Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » Structural Improvements Committee Charter Revisions
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Structural Improvements Committee Charter Revisions
Board approves the proposed revisions to the charter of the Structural Improvements Committee, including the change in the name to Organizational Effectiveness Committee.
Whereas, the Structural Improvements Committee is responsible for review and oversight of policies relating to ICANN's ongoing organizational review process mandated by Article IV, Section 4 of ICANN's Bylaws.
Whereas, the Structural Improvements Committee has proposed revisions to its name and current charter, with which the Board Governance Committee agrees.
Resolved (2015.07.28.01), that the Board approves the proposed revisions to the charter of the Structural Improvements Committee, including the change in the name to Organizational Effectiveness Committee.
Why the Board is addressing the issue?
The Board is addressing this issue because of the requirement that the Board approve revisions to charters of Board Committees.
What is the proposal being considered?
The Structural Improvements Committee is proposing the following changes:
Change of the name to "Organizational Effectiveness Committee" – The proposed change is intended to provide ICANN community with more clarity about the purpose and focus of organizational reviews and how the reviews will be conducted.
Clarification of the purpose of the Committee and of reviews – This proposed revision incorporates into the charter an important aspect of reviews – the assessment of how effectively the organization follows its policies, procedures and implements means of continuous improvement.
Adding concept of Review Framework – The documentation of a policy and procedures Framework will facilitate conducting reviews in a predictable, consistent and efficient manner, based on lessons learned from recent reviews and the applicable portions of ATRT2 recommendations on improving effectiveness of such reviews. The anticipated implementation of a Review Framework is designed to align all reviews to have consistently applied and efficiency-focused processes and oversight. The proposed changes are in alignment with process and operational improvements posted for public comment in response to community's workload concerns.
Clarification of the Committee's oversight responsibility – This change to clarify the Committee's oversight responsibility for the work of independent consultants and the implementation of review recommendations, including regular reporting to the Board on implementation status and Committee activities. Specifically, the appointment of independent consultants should follow the recent practice whereby staff conduct the competitive bidding process and recommend a finalist based on specific criteria and scoring. The Committee then confirms the staff recommendation (or discusses with staff an alternative). While the language in the 2009 Charter suggested that the Committee should recommend independent reviewer engagements for Board approval, this has instead been handled as a routine engagement that does not require full Board action. The recommended change of aligning the Charter with the recent practice of Committee's confirmation of the independent reviewer selection will result in a more efficient process, in line with focusing the Board's work on strategic rather than operational and routine matters.
Composition of the Committee and other procedural matters – Proposals include increasing maximum number of members, and well as adding more clarity in relation to conduct of meetings.
Which stakeholders or others were consulted?
Based on the requirements of the Charter of the Board Governance Committee the Structural Improvements Committee consulted with the Board Governance Committee. A formal public comment process is not required for this action.
What significant materials did the Board review?
The Board reviewed the proposed revisions to the 2009 Structural Improvements Committee charter. See Reference Materials, Exhibit A.
Are there positive or negative community impacts?
The proposed revisions are intended to provide further clarity and align all reviews to have consistently applied and efficiency-focused processes and oversight. These developments are expected to have a positive impact on the community.
Are there fiscal impacts or ramifications on ICANN (strategic plan, operating plan, and budget); the community; and/or the public?
There will be no fiscal impact or adverse ramifications on ICANN's strategic and operating plans from the proposed changes. The name change will not have a significant impact on governance documents, with most changes impacting web pages and documents currently being updated.
Are there any security, stability or resiliency issues relating to the DNS?
There are no security, stability or resiliency issues relating to the DNS as the result of this action.