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Re: Competition; was Re: [Membership] ICANN: The Issue of Membership---

a@help.org a �crit:
> This problem can be avoided by operating DNS separately from the ISP.  I
> suggest to people that they use the public DNS at granitecanyon.com as the
> primary and have the hosting service provide secondaries.  In this way the
> user has complete control and can log into granitecanyon.com and change the
> IP of their web site to a different ISP without any intervention or
> assistance from the original ISP.

An interesting suggestion. Actually, pgmedia does the same, and has a
web-based address manager whereby you can alter NS, SOA, A, CNAME, and
records yourself. Of course, probably as with granitecanyon.com, if you want
to change the primary DNS you have to do it through NSI.

BTW, I just tried granitecanyon.com's webserver, and it isn't responding.