ICANN Meetings in Cape Town
GNSO Council Meeting
Friday, December 3, 2004
Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during the GNSO Council Meeting held on 3 December, 2004 in Cape Town, South Africa . Although the captioning output is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay, I'll just ask council members to re-take their
seats so that we can convene the council meeting.
I'd first just like to announce that we have a new member of council from the
noncommercial constituency.
We have Robin gross.
Gross or gross?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Robin gross joining us for the first time on the council
meeting today.
What I will do is just for the record each person here to state their name,
and we also have some people who have dialed in on a teleconference line.
But, unfortunately, we're not able to broadcast that into this room at this
So if we can perhaps start from that direction, Robin, if you'd just like to
state your name for the record and then we'll just move along the table.
>>ROBIN GROSS: Hi, I'm Robin gross with the noncommercial users constituency.
>>CARLOS AFONSO: Carlos Afonso, also from the NCUC, noncommercial users
>>DEMI GETSCHKO: Demi Getschko, noncom appointee.
>>VITTORIO BERTOLA: Vittorio Bertola.
I'm the chairman of the at-large advisory committee and temporarily acting as
GSO liaison today.
>>TONY HARRIS: I'm Tony Harris from the ISP constituency.
>>TONY HOLMES: Tony Holmes from the ISP constituency.
>>GREG RUTH: Greg Ruth from the ISP constituency.
>>ROSS RADER: Ross Rader, North American represent from the registrar
>>THOMAS KELLER: Thomas Keller from the registrar constituency.
>>NIKLAS LAGERGREN: Niklas Lagergren from the intellectual property constituency.
>>KIYOSHI TSURU: Kiyoshi Tsuru from the IPC and we are holding a approximately
for Lucy.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Philip Sheppard from the business constituency.
>>MARILYN CADE: I just want to make a note to the recorders that they
will want to go back and change Vittorio's name from Vint Cerf to Vittorio.
And I'm Marilyn Cade with the business constituency, an editor.
>>AMADEU ABRIL i ABRIL: Amadeu Abril i Abril, noncom appointee.
>>KEN STUBBS: Ken Stubbs, registry constituency.
>>CARY KARP: Cary Karp, also registry constituency.
And I think we have a couple of people online on the phone.
I think it sounded like Philip Colebrook.
But in cases where we are unable to hear him, his proxy would go to Ken Stubbs.
But I'm hopeful that they will be able to listen into the broadcast of this
meeting and they can either send messages to their representatives or to Glen
on the council if there's any issue they wish to raise.
And I believe we also have Alick Wilson, who is on the teleconference as well,
but where he can't be heard, his proxy is going to Amadeu.
So we are -- now have a quorum.
The first item of the agenda is approving the minutes.
The minutes have yet to be published from the last teleconference, so we'll
carry those over until the next meeting.
The next item is an update on the procedure for use by ICANN in considering
requests for consent and related contractual amendments to allow changes in
the architecture and operation of a gTLD registry.
The current status of that work, there is a draft initial report that has been
available on the ICANN Web site for some time.
That report has been provided to the ICANN staff to review the procedure, and
in particular, compare the procedure with the experience that they have had
approving previous requests.
And in their analysis, I think, over 80% of the requests were simple and straightforward,
and there were two in particular that were more complex.
And so that mapped out that process, and that document has been provided to
the members of council for consideration.
What I will do is, chairing the subcommittee on that topic, is look at suggesting
some changes to the initial report and put those out for review in the next
few weeks.
And council members will be able to discuss those in more detail with their
Are there any questions or comments on the current status of that report?
The next item is an update on WHOIS.
I think we pretty much covered the -- the details of that in our GNSO public
But, in summary, the WHOIS task force 1 and 2 have developed consensus around
two positions.
Those two statements are on the GNSO Web site.
The first statement is looking at ways that registrars can make the obligations
of registrants more understandable for registrants and allow registrants to
acknowledge that they read those.
And that recommendation is now available for constituencies to consider further
to see if that requires further review.
But what we'd be doing in the next couple weeks is developing the initial report
on that topic, which includes constituency impact statements and financial impacts,
before putting it out for the first formal comment period.
The second one of those is looking at how to deal with contention, where a national
law may be in conflict with the gTLD contractual agreements, and looking at
how to resolve that contention.
A recommendation has also been drafted in that area.
And the task force is seeking review of that recommendation from the ICANN general
The third task force looking at WHOIS accuracy is has met a couple of times
here in Cape Town and is focusing on a procedure to standardize the procedure
for when a registrar receives a complaint and the steps that the registrar takes
to resolve that complaint, and also is starting to consider what to do where
it's necessary to respond very quickly on an issue that might impact security
or stability associated with a particular domain name.
So they expect in the next coming weeks that we will crystallize some of those
recommendations into an initial report, put that out for public comment, and
hopefully have some concrete recommendations by Mar Del Plata meeting in Argentina.
Are there any questions or comments on the WHOIS -- the status of the WHOIS
The fourth item is relating --
>>MARILYN CADE: I have a question, actually.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yes, go ahead.
>>MARILYN CADE: I think just we were assuming that we would be moving
-- from the business constituency perspective, we were assuming we would be
moving forward in a modular way on the subtopics that are in the WHOIS task
forces, because -- and as I look at this, I just think that would be important
for us to just reaffirm that we're going to do that.
Because we certainly now, in task force i/ii, will be devoting our time in the
analysis, exploration, examination of the tiered or differentiated access.
But we're in such an early stage of that that we would actually be delaying
significantly the other subelements that we've been working on.
And I look at them as being modular and should be able to be moving forward
in parallel track.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, I think that's correct, that what we're trying to
do is where consensus is emerging on areas within the task forces, what we want
to do is I guess wrap that consensus around the relevant initial report in the
policy development process and then move that forward to decision rather than
wait until we've solved every issue, yes.
Yeah, Ross.
>>ROSS RADER: I just wanted to note a minor concern with that, Marilyn,
in that we're really operating right now without the benefit of what I will
characterize as concrete time lines for these task forces, I just want to ensure
that moving these forward -- moving these subissues forward on a modular basis
doesn't leave us with a bunch of standing committees that are continuously generating
policy recommendations on these issues.
I think that's right.
Those task forces are still working within terms of reference, and those terms
of references have defined the areas of study.
