Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » FY21 IANA Operating Plan and Budget Adoption
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FY21 IANA Operating Plan and Budget Adoption
Whereas, the draft FY21 IANA Operating Plan and Budget (OP&B) was posted for public comment in accordance with the Bylaws on 14 October 2019.
Whereas, comments received through the public comment process were reviewed and responded to and provided to the Board Finance Committee (BFC) for review and comment.
Whereas, all public comments have been taken into consideration, and where appropriate and feasible, have been incorporated and a final FY21 IANA OP&B. Per the Bylaws, the IANA OP&B is to be adopted by the Board and then posted on the ICANN website.
Whereas, the public comments received, as well as other solicited community feedback were taken into account to determine required revisions to the draft PTI FY21 Operating Plan and Budget.
Resolved (2020.01.26.04), the Board adopts the FY21 IANA Operating Plan and Budget.
In accordance with Section 22.4 of the ICANN Bylaws, the Board is to adopt an annual IANA budget and publish it on the ICANN website. On 14 October 2019 drafts of the FY21 PTI Operating Plan and Budget (OP&B) and the FY21 IANA OP&B were posted for public comment. The PTI Board approved the FY21 PTI OP&B on 09 January 2020, and the PTI Budget was received as input into the FY21 IANA OP&B.
The FY21 PTI OP&B and the draft FY21 IANA OP&B were based on numerous discussions with members of ICANN org and the ICANN Community, including extensive consultations with ICANN Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, and other stakeholder groups throughout the prior several months.
All comments received in all manners were considered in developing the FY21 IANA OP&B. Where feasible and appropriate these inputs have been incorporated into the final FY21 IANA OP&B proposed for adoption.
The FY21 IANA OP&B will have a positive impact on ICANN in that it provides a proper framework by which the IANA services will be performed, which also provides the basis for the organization to be held accountable in a transparent manner.
This decision is in the public interest and within ICANN's mission, as it is fully consistent with ICANN's strategic and operational plans, and the results of which allow ICANN to satisfy its mission.
This decision will have a fiscal impact on ICANN and the Community as is intended. This should have a positive impact on the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system (DNS) with respect to any funding that is dedicated to those aspects of the DNS.
This is an Organizational Administrative Function that has already been subject to public comment as noted above.