Series 1: Searching the Web
1. When
you are looking for a specific person, service provider, organisation or other
entity on the Internet for the first time, are you very likely, likely,
or unlikely to:
Very likely |
Likely |
Unlikely |
Do a keyword search from my web browser home page |
r |
r |
r |
Look for an established directory listing in that area |
r |
r |
r |
Type in variations on possible website addresses until I hit the right one |
r |
r |
r |
Go right to my favourite search engine (such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, AskJeeves, or Excite) |
r |
r |
r |
Use the search command in the web browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer |
r |
r |
r |
Try to find a specialised web portal or search engine on that subject |
r |
r |
r |
2. When you use search engines to locate a specific person, service provider or organisation which of the following best describes your experience: [Please choose only one answer]
q I often give up because I am frequently overwhelmed with results that run on for pages and seem to have nothing to do with my search
q I have to redo or refine my search again and again to find what I want
q I usually get the information I want in one or two attempts
q I can always get right to the information that I need
3. When you are searching online, how useful would it be to you to have a system in place that pre-filters websites and listings so that only certified sites are returned as results for your search? [Please choose only one answer]
q Extremely Useful
q Very Useful
q Somewhat Useful
q Not at All Useful
Series 2: Domain Names
1. In addition to suffixes such as .com and .org, new suffixes may soon be available. It may be possible to locate licensed professional services using a web address such as .pro. Which professional categories would you expect to find under .pro? [Please choose any that apply]
q Accountants
q Architects
q Doctors
q Engineers
q Financial Planners or Brokers
q Health Organisations and Hospitals
q Insurance Agents
q Law Firms
q Lawyers
2. In your opinion, what would be the most appropriate way to authenticate that the individual or organisation listed as “.pro” is licensed to practice their profession? [Please choose only one answer]
q An independent group of experts
q A trademark, service mark or proof of incorporation
q An established professional association such as the General Medical Council (GMC) for doctors or the Bar Association for lawyers
q A Government Agency
q Other________________________
3. How comfortable would you be using a new system to search for a professional service, if organisations and individuals could be listed as licensed professionals in their field? [Please choose only one answer]
q Extremely Comfortable
q Very Comfortable
q Somewhat Comfortable
q Not at All Comfortable