Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » October 2016 ICANN Meeting Venue Contracting
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October 2016 ICANN Meeting Venue Contracting
Board approves relocation of the October 2016 Public Meeting.
Whereas, ICANN intended to hold its third Public Meeting of 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the North America region.
Whereas, the Zika Virus outbreak in Puerto Rico has caused the need for a relocation of the Public Meeting.
Whereas, ICANN must identify an alternative venue.
Resolved (2016.05.15.10), the Board authorizes the President and CEO, or his designee(s), to engage in and facilitate all necessary contracting and disbursements for ICANN 57 in an amount [REDACTED FOR NEGOTIATION PURPOSES].
Resolved (2016.05.15.11), specific items within this resolution shall remain confidential for negotiation purposes pursuant to Article III, section 5.2 of the ICANN Bylaws until the President and CEO determines that the confidential information may be released.
As part of ICANN's Public Meeting schedule, presently three times a year, ICANN hosts a meeting in a different geographic region (as defined in the ICANN Bylaws). ICANN 57, originally scheduled for 29 October - 4 November 2016, was to occur in the North America geographic region. San Juan, Puerto Rico was originally selected. Since the Zika Virus outbreak made it unsuitable for an ICANN Meeting in 2016, staff is tasked with performing a search for suitable, alternative venues for ICANN 57 in all geographic regions of the world, even if the originally scheduled dates must change.
As per the process, the staff will perform a thorough analysis of the meeting facilities to ensure they have met the Meeting Selection Criteria (see http://meetings.icann.org/location-selection-criteria) to ensure that the identified alternative location for ICANN 57 is appropriate.
There will be a financial impact on ICANN in hosting the meeting and providing travel support as necessary, as well as on the community in incurring costs to travel to the meeting. But such impact would be faced regardless of the location and venue of the meeting. This action will have no impact on the security or the stability of the DNS.
This is an Organizational Administrative function that does not require public comment.