The Management of Internet Names and Addresses:
Intellectual Property Issues
List of Governments, Organizations and Persons
Submitting Formal Comments1
Australia | IP Australia: Department of Industry, Science and Resources | x |
National Office for the Information Economy | x | ||||
Belarus | Belarus Patent Office: The State Patent Committee | x |
Belgium | Industrial Property Office: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Administration of Trade Policy | x |
Brazil | Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) |
x |
Comissão Nacional Energia Nuclear | x |
INPI | x |
Ministério Público do Rio de Janeiro | x |
Ministry of Science and Technology | x |
National Institute of Industrial Property: Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism | x | ||||
Task Force on Electronic Commerce: Industry Brazil | x | ||||
Burkina Faso | Directorate General of Industrial Development: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Handicraft | x |
Canada | Affaires étrangères et commerce international Canada | x
Canadian Intellectual Property Office: Industry Canada | x |
Commercial Law Division: Industry Canada | x |
Intellectual Property Policy Directorate: Industry Canada | x |
Task Force on Electronic Commerce: Industry Canada | x | ||||
China | Trademark Office: State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the Peoples' Republic of China | x |
Egypt | Legislation and Development Information Service | x |
Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, Administration of Commercial Registration | x | ||||
France | x |
Germany | Federal Ministry of Justice | x |
Hungary | Hungarian Patent Office | x |
x |
India | Department of Industrial Development: Ministry of Industry | x |
x |
Japan | Japanese Patent Office | x |
x |
x |
x |
Ministry of International Trade and Industry | x | ||||
Kyrgyzstan | State Agency of Intellectual Property of the Kyrgyz Republic | x |
Mauritius | Commerce Division: Ministry of Industry and Commerce | x |
Mexico | Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations Office, Geneva | x |
National Institute of Copyright: Secretariat of Public Education | x | x | |||
Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) | x | ||||
Norway | Norwegian Patent Office | x |
Poland | Patent Office of the Republic of Poland | x |
Republic of Korea | Korean Industrial Property Office: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy | x |
x |
Romania | State Office for Inventions and Trademarks | x |
Russian Federation | Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks | x |
x |
Singapore | Attorney-General's Chambers |
x |
Ministry of Law | x | ||||
Trade Development Board | x | ||||
Sweden | National Post and Telecom Agency | x |
x |
x |
Swedish Patent and Registration Office | x | ||||
Switzerland | Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property | x |
x |
x |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | Industrial Property Protection Office | x |
United States of America | National Research Council |
x |
National Telecommunications and Information Administration | x |
Office of Advocacy United States Small Business Administration |
x | x |
Senegal | Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | x |
Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research | x | ||||
Zimbabwe | Data & Telegraphy: Zimbabwe Posts and Telecommunication | x |
Member States of the European Community | European Commission: DG XV E1 and E2 |
x |
Joint Submission of the European Community and its Member States | x | x |
European Community: Joint Submission of the European Community and its Member States | x |
x |
x |
International Labor Organization (ILO) | x |
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) | x |
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) | x |
World Health Organization (WHO) | x |
ACM | x |
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) | x |
x |
x |
x |
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) | x |
Andhra Pradesh Technology Services | x |
Arbitration Center for Industrial Properties (ACIP) | x |
Association of European Brand Owners (MARQUES), Internet Subcommittee | x |
x |
x |
BitoS | x |
Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) | x |
x |
Brazilian Steering Committeee | x |
Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac | x |
Center for Democracy and Technology | x |
Centro Internacioanl para a Educação Trabalho e Transferência de Technologia/SENAI | x |
Coalition for Advertising Supported Information and Entertainment (CASIE) | x |
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility | x |
Council of Registrars (CORE) | x |
x |
Council of Hungarian Internet Providers | x |
Delhi Public School, India | x |
Domain Name Rights Coalition (DNRC) | x |
x |
x |
x |
Egyptian Association for Protection of Industrial Property (AEPPI) | x |
Electronic Commerce Forum | x |
x |
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) | x |
x |
x |
Electronic Frontiers Australia | x |
Electronic Frontiers Spain | x |
El Instituto Latinoamericano de Alta Tecnologia, Informática y Derecho (ILATID) | x |
European Brands Association (AIM) | x |
x |
x |
European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA) | x |
European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) | x |
European Internet Service Providers Association | x |
x |
Fapesp/ | x |
Fédération des syndicats de producteurs de Châteauneuf-du-Pape | x |
Fédération internationale des conseils en propriété industrielle (FICPI) | x |
x |
x |
Fordham University, School of Law | x |
Hungarian Internet Providers | x |
Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas | x |
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) | x |
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | x |
IDSC, Information Highway Unit | x |
Institute of Trade Mark Agents (ITMA) | x |
International Association of Top-Level Domains (IATD) | x |
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) | x |
x |
x |
International Congress of Independent Internet Users (ICIIU) | x |
x |
x |
International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) | x |
x |
x |
International Trademark Association (INTA), Internet Subcommittee | x |
x |
x |
x |
Internet Association of Japan | x |
Internet Industry Association of Australia (IIAA) | x |
x |
Internet Society | x |
Internet Society of Australia | x |
Internet Society of Mexico | x |
Internet Society of New Zealand | x |
Italian Naming Authority | x |
x |
Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), Trademark Committee | x |
x |
x |
Japan Trademark Association, Legal Systems Committee | x |
Japanese Patent Attorneys Association | x |
Markenverband | x |
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) | x |
x |
x |
National Autonomous University of Mexico: Institute of Legal Research | x |
National Association of Webmasters, New England Chapter | x |
National Post, Canada | x |
NetAction | x |
Open Root Server Confederation | x |
Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada | x |
x |
Policy Oversight Committee (POC), Generic Top Level Domain Memorandum of Understanding (gTLD-MoU) | x |
x |
Promarcas Assossoria à Propriedade Industrial | x |
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) | x |
x |
Rede Nacional de Pesquisa | x |
Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center (RITSEC) | x |
Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) | x |
x |
Staff Center for Democracy and Technology | x |
Stanford University | x |
x |
Supreme Council of Universities, Egypt | x |
Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China | x |
Union of Industrial Employees of the Confederation of Europe (UNICE) | x |
University of Michigan, Telecommunications and Technology Law Review | x |
Abelman Frayne & Schwab | x |
ABTI Techno Way | x |
Adams & Adams | x |
Adams Law Firm | x |
Advanced Technology Strategy | x |
Alban Tay Mahtani & De Silva | x |
Allen & Gledhill | x |
Alonson, Pardo & Asociados | x |
Amazing | x |
America Online | x |
x |
Aoyama & Partners | x |
Arghur Loke & Partners | x |
Arter & Hadden | x |
Artmidia net Midia | x |
Ascend Communications | x |
AT & T Canada | x |
AT & T | x |
x |
Basham, Ringe y Correa | x |
Bell Atlantic Network Services | x |
x |
x |
x |
Bentata Hoet & Asociados | x |
Bereskin & Parr | x |
Beuchat, Barros & Pfenniger | x |
Blake, Cassels & Graydon | x |
