Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » SO/AC FY16 Additional Budget Requests for FY16
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SO/AC FY16 Additional Budget Requests for FY16
Board approval on funding of additional budget requests from ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SO) and Advisory Committees (AC).
Whereas, prior discussions between community members and ICANN staff members identified the need for an earlier decision on the funding of additional budget requests from ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SO) and Advisory Committees (AC).
Whereas, the staff created an SO/AC additional budget requests process, to collect, review and submit for Board approval funding requests from the SOs and ACs.
Whereas, in accordance with the process, requests were submitted by the ICANN Community by the set deadline, and were reviewed by a panel of staff members representing the Policy, Stakeholder Engagement and Finance departments.
Whereas, the staff panel recommended the approval of requests representing $657,300 for approval.
Whereas the Board Finance Committee, reviewed the process followed and the staff's proposal, and has recommended that the Board approve staff's recommendation.
Resolved (2015.04.26.20), the Board approves committing $657,300 during Fiscal Year 2016 to cover the costs associated with the adopted SO/AC additional budget requests.
Approving commitments within the FY2016 budget in advance is a reasonable accommodation within the established budget approval process and timeline in order to facilitate the work of the ICANN community and of the ICANN staff, and does not create additional expenses. The amount of the committed expenses resulting from this resolution is considered sufficiently small to not require that funding resources are specifically identified and approved by the Board. Information on the process for consideration of additional budget requests from ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SO) and Advisory Committees (AC) is available here. The list of FY2016 requests received and the disposition of the requests is available here [DOCX, 145 KB].
There is no anticipated impact from this decision on the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system as a result of this decision.
The approval process is an Organizational Administrative process that has already been subject to significant input from the community.