NCUC Meeting on Whois, the new MoU, and Right to Privacy
Open to all Participants of the ICANN Meeting
Date: 05-Dec-2006
Time: 14:30 - 18:45
Room: Brasília 2
14:30 - 16:30 - International debate: ICANN, Whois, and the new MoU (in English)
Moderator: Robin Gross (IP Justice, GNSO Council, NCUC) Martin Boyle (GAC Representative, UK) Ronaldo Lemos (FGV/CTS, Brazil) Mawaki Chango (GNSO Council, NCUC) Rita Rodin (ICANN Board Member) Wendy Seltzer (ALAC)
16:30 - 16:45: break
16:45 - 18:45 - Whois and right to privacy in Latin America and the Caribbean (mostly Spanish and Portuguese, English also welcome)
Moderator: Omar Kaminski (
Erick Iriarte (Alfa-Redi, ALAC, Peru)
Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza (FGV/CTS, Brazil) Sebastián Ricciardi (ALAC,
Argentina) Jose Luis Barzallo (AEDIT, Ecuador) Christian Hess (ACDI, Costa