Bold Bikes | x |
British Telecommunications | x |
x |
Broadcast Music | x |
Bufete Quirós y Asociados | x |
CABASE | x |
Cadence Design | x |
Canal WEB | x |
Cegetel | x |
Centraal | x |
CIENA | x |
Cisco Systems | x |
Clarke Modet do Brasil | x |
Clear Thinking Technology | x |
x |
Clue Computing | x |
CommerceNet | x |
x |
Covington & Burling | x |
Cyberlaw Association | x |
Dain, Gandelman e Lacé Brandão Advogados Associados | x |
De las Carreras & Chaloupka | x |
Dear!Net Online Services | x |
Deeth Williams Wall | x |
DENIC | x |
Deutsche Telekom | x |
x |
Digital Renaissance | x |
Dildar | x |
DNS Technologies | x |
Domainz, New Zealand Internet Registry | x |
x |
Doughney, Mike | x |
x |
Echelon Internet Corporation | |||| | x |
ED Venture Holdings | x |
Effective Business Applications | x |
EFPIA | x |
Elea Cheong & G. Mirandah | x |
Elena Berbery & Asociados | x |
Eli Lilly and Company | x |
Elzaburu | x |
Emerging Star Investments | x |
Endispute Company | x |
Enternet | x |
Escritório de Advocacia Empresarial | x |
Estudio Mersan, Abogados | x |
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garret & Dunner | x |
Fiorio y Alvarado/FAYC Agencia de Marcas y Patentes | x |
Ford Global Technologies | x |
Ford Motor Company | x |
x |
Free Community Network | x |
Goodspeed Communications | x |
GraphiCode | x |
Hausheer Belgrano & Fernández | x |
Helmy & Hamza | x |
House of Donuts, International | x |
Houthoff Advocaten en Notarissen | x |
Howard, Phillips & Anderson | x |
IBM Canada | x |
IBM Corporation: Internet Division | x |
x |
Ibrachy & Dermarkar | x |
x |
I9 Marketing e Propaganda | x |
INEG.INC. | x |
Infoseek | x |
Informatics Holdings | x |
Intel Corporation | x |
Interelectronics Corporation/Pagex Company | x |
Internet Computer Bureau | x |
Internet Names Australia | x |
Japan Network Information Center | x |
Jefferson Technologies, SA De CV | x |
KPMG | x |
x |
Lanahan & Reilley | x |
Lanferman, Fisher & Hashimoto | x |
Lex Research | x |
Limbach & Limbach | x |
Mallesons Stephens Jaques, Solicitors | x |
x |
Marcastro Assossoria Empresarial | x |
Martins de Almeida Advogados | x |
MCI WorldCom | x |
x |
x |
x |
Melbourne IT | x |
x |
Mersan Law Offices | x |
Meta-Certificate Group | x |
x |
Microsoft Corporation | x |
Microsoft Corporation Egypt | x |
Momsen Leonardos & Cia | x |
National Informatics Center | x |
Nauta Dutilh | x |
Net Registry Australia | x |
NetNames | x |
NIC Mexico | x |
Network Solutions | x |
NIC Brazil | x |
NIC Hyderabad | x |
NIC Paraguay | x |
Nissan Motor Company | x |
Nominalia | x |
Nominet | x |
Nortel Networks | x |
Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt | x |
Oca, Jesús Rodríguez | x |
Olivares & Cia | x |
Oppenheimer, Wolff & Dunnelly | x |
Osiris Comunicação Digital | x |
Page Hargrave | x |
Pagina Vesta | x |
Pinheiro Neto Advogados | x |
Porsche | x |
x |
Procurement Services International | x |
Prosys International | x |
Rajah & Tann | x |
RAM Informatics | x |
Ravindran Associates | x |
Rembrandt Group | x |
||| | x |
Riches, McKenzie & Herbert | x |
Ringe y Correa | x |
Robin, Blecker & Daley | x |
Rosana Strassburger Kuwer | x |
Rupert International | x |
Satyam Computer Services | x |
Schering | x |
Sena & Bertón Moreno | x |
Shalakany Law Office | x |
Shapiro, Cohen | x |
Shaw Pittman | x |
ShockMedia | x |
Silveira Advogados | x |
Sim, Hughes, Ashton & McKay | x |
Simpson Solicitors | x |
Sínese - Comércio e Serviços | x |
Singapore Telecom, Singnet | x |
Skyline International Corporation | x |
Smart & Biggar | x |
Software Technology Park | x |
Solmark Marcas e Patentas | x |
Soto Esculante y Pontones | x |
Speco | x |
Spoor and Fisher | x |
Sprint | x |
Sprint Canada | x |
SWITCH | x |
Taylor Joynson Garrett | x |
x |
Telstra Corporation | x |
The Chanel Company | x |
The Darwin Group | x |
Thomson & Thomson | x |
Thorne Echeandia & Piaggio Abogados | x |
Time Warner | x |
x |
Trenite Van Doorne | x |
Tucows Interactive | x |
Uniforum | x |
UNINET (Foundation for Research and Development) | x |
United Parcel Service of America | x |
UUNET | x |
Veirano e Advogados Associados | x |
Viacom | x |
x |
Viñamata, Roldan y Asociados | x |
Warner Bros., A Time Warner Entertainment Company | x |
