Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2011-03-18 - AOC Reviews, Including ATRT Recommendations

Important note: The explanatory text provided through this database (including the summary, implementation actions, identification of related resolutions, and additional information) is an interpretation or an explanation that has no official authority and does not represent the purpose behind the Board actions, nor does any explanations or interpretations modify or override the Resolutions themselves. Resolutions can only be modified through further act of the ICANN Board.

2011-03-18 - AOC Reviews, Including ATRT Recommendations

Resolution of the ICANN Board
ATRT Report Implementation

Board directs Staff with regard to implementation, costs and measurement of ATRT Report recommendations.

Administration and Budget
Meeting Date: 
Fri, 18 Mar 2011
Resolution Number: 
2011.03.18.18, 2011.03.18.19, 2011.03.18.20, 2011.03.18.21, 2011.03.18.22
Implementation Actions: 
  • Publish initial implementation plans.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: June 2011
  • Provide Board with final, proposed plans for the implementation of the ATRT recommendations.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: June 2011
  • Consider FY2012 cost of implementing ATRT recommendations and report to Board.
    • Responsible entity: Board Finance Committee (BFC)
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: May 2011
  • Work with Board to implement ATRT recommendations.
    • Responsible entity: Governmental Advisory Committee and Nominating Committee
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: Ongoing
  • Develop metrics to quantify and track activities called for in the Affirmation and ATRT Report.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: July 2011
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) Report provided 27 recommendations to improve ICANN, and the Affirmation of Commitments obligates ICANN to take action on the Report by 30 June 2011.

Whereas, the Board encouraged public comment and input from ICANN organizations on the Report.

Whereas, Staff has provided 27 proposed initial implementation proposals, along with proposed budgets and timelines for Board review.

Whereas, the Board finds that all 27 of the recommendations have the potential to advance ICANN's transparency and accountability objectives and may be implemented by ICANN following careful and transparent consideration, and with the necessary support and resources.

Whereas, some of the ATRT recommendations relate to operations that staff has already changed, or is in the process of changing, thanks to ATRT guidance, and some recommendations will require additional time, resources, and consultations to implement.

Resolved (2011.03.18.18), the Board received the initial implementation plans, and directs staff to publish them as soon as feasible.

Resolved (2011.03.18.19), the Board requests that ICANN Staff provide the Board with final proposed plans for the implementation of the ATRT recommendations in time for Board consideration as soon as possible.

Resolved (2011.03.18.20), the Board requests input on the cost of the implementation of all of the ATRT recommendations, and advice for consideration at the April 2011 Board meeting concerning the estimated budget implications for the FY2012 budget.

Resolved (2011.03.18.21), the Board requests that the Governmental Advisory Committee and the Nominating Committee work with the Board on implementation of recommendations involving their organizations.

Resolved (2011.03.18.22), to fully respond to the obligations in the Affirmation of Commitments, the Board requests that ICANN Staff develop proposed metrics to quantify and track activities called for in the Affirmation and ATRT report, and benchmarks that enable ICANN to compare its accountability and transparency-related efforts to international entities' best practices.

Rationale for Resolution: 

As required by the Affirmation of Commitments, the recommendations resulting from the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) were provided to the Board on 31 December 2010 and posted for public comment. The ATRT provided a constructive report that validates and builds upon ICANN's commitments and improvements. The Board encouraged and considered input from the community, including the Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, and the Nominating Committee, and reviewed the staff's input and proposed implementation plans. The public comments were supportive of the ATRT report and staff's due diligence resulted in advice that ICANN move forward with implementation work on the ATRT's 27 recommendations.

The Board finds that these recommendations: have the potential to advance ICANN's transparency and accountability objectives, which are articulated in the Affirmation and ICANN's bylaws; may be implemented by ICANN (pending resource allocation); and do not appear to negatively impact the systemic security, stability and resiliency of the DNS. The Board has asked staff to work with affected organizations and develop final implementation plans for Board approval, and notes that ICANN has already made progress on implementation of several operational changes called for by the ATRT.

Finally, the Board has asked staff to develop metrics and benchmarks for consideration. Without agreement on clear, measurable actions, future transparency and accountability improvement efforts and assessments could be hampered.

Additional Information: