New TLD Application Instructions
15 August 2000
(revised 1 September 2000)
New TLD Application Instructions
I1. On 16 July 2000, ICANN's
Board of Directors adopted
a policy for introduction of new Internet top-level domains (TLDs)
in a measured and responsible manner. The policy calls for submission
of proposals to sponsor or operate new TLDs by interested persons
and organizations. After public comment, these proposals will
be evaluated and a limited number of proposals will be selected
for negotiations toward agreements between ICANN and the TLD
sponsors and operators. The current goal is to complete negotiations
by 31 December 2000.
I2. The requirements for
sponsoring or operating a new TLD are very stringent. Only a
limited number of TLDs will be established in this round of applications,
and it is likely that only applications with very high qualifications
will be accepted. The non-refundable fee for having an application
even considered is US$50,000, and your own cost of formulating
a proposal and preparing an adequate application will likely
be much more that. There is no guarantee that any application
will be selected for negotiations, or that if your application
is selected you and ICANN can reach agreement on terms of agreements
leading to establishment of a TLD.
I3. Before deciding whether
to apply, we strongly recommend that you do all of the following:
I3.1. Read these instructions
completely and be sure you thoroughly understand them.
I3.2. Carefully read
the New TLD Application
Process Overview document that is posted at <http://www.icann.org/tlds/application-process-03aug00.htm>.
That document provides a general overview of the process that
will be used to select applications for negotiations toward a
suitable agreement.
I3.3. Familiarize yourself
with the Criteria for
Assessing TLD Proposals document that is posted at <http://www.icann.org/tlds/tld-criteria-15aug00.htm>.
This document summarizes some of the factors the ICANN staff
intends to consider in evaluating applications and associated
information and for making recommendations to the Board.
I3.4. Secure the professional
assistance of experts (technical, financial, legal, management
etc.) to help you evaluate the chances that your application
will be successful. If you decide to go forward with the application
process, the help of these experts will be vital in formulating
the proposal and preparing the application.
I3.5. Review all of
the application materials thoroughly to ascertain what information
you will need to assemble and what agreements you must make.
These application materials are linked from section
II below.
I3.6. Read the answers
to Frequently Asked Questions
that are posted at <http://www.icann.org/tlds/tld-faqs.htm>.
I4. To apply, you must
send a complete application to ICANN so that it arrives between
5 September and 2 October 2000. If the complete application arrives
at ICANN during this period, the date on which you submit your
application will not affect the selection process.
I5. The elements required
in the application depend on the type of TLD: sponsored or unsponsored.
The New TLD Application
Process Overview document discusses the differences between
sponsored and unsponsored TLDs. In general, those wanting to
operate unrestricted TLDs will usually want to propose an unsponsored
TLD, while restricted TLDs ordinarily should be proposed as sponsored
I6. Applications
for unsponsored TLDs. For an unsponsored TLD, a complete
application consists of all of the following elements:
I7. All five of the above
elements must be provided in hard copy. Items I6.1,
I6.2, and I6.3 must also
be provided in electronic form on one or more 3 ½"
floppy diskettes (IBM high density) or on a CD-ROM in a common
word-processing format and in HTML format.
I8. In addition, for your
application for an unsponsored TLD to be treated as complete,
you must pay the US$50,000 application in full. Your application
will only be considered upon full payment of this non-refundable
application fee. We prefer you make the payment by check, but
as an alternative you may make the payment by wire transfer.
I8.1. If you choose
to pay by check, with your application you must send a check,
drawn on a United States bank and payable to the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in the amount of 50,000
United States dollars.
I8.2. If you choose
to pay by wire transfer, you must arrange for the wire transfer
to be sent to ICANN at the following account:
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers
Account number 09141-04900
Routing indicator 121000358
Bank of America Branch 0914
4754 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA
Telephone +1/310/247-2080
Wire transfers must be received at least five business days
before we receive your application
and you must include
a wire transfer receipt or other document identifying the
wire transfer with your application.
I9. Applications
for sponsored TLDs. For a sponsored TLD, a complete application
consists of all of the following elements:
- I9.1. A completed and
signed Sponsored
TLD Application Transmittal Form.
- I9.2. A separately
bound and clearly labeled Sponsoring
Organization's Proposal, with completed and signed cover
sheet, attachments, accompanying materials. This must be prepared
by the sponsoring organization or, if the sponsoring organization
has not yet been formed, by the organization(s) or person(s)
proposing to form the sponsoring organization.
- I9.3. A separately
bound and clearly labeled Registry
Operator's Proposal, with completed and signed cover sheet,
attachments, accompanying materials. The Registry Operator's
Proposal is to be prepared by the registry operator.