Wiley, Rein & Fielding | x |
x |
Zacarias & Fernández | x |
Zavala De Leon y Asociados | x |
Akabani, Sami | x |
Almeida, Gilberto M. | x |
Anderson, Ethan | x |
Arida, Christine | x |
Azmi, Karim | x |
Barrios, Gabriela | x |
Barry, Mikki | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Bird, Darrell J. | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Bourne, Jana | x |
Bowman, Paul T. | x |
Bradley, Tom | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Brieu, Philippe P. | x |
Brunner, Eric | x |
Burton, James | x |
Cabagnot, Rocky | x |
||| | x |
Chandru, Ganesh | x |
Chevallier, Natalie | x |
Cody, John | x |
Cortes, Oscar Fernandez | x |
Crumbaugh, Steven | x |
Cyhan, Adrian | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Daniels, Ron | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
DeGarcia, Juan | x |
Desvousges, David A. | x |
Dickenson, Virginia | x |
Doughney, Michael | x |
x |
|| | x |
Ebérard, Monica Fragoso | x |
||| | x |
Elam, Len E. | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Evans, Clark | x |
Evans, Gail | x |
x |
Everett-Church, Ray | x |
||| | x |
Figueroa, Joan | x |
||| | x |
Fitzgerald, Brian | x |
x |
Foster, Coleman | x |
||| | x |
Gabrielli, Joseph | x |
||| | x |
Galt, John David | x |
Ganesh, Chandru | x |
x |
Garland, David | x |
||| | x |
Geller, Paul Edward | x |
Genis, Jerez Alberto | x |
Gerck, Ed | x |
G. Gervaise Davis III | x |
||| | x |
Goodspeed, John D. | x |
Gordon, Seth | x |
Gymer, Keith | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Hirsch, Helmut | x |
Hirsch, Jane | x |
Hofman, Julien | x |
Horns, Axel H. | x |
Hunger, Adam | x |
||| | x |
Ibrahim Mohamed Abd El Moniem, Ahmed | x |
Irizarry, John | x |
Iyer, Rukmani | x |
Jacoy, Jacob and Kaplan, Leon B. | x |
Jaeger-Lenz, Andrea | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Jensen, Mike | x |
||| | x |
Katsch, Ethan | x |
||| | x |
Kerr, Ian | x |
||| | x |
King, Ron | x |
Knight, Dale | x |
Kuner, Christopher | x |
László, Velok | x |
x |
Leal, Marcel | x |
Lebow, Robert | x |
Lewin, Ted R. | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Lulessa, Nega G. | x |
Lytle, Seth R. | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Marinho de Castro, Clarice | x |
McCoy, Tony | x |
McTaggart, Craig | x |
Mikus, Jean-Philippe | x |
Minus, Derek | x |
Moskin, Jonathon | x |
x |
|| | x |
Mueller, Milton | x |
x |
x |
Munsche, Peter | x |
||| | x |
Nadeau, Thomas D. | x |
Narra, Srikanth | x |
Nelthrope, Frederick D. | x |
||| | x |
Nezumi, Magenta H. | x |
||| | x |
Oppedahl, Carl | x |
Opsahl, Kurt - and co-signatories; law professors, academics, students, attorneys and industry | x |
x |
Oriol S. | x |
Orr, Tom | x |
Padilla, Robert | x |
Parisi, Dan | x |
Parker, Charles B. | x |
Partridge, Jeff | x |
Pazmiño, Carlos | x |
Pearre, Benjamin Weste | x |
||| | x |
Perry, Mark | x |
Peterson, Anna Victoria | x |
Pfeifer, Aina | x |
Pollack, Malla | x |
Rangarajan | x |
Reese, R.A. | x |
Reesha, Joseph C. | x |
Reidenberg, Joel R. | x |
Reisig, Ken | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Rony, Ellen | x |
x |
Rony, Peter | x |
x |
Ropers, Thomas | x |
||| | x |
||| | x |
Samuelson, Pam | x |
Schenk, Oliver | x |
||| | x |
Sexton, Richard J. | x |
x |
Shahid, Alikahan | x |
Sherwood, Kirk | x |
Silver, Caryl | x |
Slattery, James M. | x |
Smith, Orlando | x |
Smith, Russ | x |
Schwimmer, Martin | x |
Stefferud, Einar | x |
Steinberg, Dan | x |
Steinfeld, Ed | x |
Sullivan, Andrew | x |
||| | x |
Tang, Guangliang | x |
Thorburn, Ian | x |
Todd, Sandy | x |
||| | x |
Turner, Collin | x |
Verger, Gérard | x |
||| | x |
Wee Loon, Ng-Loy | x |
Weinberg, Jonathon | x |
Woeger, Robert Adam | x |
||| | x |
Williams, Dan | x |
Williams, Eric C. | x |
Williams Jr., Robert | x |
Winn, Jane K. | x |
||| | x |
Yabe, Kozo | x |
Youdelman, Billy | x |
Youkharibache, Philippe | x |
Zamkotowicz, James E. | x |
Zhang, Xiao-He | x |
[1] A total of 66 comments were submitted to RFC-1; 72 comments were submitted to RFC-2 (of the 72 comments, six were administrative in nature); and 196 comments were submitted to RFC-3 (a small number of comments were submitted on behalf of more than one entity or individual).