Proposed .net Registry
Posted: 1 March 2001
is by and between the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers, a not-for-profit corporation, and VeriSign, Inc.
DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the
following definitions shall apply:
The "Authoritative Root-Server System" means the constellation
of DNS root-nameservers specified, from time to time, in the
file <ftp://ftp.internic.net/domain/named.root>.
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The "DNS" refers to the Internet domain name system.
The "Effective Date" is the date on which this Agreement
is signed on behalf of both parties.
The "Expiration Date" is the date specified in Subsection
"ICANN" refers to the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers, a party to this Agreement.
An "ICANN-Accredited Registrar" is an entity or person
accredited by ICANN to act as a registrar for domain names within
the domain of the Registry TLD.
"Personal Data" refers to data about any identified
or identifiable natural person.
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"Registered Name" refers to a domain name within the
domain of the Registry TLD, whether at the second or a lower
level (e.g., john.smith.name), about which Registry Operator
or an affiliate engaged in providing Registry Services maintains
data in a Registry Database, arranges for such maintenance, or
derives revenue from such maintenance. A name in a Registry Database
may be a Registered Name even though it does not appear in a
TLD zone file (e.g., a registered but inactive name).
"Registry Data" means all Registry Database data maintained
in electronic form, and shall include TLD Zone-File Data, all
data used to provide Registry Services submitted by registrars
in electronic form, and all other data used to provide Registry
Services concerning particular domain name registrations or nameservers
maintained in electronic form in the Registry Database.
"Registry Database" means a database comprised of data
about one or more DNS domain names within the domain of the Registry
TLD that is used to generate either DNS resource records that
are published authoritatively or responses to domain name availability
lookup requests or Whois queries, for some or all of those names.
"Registry Operator" refers to VeriSign, Inc., a party
to this Agreement, or any assignee of it under Subsection 5.11.
"Registry-Registrar Agreement" means an agreement between
Registry Operator and an ICANN-Accredited Registrar with the
provisions specified by Subsection 3.4.
"Registry Services" means services provided as an integral
part of the operation of the Registry TLD, including all subdomains
in which Registered Names are registered. These services include:
receipt of data concerning registration of domain names and nameservers
from registrars, provision to registrars of status information
relating to the Registry TLD, dissemination of TLD zone files,
operation of the Registry TLD zone servers, dissemination of
contact and other information concerning domain name and nameserver
registrations in the Registry TLD, and such other services required
by ICANN in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6.
Registry Services shall not include the provision of nameservice
for a domain used by a single entity under a Registered Name
registered through an ICANN-Accredited Registrar.
"Registry TLD" refers to the .net TLD.
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"Term of this Agreement" begins on the Effective Date
and continues until the earlier of (a) the Expiration Date, or
(b) termination of this Agreement.
"TLD" refers to a top-level domain in the DNS.
"TLD Zone-File Data" means all data contained in a
DNS zone file for the Registry TLD, or for any subdomain for
which Registry Services are provided and that contains Registered
Names, as provided to TLD nameservers on the Internet.
General Obligations of ICANN. With respect to all matters
that affect the rights, obligations, or role of Registry Operator,
ICANN shall during the Term of this Agreement:
exercise its responsibilities in an open and transparent manner;
not unreasonably restrain competition and, to the extent feasible,
promote and encourage robust competition;
not apply standards, policies, procedures or practices arbitrarily,
unjustifiably, or inequitably and not single out Registry Operator
for disparate treatment unless justified by substantial and reasonable
cause; and
ensure, through its reconsideration and independent review policies,
adequate appeal procedures for Registry Operator, to the extent
it is adversely affected by ICANN standards, policies, procedures
or practices.
Designation of Registry Operator. ICANN hereby continues
to recognize Registry Operator as the sole operator for the Registry
TLD during the Term of this Agreement.
Recognition in Authoritative Root-Server System. During
the Term of this Agreement, Registry Operator may, by notifying
ICANN, request (a) delegation of the Registry TLD to specified
DNS nameservers and (b) changes in that delegation. Any such
request must be made in a format, and otherwise meet technical
requirements, specified from time to time by ICANN. The initial
format and technical requirements are set forth in Appendix A.
Changes to the format and technical requirements may be made
only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and Registry Operator
(which neither party shall withhold without reason) or in the
manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6. ICANN will use
commercially reasonable efforts to have such requests implemented
in the Authoritative Root-Server System within five business
days of the submission.
Recognition in the Root-Zone Contact Database. To the
extent ICANN publishes contact data regarding TLDs, during the
Term of this Agreement it will show the Registry TLD's operator
as Registry Operator and the Registry TLD's administrative and
technical contacts as requested from time to time by Registry
Operator. Any such request must be made in a format, include
the elements of contact data, and otherwise meet technical requirements,
specified from time to time by ICANN. The initial requirements
for these requests are set forth in Appendix B. Changes to the
requirements for requests may be made only with the mutual written
consent of ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither party shall
withhold without reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections
4.3 through 4.6.
