ICANN Registry Proposal
Registry Operator's Proposal - BUSINESS CAPABILITIES AND PLAN
D13.2.12. Expected revenue associated with the operation of
the proposed registry. Please show how expected revenue is computed at each
estimated demand level.
D13.2.12.1. 90% Confidence Scenario (worst case)
Revenue (in $000's) at 90% Confidence
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Digital Mobile Phones |
$2,234 |
$7,691 |
$13,083 |
$23,193 |
NetTVs |
110 |
451 |
843 |
1,508 |
Internet Screenphones |
14 |
52 |
100 |
197 |
Internet Gaming Devices |
74 |
411 |
897 |
1,591 |
Web Terminals |
3 |
20 |
71 |
227 |
Internet Smart Handheld Devices |
32 |
179 |
485 |
1,250 |
Other |
1 |
6 |
16 |
37 |
Total |
$2,468 |
$8,810 |
$15,495 |
$28,002 |
Registry Operator Portion |
$2,130 |
$2,422 |
$2,849 |
$3,345 |
Sponsor Portion |
$338 |
$6,389 |
$12,647 |
$24,657 |

The total revenue per year for the registry is calculated by multiplying Group One Registrys market share of the information appliance installed base by the $5 average price per registered domain name described in Sections D13.2.2 and D13.2.3. We use the installed base of information appliances in our calculation because the domain name fee will be renewable annually.
These total revenues will be collected at the Sponsoring Organization level. The Sponsoring Organization will then pay the Registry Operator $0.50 per registered domain name subject to a minimum monthly payment of approximately $ 178,000. The minimum monthly payment has been set in this model to cover the minimum registry operator operating costs. This minimum monthly payment will be increased on an annual basis for cost inflation. In the 90% Confidence level scenario, revenues increase from $ 2.1 million in 2001 to $ 3.3 million in 2004 for the Registry Operator, and from $300,000 to $24.7 million in 2004 for the Sponsoring Organization. See Section C12 in the Sponsoring Organizations proposal for the pro-forma revenues and expenses of the Sponsoring Organization.
Group One Registry will establish a fund from positive net income generated by the registry for the general betterment of the internet and to help improve the Internets infrastructure and public outreach. The formula currently contemplated and modeled calls for a ranging percentage of cumulative net income to be contributed to the fund at the amount of $0 for cumulative net income less than $5 million up to 35% once cumulative net income reaches $100 million. See Section C12 in the Sponsoring Organizations proposal for projected funding amounts through 2004.
D13.2.12.2. 50% Confidence Scenario (base case)
Revenue (in $000's) at 50% Confidence
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Digital Mobile Phones |
$4,305 |
$13,750 |
$23,389 |
$41,462 |
NetTVs |
211 |
807 |
1,507 |
2,696 |
Internet Screenphones |
27 |
92 |
179 |
352 |
Internet Gaming Devices |
143 |
734 |
1,604 |
2,844 |
Web Terminals |
5 |
36 |
126 |
405 |
Internet Smart Handheld Devices |
61 |
320 |
868 |
2,235 |
Other |
2 |
11 |
28 |
66 |
Total |
$4,754 |
$15,750 |
$27,701 |
$50,060 |
Registry Operator Portion |
$2,130 |
$2,422 |
$2,849 |
$5,006 |
Sponsor Portion |
$2,624 |
$13,328 |
$24,852 |
$45,054 |

The total revenue per year for the 50% Confidence scenario is calculated as in the 90% Confidence scenario as projected demand multiplied by an average subscription price of $5. In the 50% Confidence level scenario, the revenues increase from $ 2.1 million in 2001 to $ 5 million in 2004 for the Registry Operator. See Section C12 in the Sponsoring Organizations proposal for the pro-forma revenues and expenses of the Sponsoring Organization.
D13.2.12.3. 10% Confidence Scenario (best case)
Revenue (in $000's) at 10% Confidence
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Digital Mobile Phones |
$6,150 |
$19,957 |
$34,490 |
$62,119 |
NetTVs |
302 |
1,171 |
2,223 |
4,040 |
Internet Screenphones |
39 |
134 |
264 |
528 |
Internet Gaming Devices |
204 |
1,066 |
2,365 |
4,260 |
Web Terminals |
7 |
53 |
186 |
607 |
Internet Smart Handheld Devices |
88 |
464 |
1,280 |
3,348 |
Other |
2 |
16 |
42 |
98 |
Total |
$6,792 |
$22,860 |
$40,849 |
$75,000 |
Registry Operator Portion |
$2,130 |
$2,422 |
$4,085 |
$7,500 |
Sponsor Portion |
$4,662 |
$20,438 |
$36,764 |
$67,500 |

Again, the total revenue per year for the 10% Confidence scenario is calculated as in the 90% Confidence scenario as projected demand multiplied by an average subscription price of $5. In the 10% Confidence level scenario, the revenues increase from $2.1 million to $7.5 million for the Registry Operator. See Section C12 in the Sponsoring Organizations proposal for the pro-forma revenues and expenses of the Sponsoring Organization.