Regulation of the CORE
Association on Rules and
The following regulations on rules and
procedures (the "Regulations") have been adopted
as regulations of the CORE Association on
the basis of Article 21 of the Articles of
Association. The definitions in the
Articles of Association shall have the same meaning
1. A written application for membership
shall be made to the Permanent Secretariat.
Such application shall be in the form
required by the Permanent Secretariat. The
Executive Committee shall then proceed as
set forth in Article 5 paragraph 2 of the
Articles of Association and shall be
entitled to request such further or other information
as it may deem necessary for that
2.a. An up-to-date alphabetical list of all
Members shall be maintained, and made
available to the Members, by the Permanent
Secretariat. b. Every Member is obliged to
notify its name and address, telephone,
email and fax numbers and any change thereto
to the Permanent Secretariat.
1. Unless otherwise specified in the
Articles of Association, the Plenary Meeting shall be
deemed formed only if a quorum of at least
one-third (33%) of the Members is reached.
2. The Chair shall preside as Chair at
every Plenary Meeting. In case the position of the
Chair is vacant or if the Chair is not
present within one hour after the time appointed for
holding of the Plenary Meeting or if he is unwilling to act, the Deputy-Chair
shall chair
the Meeting and if he is not present within
one hour after the time appointed for the
holding of the Plenary Meeting or is
unwilling to act, the Members present shall elect one
of their representatives to act as Chair of
the Plenary Meeting.
3. The Chair of the Plenary Meeting may,
with the consent of any Plenary Meeting at
which a quorum is present (and shall, if so
directed by the Plenary Meeting), adjourn the
Plenary Meeting from time to time and from
place to place, but no business shall be
transacted at any adjourned Plenary Meeting
other than the business left unfinished at
the Plenary Meeting from which the
adjournment took place. When a Plenary Meeting is
adjourned for 10 days or more, notice of
the adjourned Meeting shall be given as in the
case of an original Plenary Meeting. Save
as aforesaid, it shall not be necessary to give
any notice of an adjournment or of the business
to be transacted at an adjourned Plenary
4. At any Plenary Meeting, a resolution put
to the vote of the Plenary Meeting shall be
decided by consensus or on a show of hands
unless a poll is (before or on the
declaration of the result of the show of
hands) demanded: a. by the Chair of the Plenary
Meeting; or b. by at least two Members
present or represented; or c. by any Member or
Members present or represented and entitled
to cast not less than one-tenth of the votes
at the Plenary Meeting. Unless a poll is so
demanded, a ruling by the Chair of the
Plenary Meeting that a resolution has, by
consensus or on a show of hands, been carried
or carried unanimously or by a particular
majority or lost, and an entry to that effect in the
book containing the minutes of proceedings
of the Association shall be conclusive
evidence of the fact without proof of the
number or proportion of the votes recorded in
favour of or against such resolution.
5. If a poll is duly demanded it shall be
taken in such manner as the Chair of the Plenary
Meeting directs and the result of the poll
shall be deemed to be the resolution of the
Plenary Meeting at which the poll was
demanded. The demand for a poll may be
6. When there is a tie of votes, whether on
a show of hands or on a poll, the proposal is
thus rejected.
7. A poll demanded on the election of a
Chair, or on a question of adjournment, shall be
taken forthwith. A poll demanded on any
other question shall be taken at such time as
the Chair of the Plenary Meeting directs,
and any business other than that upon which a
poll has been demanded may proceed pending
the taking of the poll.
8.a. Resolutions of the Plenary Meeting may
also be adopted by written procedure,
except for resolutions as referred to in
Article 6 paragraph 8, Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the
Articles of Association. b. The Executive
Committee, through the Permanent Secretariat,
shall give notice to every Member of the
intention to seek a decision by written procedure.
Such notice shall include the full text of
the proposal or the terms of decision. c. A
Member shall have seven days from receipt
of the notice in which to notify the Executive
Committee in writing, via the Permanent
Secretariat, whether or not it approves of the
proposed decision. In the event that a
Member fails or neglects to reply within these
seven days it shall be deemed to have
abstained. d. A decision by written procedure of
the Members shall be deemed to be taken if
a majority of not less than 67% of the votes
actually cast, of the Members entitled to
vote pursuant to the Articles of Association, are
cast in favour of such decision.
9.a. The proceedings of a Plenary Meeting
shall be recorded in minutes, which contain
the date, time and place of the Plenary
Meeting, the name of the Members present or
represented, the name of the individuals
present, the agenda, proposals, a summary of
relevant discussions, a list of meeting
documents presented, details of proposals passed,
and if appropriate, details of voting and
details of any objections to voting. b. The minutes
shall be written by the Permanent
Secretariat within a reasonable time after a Plenary
Meeting. c. The minutes shall be
provisionally approved by the Chair and forwarded for
distribution to all Members within a
reasonable time, but not exceeding four weeks
following the Plenary Meeting. Objections
to the minutes and proposals for amendments
must be made in writing within one month
after receiving the minutes. If no objections are
received the minutes are deemed adopted. If
objections are made, the next Plenary
Meeting shall consider such objections and
adopt the minutes having made such
amendments as may be appropriate.
1. No objection shall be raised to the
qualification of any Member to cast its vote(s)
except verbally at the Plenary Meeting or
adjourned Plenary Meeting at which the vote
objected to is given or tendered, and every
vote not disallowed at such Plenary Meeting
shall be valid for all purposes. Any such
objection made in due time shall be referred to
the Chair of the Plenary Meeting whose
decision shall be final and conclusive.
2. Members may propose to the Plenary
Meeting appropriate policy positions and
decisions to be adopted by the Plenary
1. Documents authorizing a Membr to
represent another member by proxy shall be
signed by the authorizing member, and shall
be produced on demand by a Member.
2. The document appointing a proxy shall be
deemed to confer authority to demand or
join in demanding a poll. A proxy shall not
be entitled to cast the votes of more than ten
Members (including itself).
3. A vote given in accordance with the
terms of a proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the
previous revocation of the proxy or of the
authority under which the proxy was executed, if
no intimation in writing of such revocation
as aforesaid is received be-fore the
commencement of the Plenary Meeting or
adjourned Plenary Meeting at which the proxy
is used.
1. The Executive Committee: a. may propose
to the Plenary Meeting appropriate policy
positions and decisions to be adopted by
the Association; b. may admit new Members
and propose to the Plenary Meeting the
expulsion of existing Members; c. may propose
to the Plenary Meeting matters concerning
the dissolution of the Association; d. may
propose to the Plenary Meeting amendments
to the Articles of Association; e. may
appoint authorized signatories of the
Association; f. may appoint advisors to advise it on
the discharge of its duties. In a case
where this involves payment to a third party, the
budgetary provision must be agreed in
advance by a Plenary Meeting; g. shall propose
the work programme and the budget and shall
propose for acceptance the accounts to
the Plenary Meeting; h. shall prepare the
Executive Committee's annual report and
present it at a Plenary Meeting; i. shall
present annually the audited balance sheet,
reports (including staffing details) and
accounts for the approval of the Annual Meeting; j.
shall, when necessary, communicate general
policy as determined by the Plenary
Meeting or by a Working, Regional or
Interest Group to the press and other media; k.
shall report to each Plenary Meeting on its
activities and those of its members or
delegates since the last Plenary Meeting;
l. shall supervise the operation of the Working,
Regional and Interest Groups; m. shall
discharge such other functions as are assigned to
it by the Articles of Association, these
Regulations and/or the Plenary Meeting.
2. The Executive Committee shall be
entitled to assign, under its responsibility, certain
parts of its duties to the Chair, the
Deputy-Chair, the Permanent Secretariat, or to
committees to be appointed by it.