- I9.4. A completed and
signed Description
of TLD Policies, with a completed and signed cover sheet,
attachments and accompanying materials. The Description of TLD
Policies for a sponsored TLD should be prepared by the sponsoring
organization or, if the sponsoring organization has not yet been
formed, by the organization(s) or person(s) proposing to form
the sponsoring organization.
- I9.5. A completed and
signed Statement
of Requested Confidential Treatment of Materials Submitted,
with any attachments.
- I9.6. A completed and
signed Sponsoring
Organization's Fitness Disclosure, with any attachments.
- I9.7. A completed and
signed Registry
Operator's Fitness Disclosure, with any attachments.
I10. All seven of the
above elements must be provided in hard copy. Items I9.1,
I9.2, I9.3, and I9.4
must also be provided in electronic form on one or more 3 ½"
floppy diskettes (IBM high density) or on a CD-ROM in a common
word-processing format and in HTML format.
I11. In addition, for
your application for a sponsored TLD to be treated as complete,
you must pay the US$50,000 application in full. Your application
will only be considered upon full payment of this non-refundable
application fee. We prefer you make the payment by check, but
as an alternative you may make the payment by wire transfer.
I11.1. If you choose
to pay by check, with your application you must send a check,
drawn on a United States bank and payable to the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in the amount of 50,000
United States dollars.
I11.2. If you choose
to pay by wire transfer, you must arrange for the wire transfer
to be sent to ICANN at the following account:
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers
Account number 09141-04900
Routing indicator 121000358
Bank of America Branch 0914
4754 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA
Telephone +1/310/247-2080
Wire transfers must be received at least five business days
before we receive your application
and you must include
a wire transfer receipt or other document identifying the
wire transfer with your application.
I12. We strongly urge
applicants to obtain the professional assistance of experts (technical,
financial, legal, management, etc.) to help formulate the proposals
and prepare the application.
I13. All applications
should be submitted on A4 or 8½" x 11" paper,
arranged and bound as stated in items I6 and
I9 of these New TLD Application Instructions
and in instructions contained in the various forms.
I14. Applications must
be submitted in English. (Copies in other languages may be included
for posting.)
I15. Carefully follow
not only these general instructions, but any instructions stated
in the application forms as well.
I16. In order to be able
to make the most educated choices of new TLDs and TLD registries,
ICANN seeks the fullest information from applicants. Thus, please
provide as much detail as possible in response to the application
questions. Be particularly attentive to providing full information
with regard to technical, financial, business and management
capabilities and registry failure provisions. Be specific both
about policies and plans for implementation of policies.
I17. Though in places
the application forms provide examples to enhance clarity, do
not consider yourself limited to the TLD models mentioned to
in the application or already in existence. The Board seeks diversity
and hopes to rely on the creative approach of the applications
to all aspects of the introduction and operation of new TLDs.
Be creative.
I18. In general, applications
should answer each request in a numbered paragraph corresponding
to the number of the question. Certain sections of the application
forms (for example, items D13.2
and D13.2.1
to D13.2.15
of the Registry Operator's Proposal) require that the applicant
submit a comprehensive plan which addresses the questions posed
in the application. For these plans, applicants need not answer
each request in a numbered paragraph corresponding to the number
of the question so long as all of the topics on which information
is requested are addressed in detail in the plan. If there is
no answer available for a particular question, please indicate
that fact next to the number corresponding to the question.
I19. ICANN seeks a group
of TLDs that will provide a vehicle for proving a diverse range
of concepts for innovative uses of the DNS. To promote diversity,
it may be advantageous to vary one or more aspects of your proposal
in view of ICANN's selection of proposals made by others. You
should therefore point out the areas where your proposal may
be varied without significantly compromising its essential points,
and you should clearly and fully describe all variations and
alternatives that would maintain the spirit of your proposal.
I20. ICANN absolutely
requires stability in all aspects of new TLD registries. Thus,
it is of the utmost importance to provide full information with
respect to the technical, financial, business and management
capabilities sections of your application.
I21. Please Note: We strongly recommend that, immediately before
you finalize your application documents and send them in, you
go to the ICANN web site and review each of the documents listed
in items I3.1 to I3.6
above. The documents listed there
(including these instructions) will be revised as appropriate
to reflect the most up-to-date information available. In particular,
you should re-read the TLD Application
Process FAQs, which will be continually revised and supplemented
as additional questions are received. You should also make a
last check of the TLD
Application Process: Information for Applicants page to see
if any links to additional materials have been added.
I22. Completed applications
should be sent by mail or courier directly to ICANN at the following
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers
New TLD Applications
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina del Rey, CA 90292 USA
I23. Applications sent
via e-mail will not be accepted. Supporting hard-copy documents,
the required electronic copies of the documents, and a check
for the non-refundable application fee (or documents identifying
a wire transfer you have already made) must accompany the application
form . To assist the ICANN staff in handling applications, we
would appreciate notification by e-mail to <tld-applications@icann.org>
when sending an application that exceeds 30 kilograms (66 pounds).
