Board review: presentation of the draft final report of the review WG

Wed 28 Oct 2009 - 16:00 - 17:30
Crystal B (L2)

What it is |  This session will present the final draft conclusions of the Board review Working Group.  The Board review WG has considered the report from independent reviewers and –after several consultation sessions with the community- presents now its recommendations to the Structural Improvement Committee and the Board.

Why it's Important |  The session represents a unique occasion for interested members of the community to interact with the Board review WG on the conclusions of its work. The review of the ICANN Board is of an extraordinary significance for its values in terms of ICANN commitment to evolution and improvement, and this in particular consideration of the unique role plaid by the Board in the ICANN governance model.

Who should attend? | 

  • Members of the community who participated to the presentations of the independent reviewers report and of the two interim reports of the WG; they will have a further opportunity to interact with the WG and verify how their inputs were profitable for the finalization of the WG activity
  • Members of the community who could not participate to previous presentations; they will have the possibility to participate to the very crucial phase of the discussion on the reform of the Board
  • Members of the Board; they will have the possibility to hear the opinions of the community before their decision on the measures proposed by the report
Agenda Details: 
  • Roberto Gaetano (Chair Board review WG) and Marco Lorenzoni (Director, Organizational reviews): presentation of the draft report of the WG.
  • Members of the Board review WG: Amadeu Abril, Steve Goldstein, Thomas Narten, Rajasekhar Ramaraj, Rita Rodin Johnston, Jean-Jacques Subrenat: agenda items to be confirmed