Report on TLD Applications:
(9 November 2000) |
This report contains a set of evaluations
based on an extensive review of proposals for new top-level domain
(TLD) registries submitted in response to the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Call for Proposals in
August, 2000. This report does not set forth specific recommendations
specifying which new TLD proposals should, in the opinion of
the ICANN staff, be selected by the ICANN Board of Directors.
Rather, the report represents a compilation of the work of the
ICANN staff and review team, focusing on the strengths and weaknesses
of the individual proposals.
Based on the March, 2000, recommendations
of the Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO), the ICANN
Board on July 16, 2000, adopted a program leading to the selection
of a limited number of top-level domain registries for addition
to the Domain Name System (DNS) "in a measured and responsible
manner." The objective of the ICANN staff and evaluation
team in preparing this document is to present to the ICANN Board,
and the broader Internet community, sufficient information and
analysis to make such a selection.
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Page Updated 09-November-2000
(c) 2000 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
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