ICANN Registry Proposal
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Centre d'arbitrage et de mediation de I'OMPI
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
September 28, 2000
Dear Dr. Kane,
I have read with interest your communication of September 9, 2000, in which you
describe the application to be made to ICANN by the Group One Registry consortium
for the delegation of a new top-level domain that will use numerical strings as domain
names, and in which you enquire whether WIPO would be prepared to provide dispute
resolution services for registrations in such a domain.
Following our earlier collaboration with your company in the provision of this
type of service, I have pleasure in confirming that the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation
Center is available to administer disputes that may arise out of registrations in the top-
level domain proposed by the consortium. Whilst we do not expect there to be a
large number of disputes with numerical domain names, our extensive experience in
gTLD and ccTLD on-line dispute resolution is at the disposal of the consortium to help
design suitable procedures for resolving and, where possible, for preventing disputes.
I understand that the specific format is under discussion by the Registry Advisory
Board, and that, if the application is successful, it is intended to invite WIPO to join that
Board. Perhaps, therefore, it is appropriate to revisit this question at a later stage of the
consortium's application. In any event, I look forward to implementing the role of the
WIPO Center, in line with the open, independent, and public nature of its services,
tailored to the specific needs of the consortium.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Francis Gurry
Assistant Director General
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
Dr. Paul Kane
Group One Registry Consortium
c/o P.O. Box 4040
Christchurch, BH23 I XW
United Kingdom
34, chemin des Colombettes, 1211 GENEVE 20 (SUISSE) & (41-22) 338 9111 Fax (41-22) 7403700 e-mail: domain.disputes@wipo.int
Internet http//www.arbiter.wipo.int Banque: Credit Suisse, Geneve, compte OMPI N° 48 7080-81 Cheques postaux: OMPI N° 12-5000-8, Geneve
