the Internet. Every single mail has to pass their infraestructure to reach its destiny.

But theses are electoral times in Paraguay, the "Partido Colorado" is ruling this litle south american country since 1954. Now they have truly chances to lose the national election on april 20th. A little party that is running against this stablishment is "Partido Patria Querida". They have a page outside Paraguay, on the Internet, but all customer at  COPACO see a porn site if they try to access this page. This is a dns high jacking issue. (you can dig at ns1.copaco.com.py and any other dns server over the Internet and see by yourself)

COPACO is doing the same with other domains www.victorbogado.com is redirected to www.anr.org.py, www.partidocolorado.org is redirected to www.anr.org.py, www.bastacarajo.com is redirected to a porn site, maybe others?).


With this no only in China the local goverment is censoring the access to Internet, in South America is doing the same as well.


This is the way the local goverment understand how to manage the Internet.