ICANN Registry Proposal
Registry Operator's Proposal - TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES AND PLAN
D15.2.13. System
recovery procedures. Procedures for restoring the system
to operation in the event of a system outage, both expected and
unexpected. Identify redundant/diverse systems for providing
service in the event of an outage and describe the process for
recovery from various types of failures, the training of technical
staff who will perform these tasks, the availability and backup
of software and operating systems needed to restore the system
to operation, the availability of the hardware needed to restore
and run the system, backup electrical power systems, the projected
time for restoring the system, the procedures for testing the
process of restoring the system to operation in the event of
an outage, the documentation kept on system outages and on potential
system problems that could result in outages.
Business systems can fail from natural or induced disasters. These can take many forms:
- Computer Virus
- Hacker Attacks
- Denial of Service Attacks
- Other Intrusion and Security compromise that makes systems unusable
- Power outages & Power Surges
- Fire
- Network outages
- Human Error
- Bombings & Terrorist attacks
- Burst water pipe
- Air conditioning failure
- Hardware or/and Software Error
- Employee Sabotage
- Insect Damage
- Storm Damage & Flooding
- Hurricanes & Earthquakes
- LandLord & Lease Problems
- Strikes by employees
- Problems with Telecommunications hardware
- Severe weather
- Hazardous waste-related disasters
WebVision has Comprehensive Business Recovery & Resumption Services for restoring the systems to operation in the event of any system outage, both expected and unexpected caused by any of the above incidents.
WebVisions provides expertise for comprehensive disaster recovery to help both web vision and organization maintain their routine functions and applications in the event of a business interruption.
WebVision has one of the most modern IDCs that also function as business continuity facilities in the US with currently 2.5 Data Centers growing to more than 16 by by the year 2002. Each IDC acts as a Hot Restart Site, and a backup-up to other IDCs and systems within that IDC. All aspects of disaster recovery are implemented across the entire network, including network transport recovery, work area recovery', quick-ship, continuity planning, and equipment replacement.
Redundant Data-Centers: Our Redundant Data Centers are distributed across different geography and time zones and function as Hot Restart Sites for each other and for our corporate customers. We offer fully functional computing environments to our clients that are available for use almost instantly.
Hot Restart: These are services provided by WebVision to customers with systems hosted WebVision IDCs. Hot restart services allow a customer to instantly bring alive a duplicate set of systems to replace otherwise damage or compromised systems by any kind of disaster. Hot restart services are offere in conjuntion with EMCs SRDF software and ADIC anymedia robit library.

EMCs SAN storage system in our Torrance, CA data center.
Cold Restart is available for any computing platform to our customers; Cold Start can be provided as a recovery solution in its own right, for users of systems not covered by hot restart offerings and whose applications are less time critical.
By identifying the vital business resources, processes, applications, technology and data, we can help our customers determine what resources need to be recovered and how quickly they must be recovered. This is a process that is implemented when we engage a customer who requires these services. In the case of Group One Registry, WebVision will assist the registry to identify key processes, systems and data and WebVision will establish an SLA and take on the responsibility to implement the procedures to meet those SLAs. Typically a disaster recovery strategy forces a company to understand what is at stake: How much would a one-hour system outage cost your company? What if the outage extended to a day
or a week? How much credibility would you lose with your customers? How much market share market share would you lose to your competitors? WebVision will offer valuable information to Group One to answer these questions.
A recovery strategy will also show what you have to gain: A competitive advantage by getting you back in business quickly with little, or no, service delay for your customers. For Group One Registry it means enhanced image and expanded market share among other direct benefits.
Recovery Strategy & Plan
Knowing what to recover, how to recover, and who can help you recover is only the beginning. Group One Registry will have a comprehensive plan that details their precise course of action in the event of a disaster. A plan that they can depend on. This plan then must be put it into action by testing it, refining it, and testing it again. This way there is a known factor if that the plan works when really needed.
WebVision will offer the registry an effective recovery plan in a living document form - intended to be reviewed, revisited and rewritten as things change. Things like a business technology environment, markets, customer's expectations, etc. Our recovery plan will offer reliability that parallels the increasingly competitive, fast-paced world. A plan that is flexible enough to accommodate changes that seem to be coming at a relentless rate. We know that the ability to recover is only as good as the recovery plan.
The mission of WebVision's Disaster Recovery Program is to Provide Unparalleled Disaster Recovery Solutions for our customers hosted applications, and in this regard, offer the registry:
- Support of the many technologies that will be implemented which include state-of-the-art hardware, disk storage, telecommunications and associated peripherals to meet specific processing requirements.
- Provide a total recovery solution tailored to WebVisions and the registrys custom needs.
- Provide a total recovery environment, including support for the registrys technology, applications & people.
- Provide the registry access to multiple recovery centers through our distributed IDCs and deliver disaster recovery with proven inter-site reciprocal backup between nodes.
Comprehensive Business Recovery & Resumption Services
Web Vision will help Group One Registry manage the entire process of restoring and relocating the business. The main services offered will include hot restart, cold start, off-site data storage, business resumption planning, real-time recovery, standby processing, and equipment quick ship.
Off-Site Data Storage
We will provide off-site data storage for regular routine backups as well as for escrow purposes.
As a new breed of IDCs and hosted application service provider, WebVision is willing to conduct and make public an independent audit of our disaster recovery and business continuity service offering - thus lending credibility to us as a premier provider of total business recovery solutions. WebVision will welcome an audit by ICANN once the backup and recovery plan for the registry is in place.
Comprehensive Business Recovery Strategy & Planning Services
Business resumption planning: This service offers company-wide business resumption plan development; simulated disaster testing; physical security reviews & consulting services for disaster & recovery plan development.
- Plan Development
- Pinpoint company's key information assets
- Determine the best way to protect them
- Plan Testing
- Plan Maintenance
- Business Recovery Audit
- Recovery Management Services
- Client/Server Software & Systems Recovery
- Equipment Quickship
- eMail & Content distribution Services
Realtime Recovery
WebVision will provide for real-time recovery through electronic vaulting by the year 2000. This technology that failed to achieve the market impact expected at its introduction during the late 1980s is now mature and easy to implement. We expect to introduce Continuous Availability Services (CAS) within the next three months after its successful testing with a few major clients. We will offer Data Vaulting, as well as Online and Nearline storage almost immediately.
Standby Processing
This involves allocation of sufficient resources (Processors, Memory, Storage, Technical Resources, etc.) based on the information provided by the customer, to stage the customer applications in a logical way ready to be implemented. In the event of a disaster, the system is Booted and the customer applications are made immediately available. When combined with Database Shadowing, the customer is positioned to continue processing during the same business day. Database Shadowing is the process of applying Remote journalized transactions to a mirrored" database at a location remote to the user facility. Interval of update is user optional. This eliminates the time factor for movement of tapes, people and restoration of the 'system at time of disaster; and positions the user for continued processing during the same business day.
Equipment Quickship
Our Ouickship offering provides hardware and software technology from selected vendor(s) of choice and ensures that our customers' unique requirements are met for Standby Processing if equipment is not available. With the addition of implementation documentation, upgrade support, test time and installation support, this offering provides the most comprehensive technology replacement solution in the industry.
WebVision offers services designed to help manage and improve the availability of our clients' Internet infrastructure and eBusiness presence. These offerings address the requirements for stress testing new hardware and applications application benchmarking, capacity planning, and application design testing.
In summary, the list of WebVision's Capabilities to offer disaster recovery and business continuity services includes:
- Quickship of critical Systems LAN components
- Virus HealthCheck
- Several days of system test time
- Pre-load of operating system
- 24 hour technical support
- Extensive partnerships with software development and manufacturing companies that help ensure the recoverability of the systems
- Partnerships with other providers and manufacturers that ensure the right skills and equipment are available when and where you need it
- Registry-oriented terms and conditions
- Recovery support personnel with advanced client/server skills,
- Mirrored Systems, Servers, and Databases
- EMC SAN attached Storage with Business Continuity Volume
- Any Media Library Robotic Tape Drive System
- Backup Routers & Switches
Through an extensive array of business partnerships and relationships, we can provide you with services covering a broad range of business resumption activities.
WebVision Crisis Response Team (CRT)
WebVision will form a crisis response team which will consist of certified engineers available 24 hours a day 365 days a year ready to provide the registry with initial risk and damage assessments. They will also coordinate and manage the following actions depending on the situation.
- Coordinate site recovery
- Establish communication and documentation procedures with the registrys executive management team
- Manage and solve all recovery conflicts
- Schedule and conduct crisis status meetings
- Identify Insurance issues
- Develop business cases for insurance
- Assist in insurance claims validation
- Assess damage and risk
WebVision can work with an organization in a variety of ways, to help ensure the successful implementation of a comprehensive business protection program'.
We will provide a standard planning tool that all locations use to document their recovery plans. This planning tool provides Living Disaster Recovery Planning (LDRP) and Business Impact Analysis (BIA). This program is a comprehensive system loaded with timesaving features to develop corporate-wide continuity, and enables organizations to quickly and easily define the impact of business disruptions, while identifying time-sensitive processes and functions.