I24. The complete application,
including all forms, attachments, and accompanying materials,
along with the check for the non-refundable application fee (or
wire-transfer documentation), must be received by ICANN at its
office in Marina del Rey during the period beginning 5 September
and ending 2 October 2000. All materials must be received before
5:00 pm, California time, on 2 October 2000.
I25. ICANN intends to
evaluate applications to sponsor or operate new TLDs in as open
and transparent a manner as feasible. At the same time, however,
ICANN recognizes that to encourage applicants to provide all
documents and information relevant to the application, it is
appropriate to afford applicants the opportunity to submit legitimate
trade-secret information with a request for confidential handling
I26. Except to the extent
that it expressly agrees otherwise in writing, ICANN will be
free to disclose and use information submitted in connection
with an application in any manner and to anyone it deems appropriate.
If the applicant wishes ICANN to accord confidential treatment
to any material in its application or otherwise submitted in
connection with the application, the applicant must expressly
request confidential treatment of that material in the Statement
of Requested Confidential Treatment of Materials Submitted
that it submits. Applicants are strongly encouraged to avoid,
or at least to minimize, requests for confidential treatment
of material in applications or submitted in connection with applications.
I27. For the procedure
ICANN will use to handle requests for confidential treatment,
please carefully review section
I of the Statement of Requested Confidential Treatment of Materials
I28. As noted above,
every application must be accompanied by payment of US$50,000.
This is only an application fee to obtain consideration of this
application. The fee will not be refunded under any circumstances,
except in the event that you withdraw your application prior
to its consideration because you and ICANN do not reach an agreement
on confidential treatment of the application. (See section
I of the Statement of Requested Confidential Treatment of Materials
Submitted for details on this exception.)
I29. There is absolutely
no assurance that any application will be selected for negotiations
toward entry of an agreement with a registry operator or that,
if an application is selected, the negotiations will lead to
entry of such an agreement or establishment of a TLD. Indeed,
it is possible that ICANN will not choose to proceed with any
application or to create any new TLDs.
I30. A single application
may propose multiple TLD strings. In the event multiple TLD strings
are proposed in an application, (a) all parts of the application
must apply, without significant variation, to all of the strings
and (b) if ICANN determines in its sole discretion that one or
more parts (such as the Business
Capabilities and Plan or the Description
of TLD Policies) apply to different proposed TLD strings
in a significantly different manner, the applicant may be required
to elect which of the strings to pursue in the application.
I31. There is no limit
on the number of applications an organization may submit, but
each application must be complete on its own and must be accompanied
by the non-refundable US$ 50,000 application fee.
I32. ICANN will accept
completed applications for new TLD registries from 5 September
to 2 October 2000. Shortly after receiving your complete application,
ICANN will send an e-mail to the e-mail address listed under
A16 (for sponsored TLDs) or item
B15 (for unsponsored TLDs) of your application transmittal
I33. During the applications
period, questions regarding the new TLD application process may
be sent to <tld-applications@icann.org>.
To help provide all applicants with equitable access to information
about the process as they prepare their applications, until the
application deadline on 2 October 2000 all requests to ICANN
for information about the process or issues arising in preparation
of an application must be submitted in written form (preferrably
by e-mail). During the application period, requests for personal
or telephone consultations regarding these matters will not be
I34. Ordinarily, any
substantive responses to written questions submitted during the
application period will be posted on the ICANN web site. Those
sending questions should take this into account in framing their
I35. After the close
of the application period on 2 October 2000, ICANN staff will
be evaluating all of the applications received. This process
will involve not only reviewing what has been submitted, but
also consulting with technical, financial, business, and legal
experts and gathering additional information that may be pertinent
to the application.
I36. As needed, after
the application period is concluded the ICANN staff may gather
additional information by sending applicants e-mails asking for
the information, by conducting telephone or in-person interviews
with applicants, by attending (possibly with ICANN-retained experts)
presentations by applicants or their experts, or by other means.
These inquiries will be initiated by the ICANN staff; if you
feel a presentation to ICANN is necessary to properly present
your proposal you should suggest that in your written application.
I37. Except to the extent
that ICANN has agreed in writing to treat information confidentially,
all materials submitted in connection with applications are subject
to being posted on the ICANN web site. ICANN anticipates seeking
comments from various groups and from the public generally on
the proposals that are received.
I38. Under the current
schedule, in mid-November 2000 ICANN will announce its selections
of applications for negotiations toward agreements with registry
sponsors and operators. The current target date for completing
any negotiations is 31 December 2000.
Comments concerning
the layout, construction and functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 1-September-00.
(c) 2000 The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers All rights reserved.