Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2011-06-24 - Thanks to Departing At-Large Volunteers

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2011-06-24 - Thanks to Departing At-Large Volunteers

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Thanks to Volunteers

Thanks to departing volunteers

Administration and Budget
Meeting Date: 
Fri, 24 Jun 2011
Resolution Number: 
Implementation Actions: 
  • None
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, ICANN wishes to acknowledge the considerable energy and skills that members of the stakeholder community bring to the ICANN process.

Whereas, in recognition of these contributions, ICANN wishes to acknowledge and thank members of the community when their terms of service on Sponsoring Organizations and Advisory Committees end.

Whereas, three members of the At-Large leadership have left their positions since the Silicon Valley meeting:

  • Dr. Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond, EURALO Secretary - June 2010 to June 2011
  • Andrés Piazza, LACRALO Chair - March 2009 through July 2011.
  • Prof. Hong Xue - APRALO Chair - 22 June 2010 through 30 March 2011

Resolved (2011.06.24.16), Dr. Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond , Andrés Piazza and Prof. Hong Xue have earned the deep appreciation of the Board for their terms of service, and the Board wishes them well in their future endeavors.

Additional Information: 
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.