ICANN Registry Proposal
Registry Operator's Proposal - BUSINESS CAPABILITIES AND PLAN
D13.1.4. Registry/database/Internet
related experience and activities. Experience with database
operation, Internet service provision.
WebVision has been software, systems and a network integrator for over 15 years. During this period we have acquired valuable knowledge in Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs), as well as large Relational Databases, Enterprise-class hardware, Operating Systems and the necessary billing and support systems. We understand what it takes technically to build database systems and networks and provide end-to-end support for mission-critical applications. This is mainly because we have knowledge of the details and have experienced the reality of providing the technology and support first-hand. This knowledge is our true backbone and the trends in technology and standards convergence are definitely making things easier and more manageable for us.
For example, in the last 12 months alone, WebVision has designed, developed, and deployed large-scale database-driven eCommerce solutions for companies such as: Sotheby's, Carday, eAmigo, Toshiba, Global Computers, eNom, and several other leading companies. Each one of these systems was designed to survive 24-7 365 days a year robust business operations with optimized performance. These systems use Oracle, SQL Server, and IBM DB2 relational databases with full clustering, load balancing, and remote backups.
In addition to developing and deploying databases, WebVision has deep expertise in optimizing, performance tuning and monitoring these databases. In the Internet arena, the design of the database and capacity planning are essential to ensure the ability of the database to sustain unpredictable and potentially rapid growth. In response to this ongoing growth and capacity challenge, WebVision has carefully-designed system and management performance tools and services for its customers.
System Monitoring & Performance Tuning Capabilities
WebVision has experience in performance analysis for each element in the Operating System, WebServer, Database and the Applications. In this regard, we offer a service that is specially tuned to provide in-depth metrics and intelligence to more effectively find and fix the root cause of problems or other performance issues. This service covers:
- All major WebServers
- All major Relational Databases
- Selected Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) applications, selected Groupware and e-Mail systems
- Middleware and Transaction Servers
- Most Operating systems
Database Systems Optimization Capabilities
Our Database Administration services Manages heterogeneous relational databases across multiple platforms.
The service includes the following offerings to meet a variety of optimization needs:
- Database Structural Analysis
- Space Management
- Database Defragmentation
- Data Migration
- Database Backup and Recovery
- Database Analysis
- Database Optimization
- Database Administration
Database Administrators (DBA) at WebVision IDCs monitor and manage everything from a single location. With DB Optimization services, we can add predictive capabilities to both the performance and optimization pieces of ManagePoint (our network and systems management package), thus resolving problems before they occur.
In addition, Business Process Views in our ManagePoint software shows related information as it correlates to a particular business process rather than a technology. For example, this could give customers a single view of all applications, database servers, and components associated with an e-Commerce order-entry system. Therefore, if this particular system slows down the IT manager can that much more quickly identify � and fix � the problem.
Operational requirements for conducting e-business and e-commerce today are quickly outgrowing conventional systems management solutions. WebVision is pioneering a new breed of e-business systems management that provides Internet based and 'always-online' companies with a complete outsourced alternative for their e-business systems management. We believe WebVision has a unique business model and to our knowledge, there is an extreme shortage of resource for truly world-class management of mission-critical e-commerce and e-business systems.