Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » Approval of RSSAC Appointees
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Approval of RSSAC Appointees
Resolution of the ICANN Board
RSSAC Appointees
Board appoints RSSAC Co-Chairs and initial RSSAC members.
ICANN Structures
Meeting Date:
Thu, 18 Jul 2013
Resolution Number:
2013.07.18.09 – 2013.07.18.12
URL for Resolution:
Resolution Text:
Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws call for the establishment of a Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) with the role to advise the ICANN community and Board on matters relating to the operation, administration, security, and integrity of the Internet's Root Server System.
Whereas, the RSSAC is submitting this recommendation to conform with the recently adopted Bylaws changes.
Whereas, the proposed participants in the RSSAC have met and agreed to the present membership and selected Co-Chairs.
Whereas, the Bylaws call for Board appointment of nominated RSSAC members and Co-Chairs.
Resolved (2013.07.18.09), the Board appoints to the RSSAC the representatives for B root server operator, Bill Manning; C root server operator, Paul Vixie; K root server operator, Daniel Karrenberg; and M root server operator, Jun Murai to the Root Server System Advisory Committee for an initial one year term starting 1 July 2013, with the following terms to be for three-year appointments.
Resolved (2013.07.18.10), the Board appoints to the RSSAC the representatives for A/J root server operator, Brad Verd; F root server operator, Suzanne Woolf; I root server operator, Lars-Johan Liman; and L root server operator, John Crain to the RSSAC for an initial two-year term starting 1 July 2013, with the following terms to be for three-year appointments.
Resolved (2013.07.18.11), the Board appoints to the RSSAC the representatives for D root server operator, Tim Shortall; E root server operator, David Swager; G root server operator, Jim Cassel; and H root server operator, Howard Kash to the Root Server System Advisory Committee for an initial three-year term, with the following terms to be for three-year appointments.
Resolved (2013.07.18.12), the Board appoints the nominated individuals Lars-Johan Liman and Jun Murai as the Co-Chairs of the RSSAC.
Rationale for Resolution:
In Resolution 2013.04.11.02, the ICANN Bylaws were amended to clarify the continuing purpose of the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC). The Bylaws changes were recommended by the joint RSSAC-SIC Working Group formed to conclude the implementation of the RSSAC review WG final report: implementation steps, approved by the Board on 25 January 2011.
In accordance with the resolution, the RSSAC has begun the process of reorganizing itself. In May 2013, the Root Server Operators (RSOs) agreed to an initial membership of RSO operator representatives and each RSO nominated an individual. This group met on 4 June 2013 to select Co-Chairs for the initial RSSAC members, and established working groups to further develop Operating Procedures and other key elements of the reorganization. This group has also given consideration to liaisons from ICANN constituencies, such as Security and the Stability Advisory Committee, and outside organizations such as the Internet Architecture Board.
The Bylaws call for the Board to appoint the Co-Chairs as selected by the membership, and for the Co-Chairs to forward names for the membership of the RSSAC. In an effort to facilitate the RSSAC reorganization process, this resolution performs both functions for an initial set of members for RSSAC, with the expectation that additional members will be forwarded for approval in successive resolutions moving forward, including the IANA Functions Administrator, the IANA Functions Operator and the Root Zone Maintainer. As the Bylaws set out that the first full term under the new structure began on 1 July 2013, it is imperative to take action now to allow for the RSSAC to be properly comprised to serve its function within ICANN while continuing with the reorganization process.
The appointment of these initial RSSAC members is not anticipated to have any fiscal impact on ICANN, though there are budgeted resources necessary for the development of the identified materials. The timely appointment of RSSAC members contributes to ICANN’s being able to maintain and strengthen the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS.
This is an Organizational Administrative Function for which no public comment is required.