Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » Convening the First IANA Naming Function Review

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Convening the First IANA Naming Function Review

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Meeting Date: 
Sun, 16 Sep 2018
Resolution Number: 
2018.09.16.03 – 2018.09.16.06
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws require "The Board, or an appropriate committee thereof, shall cause periodic and/or special reviews (each such review, an "IFR") of PTI's performance of the IANA naming function against the contractual requirements set forth in the IANA Naming Function Contract and the IANA Naming Function SOW to be carried out by an IANA Function Review Team ("IFRT") established in accordance with Article 18 of the ICANN Bylaws."

Whereas, Section 18.2.a of the ICANN Bylaws requires that the first Periodic IFR shall be convened no later than 1 October 2018.

Whereas, Section 18.7 of the ICANN Bylaws specifies the composition of the IFRT and requires that the members and liaisons of the Review Team be appointed in accordance with the rules and procedures of the appointing organizations.

Whereas, some of the appointing organizations have already appointed members and liaisons to the IFRT.

Whereas, Section 18.8.c of the ICANN Bylaws requires that the appointing organizations for the IFRT members and liaisons work together to achieve a Review Team that is balanced for diversity (including functional, geographic and cultural) and skill, and seek to broaden the number of individuals participating across the various reviews; provided, that the Review Team includes members from each ICANN Geographic Region, and the ccNSO and Registries Stakeholder Group shall not appoint multiple members who are citizens of countries from the same ICANN Geographic Region.

Whereas, Section 18.8.e of the ICANN Bylaws requires the ICANN Board to appoint an ICANN staff member to serve as a point of contact to facilitate formal lines of communication between the Review Team and ICANN.

Whereas, Section 18.3 of the ICANN Bylaws specifies the scope and responsibilities of the Review Team.

Whereas, Section 18.3.j of the ICANN Bylaws requires the Review Team to "identify process or other areas for improvement in the performance of the IANA naming function under the IANA Naming Function Contract and IANA Naming Function SOW and the performance of the CSC and the EC as it relates to oversight of PTI."

Whereas, Section 18.11 of the ICANN Bylaws requires ICANN org to provide administrative and operational support necessary for the Review Team to carry out its responsibilities, including providing and facilitating remote participation in for all meetings.

Resolved (2018.09.16.03), the Board hereby convenes the first IANA Naming Function Review and directs ICANN President and CEO or his designee(s) to provide administrative and operational support necessary for the Review Team to carry out its responsibilities, including providing and facilitating remote participation for all meetings.

Resolved (2018.09.16.04), the Board asks that the remaining appointing organizations complete their processes to appoint members and liaisons. Further, the appointing organizations should coordinate to ensure that the composed Review Team meets diversity requirements in Section 18.8.c of the ICANN Bylaws.

Resolved (2018.09.16.05), the IFR shall be conducted in accordance with the scope specified in Section 18.3 of the ICANN Bylaws.

Resolved (2018.09.16.06), in fulfilment of the Board's obligation to appoint an ICANN org staff member to serve as a point of contact to facilitate formal lines of communication between the Review Team and ICANN org, the Board directs the ICANN President and CEO to designate the appropriate staff member to serve in that role.

Rationale for Resolution: 

The Board is convening the first periodic IANA Naming Function Review ("IFR") to satisfy the requirement under Section 18.2 of the ICANN Bylaws that the first periodic IFR be convened no later than 1 October 2018. The IFR is a new accountability mechanism created as part of the IANA stewardship transition to ensure that PTI meets the needs and expectations of its naming customers by adhering to the contractual requirements set forth in the IANA Naming Function Contract and the IANA Naming Function Statement of Work [PDF, 626 KB].

Steps have already been taken by appointing organizations to appoint members and liaisons to the Review Team. The Board asks that the remaining appointing organizations complete their processes to appoint members and liaisons so that the composed Review Team can begin its work. To ensure that the final composition of the Review Team meets the requirements of the ICANN Bylaws, the Board asks that the appointing organizations coordinate to finalize the composition of the Review Team in accordance with Section 18.8.c of the ICANN Bylaws. ICANN org has been directed to provide a staff member point of contact to support communication between the Review Team and ICANN org.

The Board understands that the scope of the IFR is well-defined at Section 18.3 in the ICANN Bylaws. There is the possibility of overlap with the ongoing CSC Effectiveness Review, required at Section 17.3 of the Bylaws, which states: "The effectiveness of the CSC shall be reviewed two years after the first meeting of the CSC…The method of review will be determined by the ccNSO and GNSO." The CSC Effectiveness Review must commence by 6 October 2018, which is two years from when the Customer Standing Committee held its first meeting. The potential overlap is with the IFR Review Team scope item to "Identify process or other areas for improvement in the performance…of the CSC…as it relates to oversight of PTI." To ensure effective and efficient use of community resources, the Board encourages the IFR Review Team to consider as input into its work any future findings, recommendations, or methodology and criteria that the GNSO and ccNSO adopt as it relates to the review of the effectiveness of the Customer Standing Committee.

The Board-approved FY19 ICANN annual operating plan and budget contains resources budgeted to support the IFR.

This action is within ICANN's mission as it supports ICANN carrying out the part of its mission relating to coordination of the allocation and assignment of names in the root zone, and directly supports the public interest. The ICANN Board is taking this action in accordance with the requirements of the ICANN Bylaws. As such, no public comment period is needed to inform the Board's action.