The Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) is one of the six constituencies of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charged with the responsibility of advising the ICANN Board on policy issues relating to the management of the domain name system.
ICANN GNSO Intellectual Property Constituency
Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 2:30 – 4:30 pm local time
Lotte Seoul Hotel, Athenee Room, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Provisional Agenda (10/20/09) (subject to change)
2:30 Call to Order, Introductions, Approval of Agenda, Appointment of Scribe
2:45 ICANN Contract Compliance Team presentations, including:
• Enforcement update
• Proxy/privacy services study, audit and related developments
• Malicious conduct issue in new gTLDs – compliance role
3:15 Updates from UDRP providers re recent developments
3:30 Next steps re new gTLD program – IPC role
a. Trademark issues (IRT report and ICANN staff proposal)
b. Other issues in new gTLD proposal
c. Preparation of IPC comments
4:00 IPC role within Commercial Stakeholder Group and Non-contracted Parties House --
a. GNSO council leadership elections
b. Further IPC review of its structure/by-laws/role
4:15 Any other business
4:25 Remarks by outgoing and incoming IPC presidents
4:30 Review of assignments and adjurnment