Other Obligations of ICANN. During the Term of this Agreement,
ICANN shall use commercially reasonable efforts to:
maintain, or cause to be maintained, a stable, secure, authoritative
and publicly available database of relevant information regarding
the delegation of the Registry TLD;
generate, or cause to be generated, authoritative and accurate
root zone information from such database and operate, or cause
to be operated, the Authoritative Root Server System in a stable
and secure manner;
maintain, or cause to be maintained, authoritative records and
an audit trail regarding delegations of the Registry TLD and
records related to these delegations; and
inform Registry Operator in a timely manner of any changes to
ICANN's contact information.
Use of ICANN Name. ICANN hereby grants to Registry Operator
a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license during the term
of this Agreement (i) to state that it is designated by ICANN
as the registry operator for the Registry TLD, (ii) to use a
logo specified by ICANN to signify that Registry Operator is
an ICANN-designated registry operator, and (iii) to link to pages
and documents within the ICANN web site . No other use of ICANN's
name is licensed hereby. This license may not be assigned or
sublicensed by Registry Operator.
Obligation to Provide Registry Services. During the Term
of this Agreement, Registry Operator shall operate, or cause
to be operated, a registry of Registered Names that meets the
functional specifications described by Subsection 3.2 and the
performance specifications described by Subsection 3.3. Throughout
the Term of this Agreement, Registry Operator shall be obligated
to enter into a Registry-Registrar Agreement with any ICANN-Accredited
Registrar seeking such an agreement on the terms specified by
Subsection 3.4. Throughout the Term of this Agreement, Registry
Operator shall provide Registry Services in compliance with any
Registry-Registrar Agreement as provided in Subsection 3.4 that
is then in effect.
Functional Specifications for Registry Services. All Registry
Services provided by Registry Operator shall be provided under
this Agreement and shall meet the functional specifications established
by ICANN. The initial functional specifications are set forth
in Appendix C. Non-material changes and additions to the functional
specifications may be made by Registry Operator with prior written
notice to ICANN and any affected ICANN-Accredited Registrars.
All other changes and additions to the functional specifications
may be made only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and
Registry Operator (which neither party shall withhold without
reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through
Performance Specifications for Registry Services. All
Registry Services provided by Registry Operator shall meet the
performance specifications and comply with the registrar service
level agreement established by ICANN. The initial performance
specifications are set forth in Appendix D and the initial service
level agreement is set forth in Appendix E. Changes to the performance
specifications or service level agreement may be made only with
the mutual written consent of ICANN and Registry Operator (which
neither party shall withhold without reason) or in the manner
provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6.
Registry-Registrar Agreements. During the Term of this
Agreement, Registry Operator shall enter a Registry-Registrar
Agreement with any ICANN-Accredited Registrar desiring to enter
such an agreement. All Registry Services provided by Registry
Operator for the Registry TLD shall be provided strictly in accordance
with that Registry-Registrar Agreement:
Initially, the form of the Registry-Registrar Agreement shall
be that attached as Appendix F.
The form of the Registry-Registrar Agreement may be revised (a)
by Registry Operator with the written consent of ICANN, (b) by
ICANN in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6,
provided that any additional terms are within the topics set
forth in Subsection 4.2., or, (c) with respect to the price charged
registrars by Registry Operator for Registry Services, according
to Subsection 3.4.3.
Registry Operator may, at its option and with thirty days written
notice to ICANN and to all ICANN-Accredited Registrars, revise
the prices charged to registrars under the Registry-Registrar
Agreement, provided that (a) the same price shall be charged
for services charged to all ICANN-Accredited Registrars (provided
that volume adjustments may be made if the same opportunity to
qualify for those adjustments is available to all ICANN-Accredited
Registrars) and (b) the prices shall not exceed those set forth
in Appendix G, as adjusted according to Subsection 4.4. Registry
Operator shall charge no fee to anyone for Registry Services
if such fee is not listed on Appendix G. For Registry Services
(a) listed on Appendix G without a stated price, and (b) introduced
more than six months after the Effective Date, Registry Operator
may propose to ICANN, no later than thirty days before the commencement
of that service, the inclusion in Appendix G of an offering price
for the Registry Service. The offering price for the Registry
Service shall be included in Appendix G only upon the written
consent of ICANN, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or
Fair Treatment of ICANN-Accredited Registrars.
Registry Operator shall provide all ICANN-Accredited Registrars
that have Registry-Registrar Agreements in effect, and that are
in compliance with the terms of such agreements, equivalent access
to Registry Operator's Registry Services, including to its shared
registration system.
Registry Operator shall certify to ICANN every six months, using
the objective criteria set forth in Appendix H, that Registry
Operator is providing all such ICANN-Accredited Registrars with
equivalent access to its Registry Services, including to its
shared registration system.
Registry Operator shall not act as a registrar with respect to
the Registry TLD. This shall not preclude Registry Operator from
registering names within the domain of the Registry TLD in compliance
with Subsection 3.6. This also shall not preclude an affiliate
of Registry Operator from acting as a registrar with respect
to the Registry TLD, provided that Registry Operator complies
with the provisions of Subsections 3.5.4 and 3.5.5.
