Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2010-10-28 - Posting Bylaws Changes on Board Transitions
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2010-10-28 - Posting Bylaws Changes on Board Transitions
Approved posting of Bylaws changes on transition of Board terms.
- Post for public comment
- Responsible entity: Legal Staff
- Due date: None
- Completion date: posted 8 November 2010
- Evaluate and summarize comments
- Responsible entity: Legal Staff
- Due date: None
- Completion date: January 2011
Whereas, the Bylaws require that all incoming members of the ICANN Board of Directors not appointed by the Nominating Committee (NomCom) are seated on the Board six months after the prior year's Annual General Meeting (AGM);_
Whereas, six months after the prior year's AGM typically occurs in- between ICANN's International Public Meetings, and if the Bylaws are amended to allow for a voting Board member to be selected by the At-Large Community, the transition of the new Seat 15 is anticipated to occur between ICANN's International Public Meetings;
Whereas, the Board Review Working Group recommended that the seating of Board members not appointed by NomCom occur at a mid-year International Public Meeting of ICANN to facilitate the transitioning of the Board;
Whereas, the Board Governance Committee ("BGC") has considered this issue and recognized that a mid-year meeting may not occur on an annual basis, and recommended modifications to allow for seating of incoming directors without delay;
Whereas, the proposed Bylaws amendments reflect the anticipated addition of a voting member selected by the At-Large Community, incorporating amendments already posted for public comment, at http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201007-en.htm#al-director;
Whereas, the BGC recommends that the Board approve the posting for public comment of the proposed Bylaws amendments.
RESOLVED (2010.10.28.08), that the proposed Bylaws amendments be posted for public comment for a period of not less than 30 days.
RESOLVED (2010.10.28.09), once the public comment period is concluded and the public comments have been evaluated and summarized, the Board will consider the proposed Bylaws amendments for approval.
- The public comment forum is available at http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/public-comment-201012-en.htm#bylaws-amend-article-vi8.
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.