Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2012-10-18 - Approval of ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures
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2012-10-18 - Approval of ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures
Board adopts the ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures.
- None
Whereas, on 15 February 2008 the ICANN Board approved the Accountability Frameworks and Principles, http://www.icann.org/en/groups/board/documents/resolutions-15feb08-en.htm#_Toc64545917, which included ICANN Translation Principles http://archive.icann.org/en/accountability/frameworks-principles/community.htm.
Whereas, the Language Services Policy and Procedures document was created to formalize the principles that guide all language related services, and was submitted for public comment.
Whereas, ICANN has completed a thorough review of the comments received.
Whereas, the ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures are regularly reviewed under guidance of the Board Public Participation Committee and changes will be considered as part of the upcoming budget and operational planning cycles.
Resolved (2012.10.18.02), the Board adopts the ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures as outlined in the ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures document.
ICANN's Language Services Policy and Procedures needed to be formalized, as this will enhance ICANN's accountability to the community in setting out standard expectations. The formalization of the Langauge Services Policy and Procedure also helps ICANN meet the Recommendation 18 of the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT), recommending the Board to assure access to multi-lingual information on proceedings within ICANN.
ICANN produced the ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures document and posted it for public comment, and evaluated the public comments received. The comments will be considered as part of the upcoming budget and operational planning cycles.
Funding for ICANN's Language Services Policy and Procedures has been provided in the FY2013 budget. It is expected that additional funding to further enhance ICANN's multilingual strategy will be provided in the FY2014 budget. There is no impact on the security or the stability of the DNS due to the implementation of this policy. This is anICANN Organizational Administration Function requiring public comment.
- The ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures is available at: http://www.icann.org/en/about/participate/language-services/draft-policies-procedures-18may12-en.pdf
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.