We can also work with the Registry to develop and document corporate recovery guidelines and promote the importance of compliance with these guidelines to your individual sites, of course, no business protection plan is successful without a program of regular testing and maintenance. We will assist in designing and implementing plan audit process that helps ensure compliance to corporate guidelines.
WebVision Advanced Recovery Program Methodology (ARP)
The Advanced Recovery Program is a methodology designed for companies to review and continuously reassess their disaster recovery plans. There are five stages to planning.
- Assessment of the validity of the current recovery program for timeliness and feasibility based on current business process requirements. This assessment focuses on alternate site solutions, vital records, programs, recovery plans, testing strategies and other components.
- Qualification of the conclusions and results outlined during the assessment with a repositioning of the Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) for each platform and application group.
Recovery Objectives: Assessment of application priorities leading to Recovery Time Objectives (RTO's) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO's) for application groupings and attendant strategies. RTO (Recovery Time Objective) is time required to recover defined critical services, measured from time of disaster to resumption of operations. This measurement is independent of RPO. Recovery Point Objective on the other hand is the point in the processing cycle to which data needs to be restored from backup data before business operations can be resumed.
- Quantification to develop solutions that protect an organization's investment and competitive advantage in IT and business processes. as well as enable ft to quickly recover business operations and drive dawn recovery times. Key areas here would include data management strategies, alternate sites, corporate and IT recovery plans, and process enhancements.
- Implementation of the program with the proper commitment of resources to meet the stated objectives.
- Maintenance that reflects continuous program refinement and improvement for business continuity regarding the System Center Location, Capacity, Equipment, Communications facilities, Security, Environment, Customer Access, Customer Testing
A program approach continuously reviews and reassesses the strategy in order to provide sustained improvement In order to establish and maintain the operational readiness of an effective disaster recovery program, an integrated, comprehensive five phased approach as described on the following pages is recommended:
Recovery Testing
Regular testing of the back-up configuration is key to help assure its success. WebVision offers various types of testing:
Other Disaster Recovery Services
- Capability Benchmark. Independent analysis and assessment of the recovery program.
- Business Vulnerability Analysis. On-site analysis of the organization's critical business junctions and areas of vulnerability.
- Recovery Strategy Design. Assistance in designing an overall enterprise business systems recovery strategy as it relates to the overall enterprise business continuity needs.
- Recovery Plan Development. Custom-tailored plans for recovering your data center, desktop technology, networks, and key business functions.
- SmartTest Support Services. Creation, management, and implementation of efficient, cost-effective recovery testing procedures,
- Continuous Improvement Services. On-or off-site solutions for ongoing management, maintenance, and improvement of your enterprise recovery program.
Electronic Vaulting is the process of backing up critical data directly to an offsite device over dedicated communications facilities. Today, most backups are handled by creating backup tapes and physically moving these tapes off-Site. Electronic Vaulting facilitates creates more frequent backups, insuring that they occur at precise points in the processing cycle eliminating the exposure of the time to physically locating and move the tapes offsite.
WebVision provides the ability to selectively transmit critical files off-sites electronically. By utilizing EMCs SRDF software product customers can transmit virtually any file structure through an ATM link to the Advanced Recovery data center located in North Carolina or in the future any one of WebVisions IDCs. Customers can automate the daily transmission of critical files on a time or event driven basis. For example, direct job step can be added to the end of the nightly batch cycle job stream that would transmit the critical files directly from disk requiring no operator intervention.
By transmitting the critical files off-site electronically, customers have the ability to expedite the recovery process; whether recovering at home, from a local hardware interruption, or at a WebVision Instant Recovery Center (IRC) during a test or recovery following an actual site disaster.
Remote Journalizing- is the process of capturing updates to databases and online files in real time at a location remote to the user facility over dedicated bandwidth. Many organizations rely on the previous night's backup, leaving themselves exposed to transactions that occurred since that last backup. This could be financially hazardous, time consuming and devastating to the reputation of the organization.
- Remote DataBase Image
- Offload critical operational data
- Easy retrieval from vault
- Data accessible to any Internet Connection
- Eliminates restore of operating system
- DASD is enabled to hotsite EMC
- System is ReStarted upon disaster declaration
- Forward recovery uses remote access
- Significantly reduces recovery time
System Replication - utilizes the EMCs SRDF technology, to provide a continuous operating environment by duplicating systems, data and network remotely. Automatic system takeover is possible for greatest protection capabilities.