3. The Executive Committee shall require
approval of the Plenary Meeting for decisions
to: a. without prejudice to the provision
under b. below, enter into legal transactions and
to make expenditure exceeding an amount of
US$50.000 as decided upon by the Plenary
Meeting; b. i. hire, let or in another
manner acquire or give the use or benefit of real
property; ii. enter into agreements whereby
the Association is granted a bank credit; iii.
lend as well as borrow moneys, with the
exception of taking up moneys under a bank
credit granted to the Association; iv. be a
party to legal proceedings, including the
conducting of arbitration proceedings, with
the exception of taking measures which are of
a conservatory or urgent nature; v. enter
into and change employment contracts.
1. The members of the Executive Committee
may meet for the dispatch of business,
adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings
as they think fit. Questions arising at any
meeting shall be decided by an absolute
majority of the votes cast. In a meeting of the
Executive Committee each member of the
Executive Committee shall have one vote.
Meetings shall be chaired by the Chair, and
in its absence by the Deputy-Chair. Where
there is a tie of votes, the Chair of the
Meeting shall have a second or casting vote. A
member of the Executive Committee may at
any time summon a meeting of the
members of the Executive Committee.
2. The quorum necessary for the transaction
of the business of the members of the
Executive Committee shall be two-thirds of
the number of members of the Executive
3. Minutes will be kept of the proceedings
at each meeting of the Executive Committee,
whether held in person, by telephone, video
conference, Internet conferencing methods or
other similar means of communication, by
the Permanent Secretariat. The minutes shall
be provisionally approved by the Chair and
forwarded for distribution to all the members of
the Executive Committee within a reasonable
time. Objections to the minutes and
proposals for amendments must be made in
writing within two weeks after receiving the
minutes. If no objections are received the
minutes are deemed adopted. If objections are
made, the next Executive Committee meeting
shall consider such objections and adopt
the minutes having made such amendments as
may be appropriate.
4. Further rules in respect of the meeting
and resolutions of the Executive Committee
may be given in rules to be approved by the
Plenary Meeting.
5. A resolution in writing, signed by all
members of the Executive Committee for the time
being entitled to receive notice of a
meeting of the members of the Executive Committee,
shall be as valid as if it had been passed
at a meeting of the members of the Executive
Committee duly convened and held.
6. Any member of the Executive Committee
may participate in a meeting of the members
of the Executive Committee by means of
telephone, video conference or other similar
means of communication whereby all persons
participating in the meeting may hear each
other speak. Participation by a meeting in
this manner shall constitute presence in
person at such meeting. Minutes of the
meeting, including where held by
telecommunications link, shall be taken and
1. The Executive Committee shall be
assisted by the Permanent Secretariat.
2. The Permanent Secretariat is headed by a
Co-ordinator appointed by the Plenary
Meeting. The Permanent Secretariat can (but
need not) be manned by persons employed
by the Association.
3. The location of the Permanent
Secretariat shall be determined by the Plenary Meeting.
1. The Permanent Secretariat shall have no
decision making powers beyond those
necessary for the management of the
Permanent Secretariat.
2. The Permanent Secretariat shall carry
out the tasks that are entrusted to it in order to
secure the good administration of the work
according to the Articles of Association and
the Regulations and as instructed by the
Plenary Meeting and/or by the Executive
3. The Permanent Secretariat shall: a.
prepare the draft annual budget to be presented by
the Executive Committee to the Plenary
Meeting each year; b. account for the
administration and finances of the
Association to the Executive Committee; c. prepare
annually the audited balance sheet, reports
(including staffing details) and accounts to be
presented by the Executive Committee to the
Annual Meeting; d. prepare the minutes of
Plenary Meetings and keep those minutes
with annexes, together with Permanent
Reference Documents, in files for a minimum
period of five years, provided that all
documents relating to financial matters (including,
but not limited to, accounts, financial
statements, correspondence and agreements
having an impact on the accounts and/or
the balance sheet) must be kept for ten
years, and further provided that all Permanent
Reference Documents in their latest version
are at all times kept in files; e. prepare the
Permanent Secretariat's annual report to be
presented to the Executive Committee; f.
present activity reports to the Executive
Committee and communicate regularly with the
Executive Committee within its area of
responsibility; g. maintain an up-to-date list of all
Members; h. maintain a list of up-to-date
Permanent Reference Documents ("PRDocs").
