University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Global
Institute for Sustainable Forestry Director
for Programs (January 2002 to Present)
Lecturer, Forest Certification Systems and Impacts
on Forest Conservation (Spring 2002)
Utilizing a conceptual framework for relating global certification
systems, which he has created, Mr. Washburn currently teaches the
history and evolution of systems, as well as the global impacts
on forest policy and management.
Associate Research Scientist and Director of
Program on Certification (January to December 2001)
Program administration for Mr. Washburn meant coursework, research,
and policy engagement. In his capacity, Mr. Washburn was responsible
for contract management, budgeting, and reporting. He raised over
$450,000 in funds for GISF programs in two years. Additionally,
the program provided continuing education for forestry professionals.
During his year of service, Mr. Washburn participated in USDA Forest
Service internal evaluation of certification options for the National
Forest System.
Projects (2001
to Present):
The Intersection Project
For a project that ultimately would establish collaboration among
corporations and environmental and human rights organizations, Mr.
Washburn designed his own method of mapping the certification universe
and creating more integrated approaches to certification.
Mainstreaming Sustainable Forestry Education
in Forestry Schools of the United States
Mr. Washburn served as lead fundraiser and project manager, developing
focus group protocol and a research plan with an advisory committee
and university partners. Additional duties included coordinating
on campus activities and supervising web-based and other communication.
Certification of Yale- Meyers Research Forest
In pursuit of joint SFI/FSC certification, Mr. Washburn served as
a member of Yale’s forest management team, documenting experience
as part of FSC evaluation. He also assisted in developing and reviewing
submissions to RFP.
Proposed Projects:
- Certification of the Yale-Meyers Research Forest, Washburn
and Ashton, 2001.
- Certification Evaluation, Information, and Service
Project, Washburn and Cashore, 2001.
- Pilot Testing Landscape Management Systems (LMS) in
the Adirondack Park and
- Russian Far East, Washburn and Fox, 2001.
- A Comparative Guide of Forest Certification Systems
and Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest
Management. Washburn, 2000.
Sustainable Forestry Partnership, Washington,
D.C. and University Park, PA
National Coordinator |
January to December 2000 |
As program liaison with government, industry, and NGO sectors, Mr.
Washburn coordinated with university partners (Penn State, Oregon
State, and Auburn University) and raised $80,000 in funds from foundations,
government, and industry. Duties included reporting, record keeping,
budgeting, supervision, and membership development. As an SFP representative
on national committees, Mr. Washburn conducted public education, outreach
to landowners, and stakeholder coordination.
Proposed Projects
- Mainstreaming Sustainable Forestry Graduate Education
in Forestry Schools of the United States: Washburn, Michael P.,
and A. Scott Reed, 2000.
- Expanding Inter-Institutional Collaboration on Sustainable
Forestry Research and Education: Washburn, 2000.
Associate Director |
January to December 1999 |
As SFP liaison for Penn State, Mr. Washburn raised $125,000 in funds
from foundations, government, and industry; built partnerships with
other universities, government, industry, and NGO sectors; and conducted
strategic planning for SFP development. Mr. Mashburn additionally
designed field protocol for evaluation of Sustainable Forestry Initiative
SM company lands (Forestry Monitoring Program; Izaak Walton League
of America, 1999). Conducted SmartWood Assessor Training (St. Mary’s
Pennsylvania, February 1999). Proposed Projects
- Sustaining Communities on Private Ecosystems: Washburn
and Unger, 1999.
- Comparative Analysis of Certification Assessment Procedures:
Washburn, Finley, and Nielsen, Penn State, 1999.
Graduate Associate |
January to December 1998 |
Mr. Washburn conducted strategic planning for Penn State’s participation
in SFP, raising $55,000 in funds. Developing working partnerships
on projects, he planned and coordinated conference on Promoting Certification
on Non-industrial Private Forests in the United States ( January 1998),
hosted by Rockefeller Brothers Fund at Pocantico on Hudson. Proposed
- Documenting Forestry Innovations: Virtual Forest Tools
and Extension Education as Tools: Finley, James, C., Michael P.
Washburn, Rick Fletcher, 1998.
Oregon State University, Corvallis OR |
Visiting Scholar |
July to December 1997 |
Mr. Washburn conducted feasibility analysis for expansion of SFP.
Additionally, he coordinated Inter-University Forum on Sustaining
Forest Ecosystems (November 1997), focused on university research,
training and extension. He raised and managed funds ($30,000) from
foundations, companies, NGOs, and conference registrations.
Committee Appointments
National Sustainable Development
Indictors Institute |
March 2002-Present |
Government, NGO, industry collaborative to develop consensus based
sustainable development indicators for the United States. Chair of
the marketing and resources committee/The Pocantico Group.
Stakeholders and Partners
on Non-Federal Forestlands. |
March 2000 to Present
Multi-institutional forum for private and public stakeholders focusing
on non-federal forestland issues in 2002 Farm Bill. Co-convened by
SFP and USDA Forest Service.
Roundtable on Sustainable
Forests. |
November 1998 to Present |
Serve on Communication and Outreach Work Group (Co-chair, 2001). Core
Group participant from 2000-present. Multi-institutional, public/private
initiative work to advance domestic use of Montreal Process Criteria
and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal
Forests. Wrote initial charter, Communications and Outreach Work Plan.
Designed web site.
Science of Sustainable
Forestry Project, Advisory Committee. |
1999 and 2000 |
Collaborative project of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and
American Forest and Paper Association focusing on research to advance
understanding of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative SM.