Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » RSSAC Co-Chair Appointments

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RSSAC Co-Chair Appointments

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Board Approval of RSSAC Co-Chair Appointments

Board Approval of Tripti Sinha and Brad Verd as co-chairs of RSSAC

Meeting Date: 
Wed, 3 Feb 2016
Resolution Number: 
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, Article XI, Section 2 of the Bylaws governs the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC).

Whereas, Article XI, Section 2, Subsection 3B of the Bylaws states that the Board of Directors shall appoint the co-chairs and the members of the RSSAC.

Whereas, on 3 December 2015, the RSSAC conducted an election for one co-chair position and elected Brad Verd (Verisign, A/J-Root Server Operator) to a two-year term as co-chair.

Whereas, Tripti Sinha (University of Maryland, D-Root Server Operator) will continue to serve as co-chair for the second year of a two-year term.

Resolved (2016.02.03.03), the Board of Directors accepts the recommendation of the RSSAC and appoints Tripti Sinha and Brad Verd as co-chairs of RSSAC and extends its best wishes to Tripti and Brad in their important new roles.

Rationale for Resolution: 

The ICANN Bylaws call for the Board to appoint the RSSAC co-chairs as selected by the membership. The appointment of RSSAC co-chairs will allow the RSSAC to be properly composed to serve its function within ICANN's policy development work as an advisory committee.

The appointment of co-chairs is not anticipated to have any fiscal impact on ICANN that has not already been accounted for in the budgeted resources necessary for ongoing support of the RSSAC.

This is an Organizational Administrative Function for which no public comment is required.