And so there's no brief to go beyond those terms of reference in those task
Next topic is relating to how -- or the response to the WIPO II recommendations.
I'm not sure whether we've got new information.
I gather there might have been some discussion on the council mailing list on
the general topic.
I wonder, is -- Paul Verhoef, are you able to comment on that?
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Yes, thank you, Bruce.
I think the situation hasn't changed from what we said in discussions in other
rooms yesterday.
We have posted the report of the joint working group, and we have posted a letter
we have received from WIPO.
As you know, there is at the moment -- there are two views on how we should
move forward, and the views happen to be incompatible and there is little middle
We consider that we need to find ways of moving on to middle ground.
We have indications from a few parties that they think that there could be middle
ground, and they're willing to provide us with information on how we could possibly
approach that.
So we are hoping that both out of this round of public comments, together with
maybe a few discussions with the groups concerned, we can see exactly what the
middle ground could be.
I would anticipate a process that, if indeed the staff would think that there
would be middle ground, that we could put up a proposal on how to move forward
and that we would publish that for public comment, and we'd take it from there.
That would be the way I would see going.
If, obviously, there would not be middle ground, we will be in a very complex
Are there any questions?
>>ROSS RADER: I would appreciate it, Paul, if you could perhaps summarize
what those two opposing views are.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: I think there are probably people on the council who can
do that better than I can.
I haven't been involved in the joint working group.
John Jeffrey has.
Maybe there is somebody here who would want to take that task away from me.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Who was -- I believe we had council members on that working
Who was -- Philip, do you want to respond?
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Thank you, Mr. Verhoef.
I suppose, in a sense, there are three options.
There is do nothing.
And there is the -- and there was the do something options.
And the do something options are either -- which was the basis of the original
request -- which is amending the existing trademark UDRP in such a way as to
accommodate country names and international organization names, albeit in slightly
different ways.
The third option, of course, is the creation of one, maybe two, completely separate
dispute resolution processes which would accommodate the WIPO request because
of the various characteristics, et cetera, that they have.
And the complexity, of course, is all to do with the fundamental difference
between the two processes whereby the existing UDRP had always worked on the
basis that if either party didn't like it, they simply went to court.
So it worked as classic dispute resolution did.
There's always that option at the back of it.
The complexity, once you involve countries or you involve international organizations,
is that they do not like submitting to the jurisdiction of other national administrations.
And that has been the funDAMENT of the discussion and, indeed, considerable
and erudite discussion that we had on the working group to do with that complexity
and getting through that.
But I think it is clear that ICANN at the moment has a success called the trademark
And we have a complex issue in front of us to do with this issue.
So we need to tread very carefully so that we always maintain the success that
we have and see what can be done to -- in relation to this request, I think
that's probably where we are now.
Thank you for that summary, Philip.
>>KEN STUBBS: Sorry.
Just a real quick query, if someone could do me a favor and possibly forward
a link for the -- you said you posted the letter.
I can't find it on the ICANN site under the -- okay.
I'm sure someone can do that for you.
Yeah, I think that's that on that topic.
Thank you, Paul.
>>MARILYN CADE: Bruce, I -- if we could just resummarize what council's
previous positions and discussion have been, I think that would be very useful.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Very useful, yes.
>>MARILYN CADE: As I recall, and I'll try to do this from memory -- but
I can be edited at any moment here by my colleagues, who may remember it more
clearly -- in our discussion, I think that we had heard, certainly within the
constituencies, a strong expression of concern about maintaining the integrity
and the successful operation of the narrowly focused UDRP.
The UDRP as it exists today represents an extensive amount of compromise on
the part of many, many parties.
The noncommercial community and many others had been concerned, and I believe
appropriately so, that a too-broad UDRP could be misused.
And we did, as a community, after a six-month fast-track study by WIPO and then
a consideration policy development by the then-DNSO, agree on a narrowly crafted
And that UDRP is really, as I see it, reliant on existing national trademark
law or other law that governs the use of trademarks.
We, I believe, affirmed our -- we affirmed our support for the UDRP and also
expressed concern that modifying the UDRP or taking it into areas for which
it was not specifically crafted could threaten its effectiveness and its primary
And I believe we supported the idea that if there needed to be a dispute resolution
procedure, it should be crafted around the characteristics of the disputes that
it was designed for.
I personally do not believe that the panelists that are selected for dispute
resolution when there is, you know, existing law necessarily have the qualifications
to move into a space where there is no existing law.
And, in fact, probably some kind of criteria would have to be developed to govern
the resolution of the disputes.
And I would find it disruptive to the existing well-functioning and important
UDRP to add these features into that UDRP.
>>AMADEU ABRIL i ABRIL: Do we have a liability policy for council members?
One mike for Marilyn and me is clearly not enough, yeah?
I don't want to discuss the issue itself and express my opinion about whether
this is a good idea or not.
It has been done many times.
The only thing I want to stress is the strange situation in which I find myself,
in a role where the governments keep telling that they have to be more involved,
and many governments keep telling ICANN that they should do less things, that
they should do some other things.
When the case arrives that this is clearly the case of governments to create
law nationally and internationally through treaties, at this case they ask ICANN
to do something and ICANN says they do not want.
This is a really strange role.
But, quite frankly, I concur with Marilyn, we cannot create law, even if we
are asked by governments.
We should keep that in mind.
We should not at all go that direction, because it's very dangerous.
And I think that this basic question has not been understood.
We don't like to protect the names of countries we think is important, but we
want the governments to help where they can help, and that's creating treaties.
Thanks, Amadeu.
Then the next topic is -- oh, yes, go ahead, Robin.
>>ROBIN GROSS: Yes, I think that the -- that we should release the WIPO
II report as soon as possible.
And I think that since this council was fairly unanimous in rejecting the WIPO
II proposal, I'm wondering why there is a need for -- to search for a middle
Yeah, I think probably what is happening in the process is that the -- that
there was a working group formed, they've done some analysis of that.
That report's available.
WIPO has been asked for information or a response, and they've responded.
And then that's currently open for public comment.
So if you're talking about something that ultimately would become an obligation
for registries or registrars, then, ultimately, that would come through the
So I think that's the next steps.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Just for clarification in terms of where we are in
the process. I think to characterize the lengthy working group report, if you
wish to read it, by all means do, but it was basically an analysis of the options
and the difficulty of the options and made no conclusions.
