ICANN Registry Proposal
University of Washington
Vice President for Computing and Communications
and Vice Provost
September 29, 2000
I am writing to support the application for a new .ONE TLD being submitted by
Group One Registry.
Having met with Paul Stahura and Paul Kane and reviewed a summary of Group One
Registry's proposal, we believe it would be of substantial benefit to the Internet
community and could stimulate the growth of services available on the Internet. We
know and trust the sponsors of this application, and we have every confidence that
given the opportunity they will make a valuable contribution to the Internets
The capabilities inherent in the proposal will provide important opportunities for
making crucially needed progress in broadly, and more reliably and securely, deploying
both wired and wireless forms of the embedded as well as portables devices and
appliances needed not only by consumers worldwide but by our health care and
research environments.
The proposal sketches a very promising approach to a really important problem and set
of opportunities.
Ron Johnson
Vice President for Computing and Communications
University of Washington
240 Gerberding Hall Box 351208 Seattle, Washington 98195-1208 (206) 543-8252
