TLD Application: Registry
Operator's Fitness Disclosure
15 August 2000
Registry Operator's Fitness
The following disclosures are hereby made
on behalf of the registry operator.
Within the past ten years, has any current director, officer,
or manager of the registry operator (a) been convicted of any
felony; (b) been convicted of any misdemeanor related to financial
activities; (c) been judged by a court to have committed fraud
or breach of fiduciary duty, or (d) been the subject of a judicial
determination that is similar or related to any of these?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Within the past ten years, has the registry operator itself (a)
been convicted of any felony; (b) been convicted of any misdemeanor
related to financial activities; (c) been judged by a court to
have committed fraud or breach of fiduciary duty, or (d) been
the subject of a judicial determination that is similar or related
to any of these?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Within the past ten years, has any current director, officer,
or manager of the registry operator been disciplined by any government
or by any organization of which he or she was a member for conduct
involving dishonesty or misuse of funds of others?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Within the past ten years has the registry operator itself been
disciplined by any government or by any organization of which
it was a member for conduct involving dishonesty or misuse of
funds of others?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Is any director, officer, or manager of the registry operator
currently involved in any judicial or regulatory proceeding that
could result in a conviction, judgment, determination, or discipline
of the type specified in items H1 or H3?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
H6. Is the registry
operator itself currently involved in any judicial or regulatory
proceeding that could result in a conviction, judgment, determination,
or discipline of the type specified in items H2
or H4?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Within the past three years, has any current director, officer,
or manager of the registry operator been adjudged to be bankrupt
or insolvent?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
Has the registry operator itself ever been adjudged to be bankrupt
or insolvent?
Answer "yes" or "no."]
If the response to any of H1 through H8
is affirmative, please provide complete details on separate sheets
of paper attached to this disclosure.
Please attach one or more sheets with complete details.]
By signing this fitness disclosure, the
undersigned certifies that he or she has authority to do so on
behalf of the registry operator. On his or her own behalf and
on behalf of the registry operator, the undersigned certifies
that all information contained in this fitness disclosure, and
all documents attached to this disclosure, is true and accurate
to the best of his/her/its knowledge and information. The undersigned
and the registry operator understand that any material misstatement
or misrepresentation will reflect negatively on any application
of which this disclosure is a part and may cause cancellation
of any delegation of a top-level domain based on such an application.
Name (please print)
Name of Registry Operator
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the layout, construction and functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 15-August-00.
(c) 2000 The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers All rights reserved.