The recent materials we've received back from WIPO have simply been a more detailed
suggestion as to how the original request may be implemented. That detailed
suggestion was, indeed, part of those options discussed in the working group
report. So there's not, in essence, particular advancement in the -- in the
whole debate. We've merely seen various papers with increasing levels of detail
and analysis of the options available, but still leaving open the fundamental
question that I heard earlier in terms of the difficulty.
And I think that's what Paul was hinting at earlier, was that the middle ground
is still being looked for.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah. I guess part of the issue, too, is where do you
find that middle ground, and it's the attempt to try to find some middle ground
and create a PDP process around the middle ground in terms of where the next
steps are.
Yeah, okay.
I think from a council point of view, we're just really in monitoring mode at
the moment, then, and seeking what the public comments are and identifying if
there's a middle ground emerging that would justify doing policy development
on this.
The GNSO council review process, the board, as part of its bylaws, reviews all
the supporting organizations and advisory committees of ICANN. The purpose of
the review is to see does that organization have a -- is there a need to continue
that organization in the ICANN structure, does it have a continuing role. And
if so, are there any improvements to the processes of that organization.
In the case of the GNSO, the review is currently focused just on the GNSO council
and its processes and is not actually focused on the entire GNSO and the structures
within the constituencies.
In the context of that review, the council has worked to develop a document
to provide input to the community on the council's views and recommendations,
and that will form part of the information to the board.
The board has appointed, through the ICANN staff, an external evaluator that
has been conducting interviews and has produced a draft report.
And I think that will probably be discussed in the normal board public forum
either later today or tomorrow as an update on what that external review has
to say.
From the GNSO council itself, we've done -- been working on a self-review document.
A draft of that was provided about a week or so ago. There's been a couple of
iterations on that draft. I just wonder what council wishes to do with that
draft, whether council wishes to approve that draft at this meeting and forward
it to the external evaluator or whether the council thinks they need some time
to get input from their constituencies. So I'll open the topic of the self-review
document for members to comment on.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: I think just speaking for the BC, the -- the -- try
again. The recent additional changes we've had to that I think have just been
useful clarifications. There's been no fundamental change there. I think certainly
with a view to expediting this we support a view to propose that self-review
document so that could put us as part of an appendix to the main report to give
time to go into the external consultant's report.
>>CARY KARP: I'm afraid that the registry constituency would, in fact,
need to be provided some opportunity to give the reps a little more input before
we feel comfortable calling the question.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Ross.
>>ROSS RADER: I just wanted to underline that we're looking at a document
here that is really a review of ourselves, so I'm not sure that it's something
that we -- at least I would feel it necessary to run by my constituency. I certainly
want to raise awareness of that document with them and see if they have a different
view on that subject, but would propose that the council looks at this as a
leaving document that we can continue to deal with as we evolve, both our processes
and function and how relate back to our constituencies.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Marilyn.
>>MARILYN CADE: Yeah, I concur with Ross. We've had this self-review,
and of course we are -- that's what a self-review is. One examines one's self.
And I know we've all had -- it's a short document, it's well written. I must
thank our chair for the succinctness and clarity of the effort that's gone into
it. And we've had a round of review and edits, and of course we've all had the
opportunity to talk with our constituencies because we're here.
So I would like to see us move it forward.
I think it's important for us to do this -- we want to put -- we want to see
the external review document being put forward, and this document should go
with it.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Anyone else want to comment on that? Tony.
>>TONY HOLMES: I tend to align with Ross on this. I think that as far
as the constituency is concerned, we would need a short period before we came
back and gave that okay. So I'm just looking for a short window before it's
moved on.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Kiyoshi.
>>KIYOSHI TSURU: We would also like to second the motion for this document
to move forward.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. So I think, then, as I understand it, there's a
motion on the table to approve this report for forwarding to the external evaluator,
and it seems that some are speaking in favor of that and some against. So I
think, Tony, is it correct you're speaking against that motion; that you believe
that it's not ready to be voted -- not ready to move forward?
>>TONY HOLMES: I believe we just need a very short period of time before
we can do that. I think there's some urgency to do it, and I agree with that,
but I don't feel that it would be right to do it now.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Do you want to nominate a period of time?
>>TONY HOLMES: I think probably a week after the meeting would be fine.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: So you're looking for seven days.
Ken or Cary, did you want to --
>>KEN STUBBS: I think quite a few of us are going to be traveling in the
next week. I would hope we could possibly make that a period of 14 days, would
make sense, so we would have a chance to have a meeting inside of our constituency.
if at all possible, it would make it easier for us.
I'll give you an example of some of the concerns that have been raised and I
think we need to elaborate on them in our constituency, and let me give you
a real quick excerpt here.
One of the main points of the draft is asking for policy support from ICANN
to the council. In my opinion, it should be asking for policy support to the
GNSO community and not just to the council. Members of the council are representatives
of the community, they are not the community in and of itself.
In the spirit of being representative, I believe there should be a motion to
approve the report but rather a motion to approve sending the report to the
community for its feedback in its review of council. After the feedback is solicited,
then and only then should there be a motion to approve the report that you're
talking about.
So I mean, these are the sentiments that, really, we haven't even had a chance
to really discuss this part of it, and that's why I'm hoping we'd have a little
more time within our constituency to help clarify some of this.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Well, one approach that's possible, if we approved
at this meeting forwarding the report to Patrick for inclusion in his report
but as part of the public comment -- so this would then form part of that overall
evaluation report. So there will be an evaluation report from Patrick, and an
appendix to that would be the council self-review.
If you then communicate, once that's published, and I'm expecting that would
be matter of days, once that's published, a formal public comment period opens
on the whole council review itself, what I would expect is that the council
itself will probably comment on the external evaluator's report, because I believe
the external evaluator has a number of recommendations, and we have some recommendations
from within this council on that as well. But what we would then go back to
our constituencies with is that whole package and get comments on the whole
package, and then certainly the council can then approve those comments, if
you like, which would be inclusive of any comments the members of the community
would want to make on our comment. In other words, whether we want to change
our recommendations in light of what Patrick Sherry has or any of the constituencies
has. So I want to be careful we're not creating too many processes in parallel.
We have one process which is a!
review of the council, and as input into that process, we have the external
evaluator's report, we have an initial review from ourselves, but we're still
open for input. And then there's an overall public comment period.
So I think that it would be better for the constituencies to take back both
of those reports, because it's a report from the external evaluator, a report
from us, for the GNSO to read both of those documents, because they'll both
be, say, ten page documents, read both of those documents, then forward their
comments to the council members, and then the council members would then update
their recommendations accordingly.
>>TONY HOLMES: I should make it clear that my intent was to meet the same
time frame that Patrick is working to, not to delay the association of our report
beyond that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Can I -- just before, can I clarify with Paul Verhoef
what the steps are from the external evaluator, when that would be finalized?
>>PAUL VERHOEF: My understanding is he still has a number of interviews
to do and that he is planning to do that next week. I think there had been some
scheduling problems with those he had foreseen to contact. So my expectation
is he is going to be busy with it for at least a week or so. It depends how
quickly we want to move forward.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: So we can do the seven days before finalizing our report.
>>MARILYN CADE: Bruce, I would like to reiterate, we are the subject of
external review. We created an input from ourselves into that external review.
We are not actually in charge of deciding how the external review goes forward,
so if we provide an input into the external review, at a minimum we should not
delay the external reviewer's work. And I could accept the idea that people
haven't taken the time to review this with their constituencies while they're
here, I find that regrettable but it happens, and urge us to try not to let
that happen again we have a report a this nature and agree that as long as we
get it done and in to him and don't hold his review up, then I could live with
>>BRUCE TONKIN: So suggesting seven days, I think, sounds about right.
>>MARILYN CADE: I think the point is we need to meet his schedule.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. All right. So what I think we're doing is opening
up further comments. The question, I guess, is how we would move this to a conclusion,
anyway; I mean, whether we need a motion to allow us to forward that report
if there's no further comments of some sort. Because otherwise, we're then going
to have to convene a meeting to report that.
>>ROSS RADER: Bruce, I wanted to clarify are we requesting further input
on this document or feedback on this document? It sounds like a semantic difference
but if we're soliciting input on this document from the constituencies, that
implies some sort of revision.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, I'm saying that we're soliciting, I'm soliciting
input from the council members and I'm allowing time for those council members
to discuss the matter with their constituencies in order for them to provide
that input, if that makes sense.
Yeah, Philip.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD:Bruce, why don't I therefore amend my motion to say
the council resolves to forward draft 2.2 of the council self-review to Patrick
SheRry in 7 days unless we receive constituency -- input from council members
with substantial changes, in which case we will then see draft 2.3 and need
a vote on that also within a very short period. Does that make sense?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think so, yes.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: I can float that wording before I commit to it. Are
you happy with that, as chairman?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think what you're saying is the council is agreeing
to forward draft 2.2 to Patrick at the end of -- in a week's time, unless there
are substantial comments received, in which case an update will be made to that
report, and council will be able to decide whether it wishes to proceed on that
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Marilyn.
>>MARILYN CADE: And I have a clarification to ask. In that case, let's
say, "A," there are small edits and it goes forward in a timely manner
and goes forward and it be attached. "B," we get a Bushel load of
additional comments, we go to 2.3, et cetera. Then in that case the external
should go forward without our input.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yes, the external review shouldn't wait, I believe, because
the external review has interviewed members of council already. I think this
is our opportunity to provide some of our own input to the community and to
the board, for them to consider. I'm not actually saying this is input to the
external review, because the external review is conducting its own review.
>>CARY KARP: We're doing a bit of speculation on the time frame that the
external reviewer set for himself. So perhaps a further rider to the revised
motion might be to include some possibility for feedback from him. That we are
saying that we are going to do whatever editing we can manage to shoe horn in
during the course of 7 days. And if the reviewer should indicate the fact that
there is, indeed, more latitude than that before he would be able to turn his
attention to the three point in any case, then we will heed his requirements
more than try to predict them.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah. I think the external review is actually driven by
the board rather than himself. He's a paid reviewer and he's got a paid time
line associated with that.
So I don't think it's entirely in his control either. But I think we just have
to be careful again that we're not trying to replace the external review process.
There is an external review being conducted. That reviewer is producing a report.
There will be the opportunity for the public and the council members to comment
on that report, but this is just a bit of an opportunity to guide the debate,
I think, and get that out to the public so that they can read what we have to
say in crafting their comments to the external review. Because it's not to us;
it's to the external review where those comments need to go.
>>KEN STUBBS: Yeah, I'd like to echo Marilyn's concerns there. I think
it's important for us to keep within the purview, the time line that's set.
And we were only concerned with the commentary and the way it works this way,
we're getting exactly what we were looking for in that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah. So do you want to just restate your motion, Philip?
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Council resolves to forward draft 2.2 of the council's
self-review within 7 days to Patrick Sherry unless we receive substantive changes
to that from council members, in which case we may need to reconsider a new
draft and a new council meeting to vote on the report.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yes, I think that has reasonable checks and balances.
Is there a seconder to that motion? Are you seconding the motion, Cary?
>>CARY KARP: (Nods head.)
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Kiyoshi, was that a second or a motion?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think we'll then put that to a vote. All those in favor,
say aye.
>>>: Aye.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Any against?
Any abstentions?
Okay. The motion is passed.
The next element of this is that we are faced with, at the end of this annual
meeting, we formally, as far as the bylaws go, drop from three representatives
to two representatives per constituency. It's certainly my understanding that
the council wishes to retain three representatives. We believe that there's
-- I don't know whether Paul Verhoef might want to comment, because I think
he's probably seen drafts of the external review report, but I believe that
the external review is most likely to concur with that review. That would require
a change to the ICANN bylaws, and changing the ICANN bylaws would require first
the text for the change, then a fairly thorough public comment period before
the board could formally vote on a changed bylaw.
That whole process would probably take us until the meeting in Argentina, but
that would then leave the council with only two representatives per constituency
while that process takes place.
At the annual meeting last year, we requested the board to provide an extension
of one year of the three representatives while the review was conducted. I think
the council now wishes to request a further extension of that ruling until the
meeting in Argentina, which gives adequate time for the public to comment on
the review and adequate time for ICANN to draft changes and put those changes
out for public comment.
So we have a motion before us saying that whereas,s at the ICANN meeting in
Tunisia the board to change the transition article to allow three representatives
per constituency until the end of the annual meeting 2004, which will be on
Saturday, or Sunday, I believe, and resolve to perform a review of the GNSO
council in or around July 2004, which should include, among other aspects of
the review, an analysis of the efficiency of three representatives, taking into
account the external review draft, the council self-review, the council request
that the ICANN board extent the current arrangement of three representatives
until the ICANN meeting in Mar Del Plata, Argentina, this allows time for the
external review to be completed following the public comment period, allow time
for ICANN to announce the proposed change to the bylaws, to allow three representatives
per constituency on an ongoing basis, and allow an appropriate period for public
discussion before changing those byla!
Do we have a seconder for that motion? Tom. And discussion. Marilyn.
>>MARILYN CADE: Yeah, I do want to ask a point of clarification. I'm quite
happy with this with one question.
We have given a hard date for the length of time that this extension would exist.
On the assumption that the board will be able to -- that the staff, that the
public comment period will have concluded and the staff will be able to prepare
a recommendation to the board and the board will be able to vote in Argentina.
Should there be intervening problems in meeting that time line, would we just
then expect to amend our -- or ask for another extension in the council meeting
in Argentina? Which I would be fine with.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think that's correct, yes. I think the feedback I had
from the general counsel on this topic was he felt the board would prefer to
have a date on there that they're approving it to rather than just leaving it
open-ended. But I agree with you, that if that date became a problem, we would
just seek a further extension at that time.
>>MARILYN CADE: And as long as that's recorded in our minutes, which of
course it will be, I'm happy with that.
Any other discussion on that motion?
Okay. I think because we're putting this motion through to the board, I think
we should formally vote as individuals of the council. So perhaps if I can start
down the other end. Cary, if you'd like to indicate how you vote on this motion.
>>CARY KARP: In favor.
>>KEN STUBBS: In favor, and I have a proxy for Philip Colebrook if he's
not on the call also in favor.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thank you, Ken. Amadeu.
>>AMADEU ABRIL i ABRIL: Sorry, I was read ago message from my proxy. I
will also vote in favor and with the proxy of Alick wilson.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thank you, Amadeu.
>>MARILYN CADE: I vote in favor and I vote Grant Forsyth's vote in favor.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: I vote in favor.
>>KIYOSHI TSURU: In favor, Lucy Nichols in favor.
>>THOMAS KELLER: In favor as well.
>>ROSS RADER: I also vote in favor.
>>GREG RUTH: In favor.
>>TONY HOLMES: In favor.
>>TONY HARRIS: In favor.
>>Demi Getschko: In favor.
>>CARLOS AFONSO: In favor.
>>ROBIN GROSS: In favor.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: And I also vote in favor and so we'll note that motion
is passed and we'll forward that through to the board on Saturday.
>>GLEN: Excuse me.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yes. Who has the proxy for Marc Schneiders? ROSS Rader,
do you want to vote the proxy?
>>ROSS RADER: Sure. Marc votes in favor.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. The next item is really I guess to receive input
from council members on the strategic plan. I believe council members have had
some time to discuss with their constituencies, but I know in the registrars,
I don't think there has been enough time to really absorb the document as yet.
But I open this item up for any comments anyone would like to make on the strategic
>>MARILYN CADE: Thank you, Bruce. I'd like to say, to start out by commending
the staff for the development of the strategic plan and the posting of the strategic
plan. But I have a number of comments. One is we are at version 6 of the strategic
plan, and the supporting organizations, at least this supporting organization
saw it for the first time when it was publicly posted, and I would think that
at some point in our discussion, we might want to recommend a process which
could allow our participation and communication earlier in the stage of the
development of the strategic plan so that there's an iterative and ongoing consultation.
That would be one point that I would make.
The strategic plan as it is drafted is, in some cases, extremely high level
and in other cases has a little more detail to it. It must be read in conjunction
with the budget and with the dot net bid in order to get a full picture of the
directions that we are taking ICANN. And I do wish to say we are taking ICANN,
because of course the supporting organization and the council as its elected
leadership are key to ensuring broad community and consensus support to ICANN.
The plan prepares ICANN for its role in a post-WSIS world, and I think that's
very appropriate.
I do think that it has approaches and activities in it; that it's very important
to have input from the constituencies and the community to perhaps fine-tune,
suggest some editorial or edits; in some cases perhaps augment.
So I think that we should really be thinking about that and what our comments
might be.
The scope and scale of the changes that are represented in the strategic plan
are really quite extensive and bring us into a world where we will have a more
regional distribution of contacts while maintaining a global perspective. And
where we will have the need for techniques and mechanisms that broaden the opportunity
to participate, for people to participate, most particularly for people from
the developing countries.
As we look at this, I really think that the comment period and process is not
fully adequate, and that we need both an extension in the time, and I believe
we also need an enhancement to the consultation process, and would like to see
a consultation process that would bring the elected leadership of all three
of the supporting organizations together in a dialogue with the staff in order
to provide a two-way communication as well as the opportunity for written input
in an extended comment period.
Thank you.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thanks, Marilyn. Any other comments on the strategic plan?
>>ROSS RADER: My cold seems to be getting worse so I'll make it very brief.
I just wanted to fully underscore and support the comments that Marilyn has
made. And certainly without commenting -- excuse me -- on the merits of the
strategic plan, I would say that -- and I'm not saying this in an official manner
at the moment, because it's certainly the case, as you pointed out that the
registrar constituency has not had any time to consider this plan, which I suppose
is the biggest problem with the plan at this point.
And furthermore, as a -- as a consensus -- not as a consensus-based organization,
but as a community-driven organization, I think it's absolutely critical that
we continue operation of the organization in that -- at least taking into account
the spirit of that bottoms-up process, and anything we can do to engender that
I think is useful and appropriate.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thank you, Ross. Any other comments? Tony?
>>TONY HOLMES: Thank you.
The ISPs spent a considerable amount of time during their meeting looking at
the strategic plan.
And there are very many facets of it which we endorse and think will prove a
good way forward.
So those are very welcome.
But we do have some overriding concerns that the proposals still lack measurable
objectives and detailed time lines.
And I'd very much like to endorse the remarks made by both Ross and Marilyn.
It does need more consultation with the support organizations.
And as council, I believe that we should recognize that and have a dialogue
with ICANN as to how that can be resolved.
But whatever happens, it needs to be focused on, and we need a way of actually
engaging the stakeholders as soon as possible.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Do you want to comment, Paul?
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Yes, Bruce, I would like to try and take away one misunderstanding.
The plan has not been consulted with anybody before it appeared in its draft
The version 6 happens to be an internal version 6.
It has only been seen by the senior -- and worked on by the senior staff.
Not even all staff of ICANN has seen it.
So this is the plan.
We need -- What you will appreciate is we needed to have time to go through
our internal versions to make sure that we had a coherent proposal and view
to put forward to you.
So the process of consultation really starts now.
There has been no consultation outside, and we are looking forward, obviously,
to that discussion and your comments and guidance on that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thanks for that clarification.
>>MARILYN CADE: Thank you for that clarification, Paul.
I just would make the following comment.
This is the first strategic plan.
And so of course it's always harder the first time you do it.
And I think we all recognize that.
But I think what I'm expressing, and I believe it's supported by others, is,
we would like to ensure a productive and efficient way so that the -- we can
provide consultation now and then in the future developments of strategic plan,
neither you nor we are apart for a year.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: I think I know what you're saying, Marilyn.
But you will appreciate the chicken and egg we are in here.
If I take some of the logic I hear around the conference center on this, then
I would say, well, if you really want us to consult us at the moment that the
thought pops into our brain and we come to you with a white sheet of paper so
that you can tell us what you want but I cannot answer what I want because I
haven't been allowed to think about it because I needed to consult you, we're
on the wrong track.
I think we need to agree not only for this -- this is why I'm making a point
of it.
Because I am seeing that this is happening with the strategic plan, but also
with other things which the staff is doing.
The staff needs to have time to put a coherent story forward, particularly on
this one, because it was important for us that the constituents see not only
what we're doing for them, but what we're doing also for other constituents,
so that they have the complete overview.
This is to make sure that the discussion on ICANN is operating out of its mandated
mission is finally brought to an end.
So I'm just saying that we need half of this egg and half of the chicken.
>>MARILYN CADE: I fully agree, but I am going to make a comment now to
I think that what we need to learn about ourselves, and I suspect that the other
supporting organizations are in the same place, is that we have now to turn
to ourselves and say how can we organize ourselves so that if there is to be
at various points an efficient and effective consultation, that we are prepared
to do that, whether it's through an executive committee process or something
of that nature, so that we are more able to then provide the kind of feedback
that would be helpful to you.
I'm not expecting change to be on one side.
And I think the other supporting organizations undoubtedly face the same thing
we do on that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I will add a comment as well from a process point of view.
And I think it relates to input that we received during the GNSO public forum.
But I think what we need to be talking about is the best way to manage the public
comments that we receive on the strategic review.
Because I think just putting it up on the Web site and saying send an E-mail
to this address if you have a comment is probably not effective.
And I think different groups are probably going to be more focused on different
parts of the strategic plan.
So, I guess, we just need to think about how we manage the input.
What we would foresee is that besides the public comment in the more traditional
way through E-mail, that we would have from the staff discussions with various
constituent groups and the various councils in whatever way we can organize
ourselves to go into the particular aspects which interest them.
And we'll find one way, I guess, or another to record that and also put that
in the public domain.
But I think that is going to be important.
And I think in as much as I appreciate, for example, Tony's comments on time
lines and all that, you will understand that we've had to feel our way around
with the tone and the way we have presented this and the whole rest of it.
And I think once we're through the whole process for one year, that is, we have
produced the report and we have the consultations, we know what adjustments
to make next time and then it becomes a more regular annual exercise with which
we all feel more comfortable.
>>TONY HOLMES: Well, I fully understand the difficulties that Paul's referred
to and appreciate that.
I also believe that the ongoing strategic plan will become easier, we'll have
the processes that give us those requirements.
But this initial step is quite significant.
And I'm not sure that we can move forward on the current strategic plan in a
way that we can for the future.
This is a particular difficult period.
And the input that's required from all of the support organizations needs to
be channeled through one effort.
And I would like to see a way that the support organizations and all of those
who are ICANN stakeholders can work together probably in a slightly different
time frame.
So we're looking at a different issue this time and the big question is how
we move forward from here and how it's fixed.
I don't believe it's going to be in the same manner that we will work in the
>>ROSS RADER:-- Paul, I just wanted to reinforce something.
I really do appreciate the leadership position the staff has taken on this.
And perhaps it would be useful to reiterate something Tony has said.
I think it's not immediately clear to the community what that way forward is
to ensure that we can take advantage of what you've given us.
So if we can get in there and help move this forward, I think that's what we're
looking for, is a more transparent view of what that process is and what our
input points are.
I think.
I'm speaking for myself here, so....
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Yeah, I think I can commit that we will try to clarify
how we move forward with some extra input on our Web page on how we would see
that we provide beyond the request for E-mail comments on it, we do what I just
described and with whom we would want to consult and how we would set out to
do that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, I think that would be useful.
Again, just speaking for a moment with the registrar hat on, what tends to happen
at these meetings particularly for registries and registrars that have a lot
operational issues for discussion is you find it's often difficult to have a
strategic discussion.
And we really need to allocate separate time to think that way, because otherwise
we're busy discussing contention issues of deleted names and other operational
We'll put it forward.
Let me give you an example.
I'm just popping something here out of nothing.
We have a new chief registrar liaison who we hope to come soon to Europe and
organize a discussion there with the registrars there.
We will use that as an occasion to discuss the strategic plan.
Thank you.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Bruce, I just wonder if to try to make this concrete
-- I mean, we heard the sense of council.
We've had some very good response from Paul.
I just wonder if a very short resolution might just help make that very clear.
And I was just thinking of something that's about 30 words long on the lines
of the following:
Insofar as the ICANN strategic plan, albeit operational in nature, contains
implications of policy development, council requests that the supporting organizations
are formally consulted by ICANN with appropriate time lines on this in future
strategic plans.
Do you think that might be an appropriate resolution for council to make?
At the moment, I'm floating that.
But I'm happy to propose it formally if the sense of council thinks that's a
nice idea.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, I think just a comment, because I am certainly involved
in that in my own organization, is there is a difference between an operational
plan and a strategic plan.
I view the budget is probably what I would call the operational plan and saying
what is our budget for this year and what are we achieving for that and then
the strategic plan is saying what are we doing in the next three years.
And strategic plans are rough and rolling document.
So every year you continue to adjust that.
You're always looking three years out but updating it every year.
So I think my understanding, having read the strategic plan, was the concept
that it would be a rolling document and would continue to evolve.
So I'm not quite sure what you're implying.
So you're saying at this time you don't need input, but next time you do?
I thought we were saying that we actually want input at this stage.
Yes, I'm relying on some privileged information, which was the information session
we had in the cross-constituency meeting, in which Paul Twomey stated that the
nature of the strategic plan was operational and not policy, and that led to
some debate in which it was clear that the general feeling, certainly, of our
meeting of council is there are certainly policy implications of that by the
very nature of the way that some operational implications may be carried out.
So that was the reason for the phrasing "albeit operational in nature."
Contains implications of policy development.
But the request is for consultation to all the SOs on this plan and future strategic
I still, I guess, am struggling a little bit.
Because I thought we were more or less saying that ICANN -- that's what ICANN
is doing.
I'm not sure how the resolution adds value.
Because isn't ICANN --
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: The word I was using there was "formally consult."
So I would expect the ICANN staff or whatever to actually say to -- to send
the council the report and say, "We would like your formal input on this,
and this is the time line."
That would be the expectation of the outcome of some --
>>ROSS RADER: If we could get the text of the motion up on the screen.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think Barbara is --
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Well, if it may help, I think.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Let me reword it slowly and we can get it transcribed
perfectly, I think.
It's only 35 words.
Insofar as the ICANN strategic plan, comma, albeit operational in nature, contains
implications for policy development, comma, council requests that the supporting
organizations are formally consulted by ICANN staff with appropriate time lines
on this and future strategic plans, full stop.
Did you have a comment on that, Paul?
I think I said to you, Bruce, as chair of the council -- sent to you Bruce,
as chair of the council, the document on the day it was released with a suggestion
that we get input from the council on it.
So I think, unless that is not seen as a formal request, which, of course, could
be the case.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, I think it's less the request, it's more the process.
What we're saying is we -- we --
>>PAUL VERHOEF: You want some more clarity in the process?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: -- yeah, is sort of defining -- and I think it's probably
a joint responsibility.
But I think we need to sort of work with the ICANN staff, between the ICANN
staff and the council and say what is the best process to use to give you that
Because, otherwise, we've got a document, and, yes, we can comment on the document.
But I think what we're looking for is a dialogue, which is a slightly different
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Yeah, okay.
But, I think, going on on the previous discussion where you started to react,
I think it's true we need to be careful that the organizations and the individual
entities on it have an opportunity to give different types of comments.
That is, as a registrar, you may have much more, from your own perspective,
comments, whereas from the council you would presumably look at are there issues
in here which affect policy, how do they affect policy, and what sort of feedback
on that would you give back to the staff.
And let me say as well, it is, indeed, a projection forward for planning purposes
from the staff to say, well, this is all the tasks which have been entrusted
to us.
If we take the operational logic of this forward of two to three years, this
is what we see are the consequences.
I think it's good to keep that context in mind.
I'm still just trying to look at that motion, just trying to see whether we've
captured it.
Because "formally consulted," as Paul said, could be interpreted as
they have sent us the report, as they have sent it to others.
I am wondering whether it would be better council request that supporting organizations
are involved in a dialogue with ICANN staff, something like that, just to give
it a slightly different emphasis.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: You are addressing this to the board?
>>ROSS RADER: Bruce, I would like to speak.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think this is a question who we would like to address
this to.
It's the board's document; is that how you view it?
Or is it the staff's document?
>>PAUL VERHOEF: My assumption is the motion you are putting forward is
a motion you put forward to the board, wouldn't you?
Or --
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I believe that's what we would be saying, yes.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: The document itself is at the moment a staff document,
and it will be -- I don't know if Kurt is still here.
The board will be at some moment involved and sort of bless it, so to speak,
and say, yes, we concur.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: My understanding on a process side, the staff are producing
a document which the board will eventually need to approve.
As part of producing that document, the staff would need to say that we have
consulted extensively with the community and the supporting organizations in
the creation of this document.
And if I was on the board, one of the things I would be asking the question
of of staff is, who have you -- what process have you used to arrive at this
document and who has it involved?
So I guess it is appropriate for -- at this stage, because it is perhaps the
council advising the board of what the council would like to see in regards
to that dialogue.
So I think that's right, we're saying -- so we are requesting that the supporting
organizations are involved in a dialogue with ICANN staff, because it's ICANN
staff that are producing that plan.
But that plan reflects the community's view.
And then, therefore, the board is signing off on that on the basis that it does
reflect the community's wishes, is how I'd interpret that.
Do we have any other updates?
I think I'm personally okay with this wording.
But do other members of council want to comment?
>>ROSS RADER: Actually, I'm not in favor of this motion.
What I've heard from Paul is that he's invited the community formally already.
So I think we're dealing with somewhat of a moot point here.
And I'd like to move back to a slightly more tactical view of this situation
and bring back one of the suggestions that Marilyn brought up earlier, which
is, respond to the staff's invitation with direct instructions as to how we
would like to participate and provide them with that input.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yeah, that's useful, too.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: I must say I have some sympathy for it in that this motion
seems to give the impression that the staff gives the impression not to consult.
And I am hoping we can move beyond that.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Marilyn.
>>MARILYN CADE: Maybe I might just go back to what I was trying to ask
for. And perhaps we put it in the nature of a formal request.
So let's just kind of go back to that.
It seems to me that one thing that would be very helpful at this stage for all
of the supporting organizations and for the staff would be to have an interactive
And by that I mean face to face and the opportunity to be looking at the strategic
plan and consult with each other in an interactive way.
And that could be accomplished -- ideally, it would be accomplished in a day-long
I know that means travel for people, et cetera.
It could be accomplished in a day-long meeting and each of the supporting organizations
sent as many people as they could.
It could be accomplished in a painfully long conference call, with structure
and dialogue.
And at this point, what I'm really hoping to have is a dialogue where there's
a sharing of information and ideas and input.
That's what I'm trying to propose.
And I think that's generally the sense that I get from other councillors that,
they would welcome that as well.
And I think the sense I am getting from Paul, I guess, as a representative of
ICANN staff is, he's absolutely open to that and it doesn't require us to require
the board to direct staff to do that.
And I guess that's the sort of difference.
