We had a very productive meeting with new and existing members. NCUC represents approximately 100 organizations, noncommercial organizations, and more than 100 individuals, who, many of them, were able to join in remotely.
The Noncommercial Users Constituency discussed the issue of the UDRP review, both from a substantive and a procedural point of view. At the meeting we recognized that there are significant issues with the UDRP that need to be addressed. And for NCUC, the UDRP review is one of its priorities.
Part of these discussions was focused on the kind of time frame that needs to be regarding the review of the UDRP.
We also discussed the issue of domain name takedowns and many of the NCUC members raised significant concerns about the balance between due process and free speech and the need to take down domain names.
NCUC considers that domain name takedowns is an issue that relates to access; therefore, it is very important. And we also discussed in this regard what is or should be the role of ICANN.
We also discussed issues of global outreach and how NCUC can help ICANN -- the ICANN community to expand and become more inclusive of members, especially from the developing world. And we also discussed as part of this process also what is -- how the fellowship program exists.
Then we had the NomCom that came to give us an update on the processes, and we also have a visit from the PIR group, in particular Brian Cute and Paul Diaz, that made an introduction and we exchanged some very interesting ideas.
And finally, last but not least, we also discussed some procedural issues that concerned the constituency, especially the forthcoming elections that the noncommercial users will be holding soon, as well as issues concerning the NCUC charter.
Our meeting was only half a day because afterwards, we met as a stakeholder group.
Thank you.