ICANN Registry Proposal
Registry Operator's Proposal - TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES AND PLAN
D15.2.1. General
description of proposed facilities and systems. Address all
locations of systems. Provide diagrams of all of the systems
operating at each location. Address the specific types of systems
being used, their capacity, and their interoperability, general
availability, and level of security. Describe in detail buildings,
hardware, software systems, environmental equipment, Internet
connectivity, etc.
WebVision Torrance Internet Data Center - See Photos
The WebVision Internet Data Center in Torrance, California (USA) is approximately 26,000 square feet. The WebVision Internet Data Center is located on the West Side of Los Angeles area in Torrance because of the seismic stability and composition of the soil. The facility has one of the only accelerometer (seismograph) in the area with accelerometers located on the ground, 1st, 4th, 8th floors, and on the roof to measure and monitor building movement.

WebVision Internet Data Centers Logical Diagram

Existing and Q1 2001 Network Connectivity

Planned Q4 2001 Initial Network
Electrical and Power Systems
All power in the IDC is passed through a fully redundant Liebert 1000KVA Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system with two 500KVA parallel UPS. The UPS system feeds five Power Distribution Units (PDU), which feed all network and systems, and critical office areas in the facility. The Internet Data Centers Physical Security consists of seven layers, to include 24/7/365 Security Staff at multiple internal posts, Access Control Systems, Electronic Perimeter Intrusion System, and Video Surveillance.
Environmental Systems
All Webvision Data Centers use Liebert HVAC systems. The Torrance IDC air conditioning system is zoned into four self-contained areas: (1) the Computer Room, (2) the UPS and Battery Rooms, (3) the NOC and office/common spaces, and (4) the Telecommunications Room. Each of these zones is supported by 8 to 20-ton under-floor (e.g., the conditioned air is forced and vented under the raised flooring) Liebert Series 3000 Air Conditioners, and augmented by a 40-ton Trane System located on the roof for supplemental air forced through ducting above the ceiling. Current total capacity is 268 tons.
Fire Suppression Systems
A FIKE Fire Suppression System (Halon 1301) is the primary system providing coverage for the UPS, Battery, Telecommunications, and Computer Rooms. Smoke detectors are located in:
Above Ceiling
Computer Room
Telco & UPS/Battery Rooms
A Pre-Action Sprinkler system is the secondary fire suppression system for the Computer, Telco, and UPS/Battery Rooms with a double interlocked, supervised, dry system using a deluge valve controlled by an electric release systems and pneumatic system pressure. The electric detector system must actuate and a sprinkler must fuse before water will enter the system. The office areas are covered by a wet-pipe Sprinkler System. All are tied into the building Fire Control Panel for Central-Station monitoring.
Water Detection System
A Raychem TraceTek Water Detect System is deployed throughout the Computer, Telco, and UPS/Battery Rooms.
Raised Floors and Seismic Stabilization
Located on the ground floor, the entire facility employs an 18-inch DONN All-Steel and SolidFeel Raised Floor Panel System with seismic stabilization throughout. Floor panels are Severn Model 75, rated for a concentrated load of 1250 lbs.
The key to WebVisions security is security in depth. The Physical Security Program consists of seven layers, to include 24/7/365 Security Staff located at multiple posts, Visitor/Escort Control procedures, Access Control Systems, Electronic Perimeter Intrusion System, and Video Surveillance.
WebVision Research Triangle Park Internet Data Center - See Photos
The WebVision Internet Data Center in Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina (USA) is approximately 36,000 square feet. The WebVision Internet Data Center has 18,000 square feet of raised floor data center and 16,000 square feet of office spaces with 50 offices. The IDC is located on 9 acres of land.
Electrical and Power Systems
All power in the IDC is passed through a 750 KVA Exide Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and 225 KVA MGE UPS system. The UPS system feeds four Power Distribution Units (PDU) for all network, systems, and critical office areas in the facility. A 750 KVA Diesel Generator that has an automatic transfer switch in the event of a power outage backs up the UPS systems. The IDC also has an onsite Facility Engineer to monitor and maintain all facility equipment.
Environmental Systems
All Webvision Data Centers use Liebert HVAC systems. The raised floor areas are covered with five 20-ton Liebert units that circulate air throughout. The office areas are cooled with a chilled water closed loop system. The current total cooling capacity is 400 tons.
Fire Suppression Systems
A Kidde Pegasys addressable fire protection system and Halon 1301 is the primary fire suppression system providing coverage for the offices and the raised floor areas. The Diesel generator and Battery Rooms have heat and flame detectors along with a Wet-pipe Sprinkler System. The office areas are also covered by a wet-pipe sprinkler system. These systems are all tied into the main fire panel and a dialing unit that will call the fire department.
Water Detection System
A Liebert TraceTek Water Detect System is deployed throughout the raised floor area and is tied to a Liebert Site Scan computer system for monitor all equipment throughout the facility 24/7.
Raised Floors and Seismic Stabilization
The access floor tiles in the IDC are 2x2 panels and the IDC is a fully hardened facility. The air conditioning and PDUs are mounted on seismic stands.
The key to WebVisions security is security in depth. The Physical Security Program consists of seven layers, to include 24/7/365 Security Staff located at multiple posts, Visitor/Escort Control procedures, and state of the art Access Control, Electronic Perimeter Intrusion, and Video Surveillance Systems.

Typical WebVision datacenter footprint and features