Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2007-03-30 - RSSAC and SSAC Report to IANA on Adding AAAA Records to the Root

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2007-03-30 - RSSAC and SSAC Report to IANA on Adding AAAA Records to the Root

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Accommodating IPv6 AAAA Records for Root of DNS

Board accepts the joint RSSAC-SSAC report, and forwards the report to IANA staff to implement the report's recommendations, as appropriate.

ICANN Structures
Meeting Date: 
Fri, 30 Mar 2007
Resolution Number: 
07.26, 07.27
Implementation Actions: 
  • Implement RSSAC-SSAC joint report's recommendations, as appropriate.
    • Responsible entity: IANA staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 4 February 2008
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, on 23 March 2007, ICANN's Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) and Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) jointly published a report on Accommodating IP Version 6 Address Resource Records for the Root of the Domain Name System.

Whereas, the report includes a roadmap the community can follow to assure that the inclusion of AAAA records in the root hints file and DNS priming responses from root name servers has minimum impact and maximum benefit.

Resolved (07.26), the Board hereby accepts the report, and thanks the members of SSAC and the RSSAC and all other contributors for their efforts in the creation of the report.

Resolved (07.27), the Board forwards the report to IANA staff to consider and implement the report's recommendations as appropriate.

Additional Information: