TLD Application for .ads,
.agency, .aids, and others
(October 11, 2000)
An unsponsored TLD application has been submitted
Name.Space, Incorporated
11 East 4th Street, Second Floor
New York, New York 10003 USA
+1 212 677 4080
The TLDs requested are:
- .ads
- .agency
- .aids
- .air
- .antiques
- .art
- .artists
- .auction
- .audio
- .bbs
- .books
- .cafe
- .cam
- .card
- .cars
- .center
- .city
- .channel
- .church
- .club
- .commerce
- .computers
- .gallery
- .games
- .gay
- .graphics
- .group
- .guide
- .hotel
- .help
- .history
- .index
- .insurance
- .jazz
- .jobs
- .lab
- .mad
- .mag
- .magic
- .mail
- .market
- .media
- .men
- .monitor
- .records
- .school
- .service
- .sex
- .shoes
- .shop
- .show
- .security
- .society
- .sound
- .shareware
- .site
- .software
- .solutions
- .soup
- .space
- .sports
- .star
- .studios
- .sucks
- .systems
- .tech
- .consulting
- .culture
- .design
- .digital
- .direct
- .dtv
- .dvd
- .factory
- .fashion
- .festival
- .fiction
- .film
- .films
- .foundation
- .free
- .fun
- .fund
- .funds
- .movie
- .music
- .news
- .now
- .nyc
- .one
- .online
- .opera
- .page
- .partners
- .people
- .planet
- .politics
- .power
- .productions
- .projects
- .properties
- .radio
- .temple
- .theater
- .time
- .times
- .toys
- .trade
- .travel
- .voice
- .war
- .watch
- .weather
- .women
- .world
- .writer
- .zine
- .zone
These parts of the application are available for viewing
This applicant has responded to the questions we have posed.
To discuss this application, please use the Public
Comment Forum.
Comments concerning the layout, construction
and functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 03-November-2000
(c) 1998-2000 The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers. All rights reserved.