Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2003-03-27 - GNSO Recommendations on Transfers

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2003-03-27 - GNSO Recommendations on Transfers

Resolution of the ICANN Board
GNSO Recommendations on Transfers

Board resolves to notify the GAC of the GNSO Recommendations on Transfers and expresses its intent to adopt GNSO recommendations at its next meeting.

Meeting Date: 
Thu, 27 Mar 2003
Resolution Number: 
03.39, 03.40
Implementation Actions: 
  • Notify the Chair of the GAC of its consideration of the policies recommended in the Final Report of the GNSO Transfers Task Force.
  • Responsible entity: President
  • Due date: None provided
  • Completion date: 30 March 2003
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, at its meeting on 20 February 2003, the GNSO Council voted unanimously to accept the Final Report of the GNSO Transfers Task Force and to forward it to the ICANN Board as a consensus-policy recommendation;

Whereas, the report was posted on the ICANN web site on 4 March 2003, with a call for public comment;

Whereas, various public comments were received and considered by the Board;

Whereas, the report was discussed at the ICANN Public Forum session held on Wednesday, 26 March 2003, with public comment received;

Whereas, Article XI, Section 2(1)(h) of the bylaws provides that the Board will notify the Chair of the Governmental Advisory Committee of proposals raising public-policy issues on which the ICANN Board seeks public comment;

Whereas, the Board believes that the GNSO Council recommendations may involve public-policy issues;

Resolved [03.39] that the President is instructed, on behalf of the Board, to notify the Chair of the Governmental Advisory Committee of its consideration of the policies recommended in the Final Report of the GNSO Transfers Task Force as proposed policies; and

Resolved further [03.40] that the Board expresses its intention to act on the GNSO Council's recommendation to adopt the recommendations in the Final Report of the GNSO Transfers Task Force at its next meeting, anticipated to be held by teleconference in late-April 2003.

Additional Information: