Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2005-07-15 - Audit Committee Review

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2005-07-15 - Audit Committee Review

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Audit Committee Review

Board directs Board Governance Committee to review current Board Audit Committee Charter, review best practices for non-provit auditing functions, and report recommendation to the Board of Directors at ICANN's Vancouver Meeting.

Meeting Date: 
Fri, 15 Jul 2005
Resolution Number: 
05., 05.
Implementation Actions: 
  • Review current Board Audit Committee Charter and best practices.
    • Responsible entity: Board Governance Committee
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None provided
  • Report recommendations relating to the enhancements of the Board's auditing functions to Board of Directors.
    • Responsible entity: Board Governance Committee
    • Due date: 4 December 2005
    • Completion date: by 4 December 2005
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, ICANN's Audit Committee Charter was approved by the ICANN Board on 10 March 2000, consistent with ICANN Bylaws Article XII, Section 1.

Whereas, ICANN Board's Audit Committee at its Meeting in Luxembourg agreed that the ICANN's Board Governance Committee should conduct a review of the auditing metrics and procedures used throughout ICANN to keep the auditing charter current with the highest standards of corporate governance and auditing practices.

Resolved (05.__), the ICANN Board hereby requests that the Board Governance Committee conduct a review of the current Board Audit Committee Charter and also review best practices for non-profit auditing functions.

Resolved (05.__), the Board Governance Committee shall report its recommendations relating to the enhancement of the Board's auditing functions, to the full Board in time for its consideration at ICANN's Vancouver Meeting.

Additional Information: 
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.