Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2008-06-26 - GNSO Recommendation on Domain Tasting

Important note: The explanatory text provided through this database (including the summary, implementation actions, identification of related resolutions, and additional information) is an interpretation or an explanation that has no official authority and does not represent the purpose behind the Board actions, nor does any explanations or interpretations modify or override the Resolutions themselves. Resolutions can only be modified through further act of the ICANN Board.

2008-06-26 - GNSO Recommendation on Domain Tasting

Resolution of the ICANN Board
GSNO Recommendation on Domain Tasting

Board adopts the GNSO policy recommendation on domain tasting, and directs staff to implement the policy following appropriate comment and notice periods.

Meeting Date: 
Thu, 26 Jun 2008
Resolution Number: 
Implementation Actions: 
  • Implement policy following appropriate comment and notice periods.
    • Responsible entity: gTLD Registry Liaison
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 1 April 2009
  • Conduct public comment period on draft implementation plan.
    • Responsible entity: gTLD Registry Liaison
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 1 December 2008
  • Report to GNSO on implementation of the Policy at six-month intervals for two-years following implementation.
    • Responsible entity: gTLD Registry Liaison
    • Due Date: None provided
    • Completion Date: 19 November 2010
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, ICANN community stakeholders are increasingly concerned about domain tasting, which is the practice of using the add grace period (AGP) to register domain names in bulk in order to test their profitability.

Whereas, on 17 April 2008, the GNSO Council approved, by a Supermajority vote, a motion to prohibit any gTLD operator that has implemented an AGP from offering a refund for any domain name deleted during the AGP that exceeds 10% of its net new registrations in that month, or fifty domain names, whichever is greater. <http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/minutes-gnso-17apr08.shtml>

Whereas, on 25 April 2008, the GNSO Council forwarded its formal "Report to the ICANN Board - Recommendation for Domain Tasting" <http://gnso.icann.org/issues/domain-tasting/domain-tasting-board-report-gnso-council-25apr08.pdf>, which outlines the full text of the motion and the full context and procedural history of this proceeding.

Whereas, the Board is also considering the Proposed FY 09 Operating Plan and Budget <http://www.icann.org/financials/fiscal-30jun09.htm>, which includes (at the encouragement of the GNSO Council) a proposal similar to the GNSO policy recommendation to expand the applicability of the ICANN transaction fee in order to limit domain tasting.

Resolved (2008.06.26.06), the Board adopts the GNSO policy recommendation on domain tasting, and directs staff to implement the policy following appropriate comment and notice periods on the implementation documents.

Additional Information: 
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.