Registry Transfer and Migration Services


Registry Advantage’s experience, systematic approach and open-ended systems facilitate registry data transfer and system integration for our customers safely and without disrupting existing operations This process is built upon a commitment to migrating all customer data and operations to our highly scalable and functionally robust infrastructure with no impact to end users, registrars, or other members of the community. The Transfer and Migration methodology is a total end-to-end solution and flexible enough to work with any partner. This process includes the following phases:

  • Current State Analysis
  • Data Transfer and Migration Plan
  • Training
  • Execution
  • Parallel Operation
  • Final Cutover

Each partner’s unique needs are assessed during the initial current state analysis phase and a detailed migration plan is mapped out and approved before any execution takes place. This migration plan includes all activities and responsible parties as well as an implementation timetable.

Registry Advantage has significant experience managing migration projects for large volumes/quantities of data that are currently being used in a production, high volume transaction environment. Registry Advantage’s translation layer technology provides an interim mechanism for existing registrars and/or registrants to easily interface with our systems. Registry Advantage’s experience and applications enable the management of the migration with little to no downtime.

Current State Analysis

During the initial phase of the migration process partners will complete an informational questionnaire. This information will be confirmed by both the experienced Registry Advantage migration engineer and the partner. If desired, Registry Advantage can dispatch a representative to work with the partner to gather this information. It is critical that this data is accurate, as it will drive the rest of the process. Some of the information collected during this phase includes:

  • Existing database type and schema
  • Current method that registrars or registrants interface with the partner (e.g. email, API, CGI)
  • Partner processes (e.g. batch generation of zone files, real time updates)

Data Transfer and Migration Plan

After the Current State Analysis has been completed and confirmed by the partner, Registry Advantage will develop a proposed data transfer plan. The plan will include detailed activities, responsibilities and a schedule. The finalization of the plan is an iterative process between Registry Advantage and the partner. When it is completed and approved by all parties the Training and Execution phases are initiated. By the end of the planning phase, Registry Advantage will have a thorough understanding of how information will be migrated from the partner’s database as well as how the translation layer must be modeled to handle current registry transactions.


Partner training is critical to the successful launch of the registry and begins early. The subject matter of the training is dependent on the services being provided to the partner. The training program is comprehensive and includes contingency situations as well as escalation paths if problems exist.


The actual work as detailed in the Data Transfer Migration Plan occurs in the execution phase of the implementation. Any deviations from the plan are confirmed with the partner via email to ensure there is adequate communication. To minimize any potential issues, all ‘go live’ events are performed off hours with documented roll back procedures in the event there are problems. At the end of this phase, the partner’s registry and the new Registry Advantage registry are operating in parallel.

Parallel Operation

During this phase, data reconciliation is performed as frequently as possible to ensure that the information in Registry Advantage’s systems is accurate. Parallel operation is ‘one way’ in that the authoritative data source is still the partner’s registry system and data is pushed to Registry Advantage. This will ensure registration accuracy before the final cutover occurs. Any problems that are noted during this period are corrected as required. At the end of this phase, Registry Advantage will provide the partner with the results of its data reconciliation as well as a listing of issues and resolutions that occurred. During the parallel operation phase, registrars and registrants will continue to use their existing method of registry interaction.

Final Cutover

At this point, Registry Advantage’s highly available, scalable and real time registry infrastructure becomes the authoritative data source for the partner. Transactions (new registrations, name server changes, etc.) are being handled by Registry Advantage. The partner is fully trained and has confirmed that they are ready for the cutover. If possible, registrars will begin using the new API to interface with Registry Advantage. The timing of the final cutover is flexible.

Time To Market

In every case, the maximum time to market will be 90 days from signing contracts. However, it may be possible to get a fully functional registry migrated and cut over to our service in a substantially shorter period of time, depending on the needs of the individual partner.


Registry Advantage's registry transfer and migration services allow any existing registry to completely move their operations to the Registry Advantage systems in the shortest possible time without risk of data loss or downtime. Additionally, the full range of features and services are available to all of our registry partners once they are in the system, including additional registration channels, custom data attributes, and more