Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2002-12-15 - gTLD Action Plan

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2002-12-15 - gTLD Action Plan

Resolution of the ICANN Board
gTLD Action Plan

Board authorizes President to implement NTEPPTF recommendations in Action Plan, requests GNSO to provide recommendation on structure of generic tol level namespace, and directs President to develop draft Request for Proposals.

Meeting Date: 
Sun, 15 Dec 2002
Resolution Number: 
02.150, 02.151, 02.152
Implementation Actions: 
  • Provide recommendation on whether to structure evolution of generic top level namespace and, if so, how to do so.
    • Responsible entity: GNSO
    • Due date: shall be mutually agreed to by President and Chair of GNSO Names Council
    • Completion date: 12 June 2003
  • Draft Request for Proposals for Board's consideration.
    • Responsible entity: President
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: June 2003
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, the Board accepted thereport of the ICANN New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task Force (NTEPPTF) at its meeting on 23 August 2002;

Whereas, at that meeting the Board instructed the President to develop a plan for action for approval by the Board;

Whereas, the President presented An Action Plan Regarding New TLDs for discussion at the Public Forum in Shanghai on 30 October 2002, and posted that Action Plan for public comment on 8 November 2002;

Whereas, comments have been received, posted, and evaluated regarding that Action Plan;

Whereas, the Action Plan was again discussed at the Public Forum in Amsterdam on 14 December 2002; and

Whereas, the Action Plan recommends that key recommendations of the NTEPPTF report be implemented; that certain questions regarding the future evolution of the generic top-level namespace be referred for advice to the GNSO described in Article X of the New Bylaws approved in Shanghai on 31 October 2002 and as further refined at this meeting; and that steps be taken towards approval of a limited number of new sponsored gTLDs;

Resolved [02.150] that the Board authorizes the President to take all steps necessary to implement those aspects of the NTEPPTF recommendations as specified in the Action Plan;

Resolved [02.151] that the Board requests the GNSO to provide a recommendation by such time as shall be mutually agreed by the President and the Chair of the GNSO Names Council on whether to structure the evolution of the generic top level namespace and, if so, how to do so;

Resolved [02.152] that the Board directs the President to develop a draft Request for Proposals for the Board's consideration in as timely a manner as is consistent with ICANN staffing and workload for the purpose of soliciting proposals for a limited number of new sponsored gTLDs.

Additional Information: