TLD Application Review
(8 November 2000) |
The evaluation team is nearing completion
of its evaluation of the 44 active applications for new TLDs
and the preparation of an extensive report. ICANN now expects
to post the report on Thursday, 9 November 2000.
The Schedule
Here is the current schedule:
- Staff Report. The results of the staff review of the applications
will be posted on 9 November 2000. We expect these results to
be presented in a detailed report, including an explanation of
the goals of the analysis, a detailed statement of how the analysis
was performed, identification of those who participated in the
review process, summaries of findings as to each application,
compilations of comparative data on the applications, observations
regarding how the posted criteria for evaluation apply, and other
relevant results of the analysis.
- Second Public Comment Period. A second web-based public comment forum will be
established at the time the Staff Report is posted to allow the
public to comment on the report. The second forum will also permit
persons wishing to make their own comments on the applications
to do so.
DNSO Constituency Comments
We have posted recent
comments submitted by several constituencies of the ICANN
Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO) concerning the new
TLD program.
Comments concerning the layout, construction and
functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 08-November-2000
(c) 2000 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
All rights reserved.