I think one of the options is that, for me, as council chair, in our report
to the board, saying that this is what was discussed, you know, we welcome the
strategic plan and the opportunity to comment on it, and the council -- it's
more of a progress report -- the council will be working with the ICANN staff
to develop an appropriate forum.
So we're not seeking a directive from the board; we're just merely reporting
on what we're doing.
>>MARILYN CADE: I just need to clarify something.
I just need to clarify something.
And I need for Paul to hear this, so I'll wait.
>> Paul.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Actually, let mark have a comment, and then --
>>MARK McFADDEN: Well, I thought what I'd do here is show that cross-supporting
organization liaison works.
I'm -- for those of you who don't know me, I'm Mark McFadden, the chair of the
address council.
And the first thing I want to do is just, point of reference, is that the address
council received the same notification and the same consultation as you did.
Paul was nice enough on the day that it was re- -- the strategic plan was released
to the public, he wrote me a note, and I received that on behalf of the address
council and sent that to the address council.
The address council has met once and has talked about -- has met one informally
and has talked about the strategic plan and how it would react to the strategic
The address council welcomes the opportunity to join in a cross-supporting organization
discussion with ICANN staff along the lines that Marilyn has talked about.
And I can say from the point of view of the address council, ICANN staff has
been very flexible in terms of how they want to actually discuss the strategic
Although staff and the chair of the address council may have some disagreements
about the strategic plan, I will say that staff has been extremely flexible
in working with us.
And so as a point of -- just to give you a point to work with, I think the address
council would be very, very willing to work jointly with the other supporting
organizations to develop, first of all, a process, and also a response to the
strategic plan.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Thanks for that comment, mark.
>>MARILYN CADE: So if I can just clarify, two things.
I didn't mean to imply there had been consultation with others.
I just didn't feel I could reply on whether anyone had been consulted.
But my real point was the intent of this consultation in my mind is to make
this consultation happen before the board approves the strategic plan.
I think that's understood.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: I think in light of everything we have heard and in
light of the assurances we have had from Paul, in light of the comment we just
heard from mark, why don't we just make this a council statement.
And what I would like to suggest is an edit, that we change the word "--
the words "council requests," to "council welcomes," and
we change "that the supporting organizations are involved," to "will
be involved," and we leave it at that. Because that's what's going to happen,
I understand.
So we're now saying insofar as the strategic plan, da da da, council welcomes
the SOs will be involved in a dialogue with ICANN staff using appropriate time
lines on this and future.
Strategic plans.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think that's fine. I don't think I need a vote on that.
I think I can simply include that as part of our report.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: No, but as a statement and just perhaps within our
minutes I think it's going to be appropriate if we all agree with that.
>>ROSS RADER: I hate to be a stickler, Philip, but certainly at least
from my constituency's perspective, we have a much broader interest than simply
policy implications. And anything that we put on the record in that regard should
probably not include at least the first half of that sentence. At least that
would be my suggested edit.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Are you saying the "albeit" statement is
too narrow for you?
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think that's my view, too. Get rid of that. I'd just
say the council welcomes that the Supporting Organizations will be involved
in a dialogue.
>>PHILIP SHEPPARD: Okay. So we delete everything within those commas.
Yeah. Okay.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Sorry, Paul.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: One last remark. I'm fine with that, but as I said before,.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: My electronics here. Sorry.
If constituents have particular remarks which are considered to go outside the
realm of the --
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Yes. They don't need to necessarily -- that's correct.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: I would suggest they go separately because I don't want
to get into the situation that the council itself starts taking on things for
which it doesn't have any responsibility.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: I think that's fair take, yeah.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Do that through other channels.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Absolutely, yeah. I think what we're really seeking is
a discussion with -- which can follow this meeting between the council and the
staff and just say what's the best way to manage the process from here. And
it could be some individual constituency meetings, which each constituency often
has different concerns, and that's probably a precursor to anything coming up
to the council anyway, so I think that's fair. And I think what Marilyn is implying
is we just need enough time to allow some of these processes to be done before
the board actually signs off on the plan. That's really the crux of it, I think.
I think my preference is to leave that statement as what we have in the minutes
and what I present to the board. I don't think we need to be -- because motions
and resolutions is implying -- we're requiring a directive. I don't think we're
requiring that.
I guess under any other business, it would be useful perhaps to get an update
from Paul Verhoef on the staff support positions and what's happening there.
>>PAUL VERHOEF: Yes, I'll be glad to do that. As you know, we are throughout
the organization recruiting at the moment now that the budget has been approved.
I think of relevance for the council is that John Jeffrey is going to have additional
staff, so that should help in providing you with continued general counsel office
advice. Kurt is recruiting and that should help with continuous verification
that of the operational implications of your discussions are taken into account.
And I'm going to have two people relevant to the GNSO. One is going to be somebody
who will coordinate in a senior position and a GNSO staff member directly. On
those two positions, the senior position, we have interviewed our final candidates,
and we will be coming to a decision shortly.
On the GNSO staff position, we're about to finalize the short list, and as soon
as I get back to Brussels, we'll hope to do the last interview.
So I hope that we can conclude with the preferred candidate say late December,
early February, and then depending on his/her availability, have the person
start shortly after.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Thank you, Paul.
Are there any questions, clarification on that? No?
Any other business? We're coming to the end of our time, I believe.
I'd just like to perhaps thank, I guess at the conclusion of this meeting it
will be, I guess, the conclusion of Amadeu's term on the council. And so on
behalf of the council, I'd like to thank Amadeu for his work on the council
in the past two years, I guess, since the council was formed under the new bylaws.
And also, we'll be welcoming a new member of council at our next meeting, which
will be Maureen C.
Did you want to comment at all, Amadeu?
>>AMADEU ABRIL i ABRIL: Well, the only thing is I wanted to ask you to
welcome Maureen on board and to bring her here. Thanks for the special gratitude.
In any case, I don't think I've been of much use during this year, but I haven't
been that noisy, either, and that's a lot for me.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Thank you. Marilyn.
>>MARILYN CADE: I would like to just contradict my colleague in one way.
I think, in fact, he has been of tremendous use in his usual role as expert
advisor, and has a unique understanding of some areas that we've all benefited
from. So I would like to join you, Bruce, in your expression of appreciation
for Amadeu's work with us.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. Thank you.
>>BRUCE TONKIN: Okay. At that point, we'll close the council meeting,
and thank everybody for attending. Thank you.
(12:23 p.m.)