Gala Event at the San Hipolito Convent

After the arrival of the Spanish, during the XVI Century, most of the architecture of what is now Mexico was shaped by the Catholic Church. Evangelization was one of the main chores, so in addition to churches, cloisters and monasteries other buildings, such as schools and hospitals, were constructed.
Such is the case of the Church of San Hipolito and the former convent next to it, where the Gala Dinner will take place. It is a colonial building in a baroque style, in a basic square shape, with a central patio surrounded by stone arches. This Colonial Monument will be a showcase for the typical Mexican folklore. Colorful decorations, mouthwatering cuisine specialties, music which makes hearts and souls dance, and a touch of Latin flavor are all ingredients of a "Mexican Fiesta", and the perfect mix for a memorable evening in this beautiful city. Be ready for a once in a lifetime experience!
Getting There: Shuttle service will be provided from Sheraton Centro Historico, beginning at 18:30.
Return: Return shuttle service will be provided to Sheraton Centro Historico
Event Sponsors: