Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2010-08-05 - Final Report from RSSAC Review Working Group
Important note: The explanatory text provided through this database (including the summary, implementation actions, identification of related resolutions, and additional information) is an interpretation or an explanation that has no official authority and does not represent the purpose behind the Board actions, nor does any explanations or interpretations modify or override the Resolutions themselves. Resolutions can only be modified through further act of the ICANN Board.
2010-08-05 - Final Report from RSSAC Review Working Group
Accepts RSSAC Review Working Group report, dissolves WG, and asks the Board Structural Improvements Committee to recommend implementation activities.
- Provide implementation recommendations
- Responsible entity: Board SIC and Review Staff
- Due date: None
- Completion date: 25 January 2011
- From the Structural Improvements Committee – Receipt of Final Report from RSSAC Review Working Group Whereas, after public comment, the RSSAC review Working Group (WG) has delivered to the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) its final report of activity, which contain conclusions and recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of this structure;
Whereas, at its 22 July 2010 meeting, the SIC recommended that the Board receive the final report, thank the members of the RSSAC review WG, and dissolve the RSSAC review WG, which has fulfilled the tasks assigned to it at the time of establishment;
Whereas, the SIC also recommended that the ICANN Board direct the SIC with presenting a set of suggested implementation actions arising out of the Final Report for Board consideration and approval at the 28 October 2010 meeting of the Board.
Resolved (2010.08.05.09), the Board receives the final report of the RSSAC review Working Group.
Resolved (2010.08.05.10), the Board thanks the Chair and Members of the RSSAC review Working Group: Harald Alvestrand (Chair), Steve Crocker and Bruce Tonkin, for their commitment and ability to fulfil their tasks.
Resolved (2010.08.05.11), the Board dissolves the RSSAC review Working Group.
Resolved (2010.08.05.12), the Board directs the Structural Improvements Committee to present a set of suggested actions for approval at the October 2010 Board meeting, so as to address the conclusions and recommendations formulated in the final report of this Working Group.
- The RSSAC Review is part of ICANN's Organizational Review Process. More information can be found at http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/.
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.