This list shall indicate the status and
development of PRDocs; i. maintain a PRDoc
procedure concerning PRDoc version change
control; j. maintain an up-to-date list of
each Working Regional and Interest Group
Chair's name, address, telephone and fax
numbers; k. advise the host member in
organising Plenary Meetings and provide such
sup-port as is reasonably required; l.
receive and handle applications for membership in
accordance with Article 5 paragraph 2 of
the Articles of Association; m. prepare
amendments and updates of the vote and cost
allocations to be presented to the
Executive Committee; n. discharge such
other tasks as may be assigned to it by the
Plenary Meeting, the Chair or the Executive
Committee or the Articles of Association or
the Regulations.
4. The Permanent Secretariat may with the
prior consent of the Executive Committee
appoint advisors to advise it on the
performance of its duties. The fees of such ad-visors
must be provided for in the annual budget
to be approved by the Plenary Meeting.
1. The Plenary Meeting shall decide on the
appointment (including term of office) of the
Co-ordinator and other senior executives
from a list of candidates presented by the
Executive Commit-tee.
2. The post of the Co-ordinator of the
Permanent Secretariat, if vacant, shall first be
advertised within the membership.
3. The Executive Committee shall issue
guidelines to the Permanent Secretariat in
respect of the administration of financial
matters such as the signing of checks, payment
of invoices and administration of bank
1. Working Groups may be appointed by the
Plenary Meeting.
2. The Plenary Meeting shall define the
terms of reference for each Working Group at the
time of its establishment and revise such
terms of reference when necessary.
3. All costs incurred in making a person
available to sit on a Working Group shall be
borne by the Member which employs or nominates that person unless
otherwise decided
by the Plenary Meeting.
4. The terms of reference of each Working
Group shall include: a. the precise task of the
Working Group; b. the time scale for
submission of progress reports to the Plenary
Meeting; c. the nature of the required
output; d. the overall time scale; and e. if
necessary, the names of third parties which
the Working Group may consult and a
budget for the professional fees and
expenses of such third parties.
5. The Chair of each Working Group shall
notify the Permanent Secretariat of its name,
address, telephone and fax numbers, and any
changes thereto.
6. Working Groups shall operate under such
rules of procedure as may be determined by
the Plenary Meeting from time to time. The
mandate of each Working Group shall be
limited to a period of two years. The Chair
of each Working Group shall be appointed by
the Plenary Meeting for a period of two
7. Each Working Group shall consist of
experts nominated by the Members which
experts' expertise shall be relevant to the
tasks entrusted to the Working Group. Each
expert shall be an employee or authorized
representative of the nominating Member.
Persons who are not employed by Members
shall not be entitled to attend Working
Group Meetings. Exceptionally, when the
task of a Working Group so requires, on the
recommendation of the Chair or member of
the Working Group, experts who are not
employed by Members may participate in
Working Groups, subject to the agreement of
the Chair of the Working Group. The Working
Group shall co-ordinate the participation by
such persons.
8. The costs incurred in making available
the services of a person who is not employed
by a Member nor by the Association shall be
certified by the Chair of the Working Group
and paid by the Permanent Secretariat. The
categorization of such costs as costs to be
funded by Voluntary or Compulsory
Contributions shall be a matter for the Plenary
9. A group of Members in a certain region,
which group is not appointed by the Plenary
Meeting as a Working Group, and which group
of Members contributes to the objectives
of the Association, may be recognized and
established by the Plenary Meeting as a
Regional Group, having those rights as
approved by the Plenary Meeting. The Chair of
such a Regional Group shall have the title
of Vice-Chair.
10. A group of Members with a special
interest, which group is not appointed by the
Plenary Meeting as a Working Group, and
which group of Members contributes to the
objectives of the Association, may be
recognized and established by the Plenary Meeting
as an Interest Group, having those rights as
approved by the Plenary Meeting. The Chair
of such an Interest Group shall also have
the title of Vice-Chair.
11. Where in this Article 10 reference is
made to a Member, this reference shall be
deemed to include a subsidiary or other
affiliated company of a Member.
1. Member's Compulsory and/or Voluntary
Contributions for any year - save in the case of
new Members - shall be based on the
up-to-date list of Members as at the date of the
Plenary Meeting at which the budget was
2. The Permanent Secretariat shall invoice
each Member for the amount of its annual
Compulsory and, as the case may be,
Voluntary Contribution.
3. All contributions of Members are payable
in full 60 days after the date of invoice, or
after such period as the Plenary Meeting
may designate.
4. If any Member's contribution shall not
have been received within one month of the due
date, the Member in default shall pay
interest at the rate of (15) per cent per annum, such
interest to accrue from day to day, from
the due day until receipt of the payment into the
Association's bank account.
5. All expenditures outside approved budget
shall be referred for prior approval to the
Plenary Meeting.
6. Invoices in respect of approved
expenditure of Working Groups and other payments
(certified by a member of the Working
Group) shall be submitted to the Permanent
Secretariat for payment
1. Documents prepared and issued under the
authority of the Articles of Association may
be Binding or Non-Binding on the Members.
The availability of these documents may be
Restricted to Members or they may be
2. In general, Binding Documents shall come
into effect immediately after approval by the
Plenary Meeting. The Plenary Meeting may
stipulate a transition period where it
considers such necessary.
3. The contents of a Non-Binding document
are for information purposes only.
4. A Restricted Document is generally not
for distribution to non-Members. The
availability of a Restricted Document to
non-Members shall be determined under the
Restricted Document Procedures issued by
the Plenary Meeting.
5. Restricted Special Documents can only be
made available, even to Members, under
control of a special procedure and under
special conditions (if any) determined by the
Plenary Meeting.
6. An UnRestricted document may be
distributed without any restriction.
7. Meeting Documents are those documents
which are presented at Plenary Meetings or
Working Group Meetings as proposals,
specifications or for information purposes.
8. Permanent Reference Documents are
documents issued by, approved by or noted by
the Plenary Meeting as such documents.
9. Subject to the exercise by the Plenary
Meeting of its right to categorise or
re-categorise, documents shall be
categorised as UnRestricted, Restricted or Restricted
Special by the Member, members of the
Executive Committee, Working Group, or
Plenary Meeting which prepared, issued or
approved the document.
10. Members shall take all reasonable steps
which are necessary in their countries to
protect the copyright and confidentiality
of Association documents and in the event that
registration is necessary for such
protection, shall without delay inform the Permanent
Secretariat for consideration by the
Executive Committee.
Each Member agrees that the Association, its staff, the Members, the members of
Executive Committee, the members of the
Working Groups, shall be immune from all
liability in respect of any loss or damage
suffered by a Member in reliance on any advice
or information, in whatever form, published
or given by the Association, the Plenary
Meeting, the members of the Executive
Committee, Working Groups and the staff of the
Association or any Member, in the
performance of its duties to the Association.
2. Unless required by law, court order or
by order of a governmental authority or other
telecommunication administration having
supervisory power over a Member in relation to
Registrar activities, or unless
specifically marked for disclosure to the public, press,
media or selected third parties, any advice
information, in whatever form, is provided by
the Association, its staff, the Plenary
Meeting, the members of the Executive Committee,
the Working Groups, to the Members for the
use of Members only. Any Member who
discloses any such advice or information,
in whatever form, to any third party, shall
indemnify the Association against any
liability, claims, loss, damage, cost or expenses
arising out of any such third party relying
on such advice or information.