Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » New GNSO Voting Thresholds to address post-transition roles and responsibilities of the GNSO as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community - Proposed Changes to ICANN Bylaws
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New GNSO Voting Thresholds to address post-transition roles and responsibilities of the GNSO as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community - Proposed Changes to ICANN Bylaws
Whereas, during its meeting on 30 January 2018, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council resolved (https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+30+Janua...) to recommend that the ICANN Board of Directors adopt proposed changes to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws to reflect new GNSO voting thresholds which are different from the current threshold of a simple majority vote of each House (see https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/proposed-revisions-bylaws-ar... [PDF, 39 KB]).
Whereas, the addition of voting thresholds to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws as proposed by the GNSO would constitute a "Standard Bylaw Amendment" under Section 25.1 of the Bylaws.
Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws requires that Standard Bylaw Amendments be published for public comment prior to the approval by the Board.
Whereas, after taking public comments into account, the Board will consider the proposed Bylaws changes for adoption.
Resolved (2018.03.15.04), the Board directs the President and CEO, or his designee(s), to post for public comment for a period of at least 40 days the Standard Bylaw Amendment reflecting proposed additions to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws to establish additional GNSO voting thresholds. The proposed new voting thresholds are different from the current threshold of a simple majority vote of each House to address all the new or additional rights and responsibilities in relation to participation of the GNSO as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community.
The action being approved today is to direct the ICANN President and CEO, or his designee, to initiate a public comment period on proposed changes to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws to reflect additional GNSO voting thresholds. The revised voting thresholds are different from the current threshold of a simple majority vote of each House, which is the default GNSO Council voting threshold. The revisions are made to address the new or additional rights and responsibilities in relation to participation of the GNSO as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community. The Board's action is a first step to consider the unanimous approval by the GNSO Council of the proposed changes.
The Board's action to initiate a public comment period on this Standard Bylaw Amendment serves the public interest by helping to fulfill ICANN's commitment to operate through open and transparent processes. In particular, posting Bylaws amendments for public comment is necessary to ensure full transparency and opportunity for the broader community to comment on these proposed changes prior to consideration or adoption by the ICANN Board. If the Board approves this Standard Bylaw Amendment after public comment period, the Empowered Community will have an opportunity to consider rejecting the Amendment in accordance with the Bylaws. This action is also consistent with ICANN's mission as it in support of one of the policy development bodies that help ICANN serve its mission.
There is no anticipated fiscal impact from this decision, which would initiate the opening of public comments, and no fiscal impact from the proposed changes to the Bylaws, if adopted. Approval of the resolution will not impact the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name.
The interim action of posting the proposed Bylaws amendments for public comment is an Organizational Administrative Action not requiring public comment.