Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2008-02-15 - New gTLDs - Next Steps
Important note: The explanatory text provided through this database (including the summary, implementation actions, identification of related resolutions, and additional information) is an interpretation or an explanation that has no official authority and does not represent the purpose behind the Board actions, nor does any explanations or interpretations modify or override the Resolutions themselves. Resolutions can only be modified through further act of the ICANN Board.
2008-02-15 - New gTLDs - Next Steps
Board directs staff to continue consultation with Board, GNSO, and community on implementation issues and progress concerning GNSO policy recommendations on new gTLDs.
- Hold 2-day GNSO meeting in Los Angeles for information on progress and discussion of implementation issues.
- Responsible entity: Cross-departmental team for policy implementation
- Due date: 17 April 2008
- Completion date: 10-11 April 2008
- Provide information to Board in preparation for and during workshop on 18-19 April 2008.
- Responsible entity: Cross-departmental team for policy implementation
- Due date: 17 April 2008
- Completion date: 19 April 2008
Whereas, ICANN staff has been developing implementation vision and details for the GNSO's policy recommendations regarding the introduction of New gTLDs and has provided analysis to the Board on a number of implementation issues.
Whereas, ICANN staff has retained subject matter experts and done considerable work developing the new gTLD program plan and designing elements of the implementation plan.
Whereas, the implementation of these policy recommendations is a complex process and raises a number of challenging technical, operational, legal, economic, and political questions that will affect the DNS.
Whereas, it is important to the Internet community that ICANN develop an orderly, timely, and predictable process for the introduction of new gTLDs.
Whereas, the introduction of new gTLDs is consistent with ICANN's mission and core values to promote competition in the registration of names where practicable and beneficial in the public interest, and where feasible and appropriate, depending on market mechanisms, to promote and sustain a competitive environment.
Resolved (2008.02.15.06), the Board directs staff to continue its implementation work on New gTLDs, inform the GNSO and the public on progress made in implementation efforts, discuss some issues raised by the staff and Board regarding implementation with the GNSO Council, and provide information to the Board in a timely manner to enable the Board to discuss the recommendations and implementation issues and quickly determine a course of action for the introduction new gTLDs, with staff to provide an update at the Board workshop on 17 April 2008.
- For more information on the New gTLD Program, please refer to: http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtld-program.htm
- GNSO Policy Work on new gTLDs: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/new-gtlds/
- 10-11 April 2008: GNSO workshop: agenda, presentations, recordings
- 18-19 April 2008: Report on Board workshop in Riga
- 7 September 2007 - GNSO completed policy development process on Introduction of New gTLDs: http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/minutes-gnso-06sep07.shtml
- 8 August 2007 - Final Report, Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/new-gtlds/pdp-dec05-fr-parta-08aug07.htm
- Updates on Implementation Plan: http://icann.org/topics/new-gtld-program.htm
- 01 February 2006 - Recommendations on Policy Development for introduction of new gTLDs: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/new-gtlds/goel-mehta-01feb06.pdf
- December 2005 - GNSO initiated policy development process on the introduction of New gTLDs: http://gnso.icann.org/issues/new-gtlds/
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.