Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2009-10-30 - Improve Existing GNSO Constituency Charters
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2009-10-30 - Improve Existing GNSO Constituency Charters
Board directed the ICANN Staff and community to continue their collaborative efforts to substantively improve and update the existing GNSO Constituency charters to reflect the GNSO Improvements adopted by the Board and to seek Board reconfirmation of the existing GNSO Constituencies by the Nairobi ICANN meeting.
- Improve/update charters
- Responsible entity: GNSO Constituencies and ICANN Policy Staff
- Due date: 22 February 2010
- Completion date: Ongoing (extended to Brussels meeting in June 2010 by Board resolution in Nairobi)
Whereas, the Board approved new GNSO Stakeholder Group Structures at its 30 July 2009 meeting;
Whereas, Article XX, Section 5(3) of the recent Bylaws amendments call for existing GNSO Constituencies to submit to the ICANN Secretary a new or revised Charter inclusive of its operating procedures, adopted according to the Constituency's processes and consistent with these Bylaws Amendments, no later than October 2009, or another date as the Board may designate by resolution;
Whereas, a number of the GNSO Constituencies are still working to complete their Charter update efforts; and
Whereas, the Board expects that the substantive review of the existing GNSO Constituency charters will continue after Seoul to give the existing GNSO Constituencies the opportunity to reconfirm their status and further update their charters to ensure that they conform with the principles of the ICANN Bylaws and the GNSO Improvements process and the implementation recommendations being developed by the GNSO community;
Whereas, the SIC recommended that the Board direct staff and the community to continue their collaborative efforts, and recommended that the Board should extend the time period for the remaining Constituencies to update their charter documents.
Resolved (2009.10.30.04), the Board directs the Staff and the community to continue their collaborative efforts to substantively improve the existing GNSO Constituency charters to reflect the GNSO Improvements adopted by the Board and to seek Board reconfirmation of the existing GNSO Constituencies by the Nairobi ICANN meeting. The Board otherwise extends the time period for Constituencies to update their charter documents as described in the Bylaws Transition Article XX, Section 5(3) and asks the Staff to coordinate those efforts as soon as practicable.
- No additional funding provided.