RegistryProPROFIT & LOSS
2001 2002 2003 2004 Total
New Registrations 314,981 686,658 952,428 1,202,820 3,156,887
Renewals 0 0 236,236 514,994 751,230
$ $ $ $ $
Revenue $618,849 $3,877,262 $9,414,649 $17,423,048 $31,333,808
Cost of Revenue $878,400 $966,240 $1,054,080 $1,141,920 $4,040,640
Gross Margin ($259,551) $2,911,022 $8,360,569 $16,281,128 $27,293,168
Cumulative Gross Margin ($259,551) $2,651,471 $11,012,040 $27,293,168 $40,697,128
Sales & Marketing $14,610,839 $1,495,240 $1,522,080 $1,548,920 $19,177,079
General & Administrative $5,645,286 $3,352,994 $3,561,838 $3,779,979 $16,340,097
Operating Expenses $20,256,125 $4,848,234 $5,083,918 $5,328,899 $35,517,176
EBITDA ($20,515,676) ($1,937,212) $3,276,651 $10,952,229 ($8,224,008)
D&A $2,236,111 $2,253,333 $2,253,333 $17,222 $6,759,999
EBIT ($22,751,787) ($4,190,545) $1,023,318 $10,935,007 ($14,984,007)
Bank Interest $728,236 $1,805,954 $1,418,664 $232,620 $4,185,474
Pretax Profit ($23,480,023) ($5,996,499) ($395,346) $10,702,387 ($19,169,481)
Estimated Stockholder Taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Estimated Consortium Net Income ($23,480,023) ($5,996,499) ($395,346) $10,702,387 ($19,169,481)
Cumulative Net Income ($23,480,023) ($29,476,522) ($29,871,868) ($19,169,481)
Cashflow statement 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total
$ $ $ $ $
Profit from ordinary activities ($23,480,023) ($5,996,499) ($395,346) $10,702,387 ($19,169,481)
add back:
depreciation $2,236,111 $2,253,333 $2,253,333 $17,222 $6,759,999
interest $728,236 $1,805,954 $1,418,664 $232,620 $4,185,474
movement in debtors ($278,228) ($281,323) ($208,671) ($439,250) ($1,207,472)
movement in creditors $102,638 ($53,987) $472 $210 $49,333
deferred expense $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
deferred income $3,160,924 $4,362,634 $5,313,452 $6,098,661 $18,935,671
Adjusted profit ($17,530,342) $2,090,112 $8,381,904 $16,611,850 $9,553,524
Financing costs
Interest paid ($728,236) ($1,805,954) ($1,418,664) ($232,620) ($4,185,474)
VAT ($254,297) $638,204 $212,273 $3,264,928 $3,861,108
Corporation tax/paye $82,512 $7,605 $7,605 $7,605 $105,327
($171,785) $645,809 $219,878 $3,272,533 $3,966,435
Capital expenditure
Systems development ($5,090,000) $0 $0 $0 ($5,090,000)
Fixtures and fittings ($420,000) $0 $0 $0 ($420,000)
Other ($1,250,000) $0 $0 $0 ($1,250,000)
($6,760,000) $0 $0 $0 ($6,760,000)
Share capital/Long term finance $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000
$10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000
Net cash flow ($15,190,363) $929,967 $7,183,118 $19,651,763 $12,574,485
Cumulative ($15,190,363) ($14,260,396) ($7,077,278) $12,574,485
Balance Sheet 2001 2002 2003 2004
$ $ $ $
Fixed assets
Computer systems/development $4,243,889 $2,130,556 $17,222 $0
Fixtures & fittings $280,000 $140,000 $0 $0
Total fixed assets $4,523,889 $2,270,556 $17,222 $0
Current assets
Debtors $278,228 $559,551 $768,223 $1,207,473
Other debtors $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash at bank and in hand ($15,190,365) ($14,260,398) ($7,077,279) $12,574,483
Deferred expenses $0 $0 $0 $0
Current assets ($14,912,137) ($13,700,847) ($6,309,056) $13,781,956
Current liabilities
Creditors ($102,638) ($48,651) ($49,123) ($49,334)
Accruals $0 $0 $0 $0
VAT $254,297 ($383,906) ($596,179) ($3,861,107)
PAYE ($82,512) ($90,117) ($97,722) ($105,328)
Corporation tax $0 $0 $0 $0
Deferred income ($3,160,924) ($7,523,558) ($12,837,010) ($18,935,671)
Current liabilities ($3,091,777) ($8,046,232) ($13,580,034) ($22,951,440)
NET ASSETS ($13,480,025) ($19,476,523) ($19,871,868) ($9,169,484)
Ordinary share capital/Long term finance $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000
Profit and loss - b/f ($22,528,835) ($29,158,885) ($30,145,389) ($20,507,399)
Profit and loss - current ($951,189) ($317,638) $273,520 $1,337,916
SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS ($13,480,024) ($19,476,523) ($19,871,869) ($9,169,483)