Internationalising Registration Information (Whois Data)

Tue 23 Jun 2009 - 18:00 - 19:00
Function 4-5 (L4)

What it is |  Support for characters from local languages in domain name registration submission and display is an issue that affects many ICANN stakeholders, including the GNSO, CCNSO, ALAC and GAC. Collaboration across this large, diverse community is vital to defining a suitable, scalable solution.  SSAC has recently published SAC037 that examines how the use of characters from local scripts affects the Internet user experience with respect to domain name registration data submission, usage, and display.  In this session we will have open discussion of the recommendations in SAC037 and related issues.

Why it's Important |  Many Internet applications today support characters from local languages, alphabets or scripts. Domain names are poised to fully support this emerging and much-needed “internationalisation” as well. It is only natural that users will want to use characters from local scripts when they submit and view Registration Data associated with a domain name.

Who should attend? |  Registrars, registries, and other third parties who need to examine and understand the issues related to supporting characters from local scripts in the context of current and future applications that provide for the submission, usage and display of domain names and Registration Data.