19 Cookridge Street Leeds LS2 3AG DX: 12020 Leeds 1 Tel: 0113 244 6100 Direct: 0113 204 5724 Fax: 0113 244 6101 malcolm.lynch@wrigleys.co.uk
ref |
ref |
MJL/AG/3435.08 |
Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names & Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina Del Rey
California 90292
Dear Sirs
.co-op TLD Application by The Cooperative League of the USA d/b/a National Cooperative Business Association and Poptel Limited
Operator’s Proposal – Section D13.4.4 Proof of Capital
We refer to the application by our client Poptel Limited for whom we have acted for over ten years. We set out the information below regarding the share capital of Poptel Limited and its additional capital facilities, which to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate at today’s date.
1. Soft Solution Limited
2. Poptel Limited
3. Poptel Worldwide Limited
4. SUM International Holdings Limited
5. Trustees of the SSL Employee Benefit Trust (“the First Subscription and Shareholders Agreement”).
Yours faithfully
Malcolm Lynch