Registry Operator shall comply with its Code of Conduct attached
as Appendix I. Any changes to that Code of Conduct will require
ICANN's approval.
Registry Operator will ensure, in a form and through ways described
in Appendix H, that the revenues and assets of Registry Operator
are not utilized to advantage registrars that are affiliated
with Registry Operator to the detriment of other ICANN-Accredited
Registrars. For purposes of this Subsection 3.5.5, funds distributed
to debt or equity participants in Registry Operator shall no
longer be deemed revenues and assets of Registry Operator once
they are distributed.
Registrations Not Sponsored by Registrars Under Registry-Registrar
Agreements. Registry Operator shall register domain names
within the domain of the Registry TLD, other than on a request
submitted by a registrar pursuant to that registrar's Registry-Registrar
Agreement, only as follows:
Registry Operator may register available domain names within
the domain of the Registry TLD for its own use in operating the
registry and providing Registry Services under this Agreement,
provided the number of such domain names under registration at
any time does not exceed 5000. At the conclusion of its designation
by ICANN as the operator for the Registry TLD, Registry Operator
shall transfer all such domain name registrations to the entity
or person specified by ICANN.
Registry Operator may register the names listed on Appendix X
for its own use. Registry Operator may retain registration of
those names at the conclusion of its designation by ICANN as
the operator for the Registry TLD, provided registration fees
are paid and all other requirements for registration by third
parties are met. Appendix X may be revised upon written notice
by Registry Operator to ICANN and written consent by ICANN, which
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
As instructed from time to time by ICANN, Registry Operator shall
maintain the registration of up to 5000 domain names within the
domain of the Registry TLD for use by ICANN and other organizations
responsible for coordination of the Internet's infrastructure.
This Subsection 3.6 shall not preclude Registry Operator from
registering domain names within the domain of the Registry TLD
through an ICANN-Accredited Registrar.
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Registration Restrictions Within Registry TLD.
Except to the extent that ICANN otherwise expressly authorizes
in writing, Registry Operator shall reserve from registration
the domain names specified by a schedule established by ICANN.
The initial schedule is attached as Appendix K. Changes to the
schedule may be made only with the mutual written consent of
ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither party shall withhold
without reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3
through 4.6.
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Bulk Access to TLD Zone Files. Registry Operator shall
provide bulk access to the zone files for the Registry TLD as
to third parties on the terms set forth in the TLD zone file
access agreement established by ICANN. The initial terms of the
agreement are set forth as Appendix N to this Agreement. Changes
to the terms of the TLD zone file access agreement may be made
only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and Registry Operator
(which neither party shall withhold without reason) or in the
manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6.
to ICANN on a continuous basis in the manner which ICANN may
from time to time specify.
Publication by Registry Operator of Registry Data.
At its expense, Registry Operator shall provide free public query-based
access to up-to-date data concerning domain name and nameserver
registrations maintained by Registry Operator in connection with
the Registry TLD. The data elements reported, format of responses
to queries, data update frequency, query types supported, and
protocols through which access is provided shall be as established
by ICANN. The initial specification of the data elements reported,
format of responses to queries, minimum data update frequency,
query types supported, and protocols through which access is
provided are set forth in Appendix O. Registry Operator may request
supplementation of the specification to include additional data
elements reported or query types supported, in which event ICANN
shall act to supplement the specification in a reasonable manner
within a reasonable time. Other changes to the specification
may be made only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and
Registry Operator (which neither party shall withhold without
reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through
To ensure operational stability of the registry, Registry Operator
may temporarily limit access under Subsection 3.10.1 in which
case Registry Operator shall immediately notify ICANN of the
nature of and reason for the limitation. Registry Operator shall
not continue the limitation longer than a period established
by ICANN if ICANN objects in writing, which objection shall not
be unreasonably made. The period shall initially be five business
days; changes to that period may be made only with the mutual
written consent of ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither
party shall withhold without reason) or in the manner provided
in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6. Such temporary limitations shall
be applied in a non-arbitrary manner and shall apply fairly to
all ICANN-Accredited Registrars.
In providing query-based public access to registration data as
required by this Subsection 3.10, Registry Operator shall not
impose terms and conditions on use of the data provided except
as permitted by policy established by ICANN. Unless and until
ICANN establishes a different policy, Registry Operator shall
permit use of data it provides in response to queries for any
lawful purposes except to: (a) allow, enable, or otherwise support
the transmission by e-mail, telephone, or facsimile of mass unsolicited,
commercial advertising or solicitations to entities other than
the data recipient's own existing customers; or (b) enable high
volume, automated, electronic processes that send queries or
data to the systems of Registry Operator or any ICANN-Accredited
Registrar, except as reasonably necessary to register domain
names or modify existing registrations. Changes to that policy
may be made only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and
Registry Operator (which neither party shall withhold without
reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through
To comply with applicable statutes and regulations and for other
reasons, ICANN may from time to time establish policies in the
manner described by Subsections 4.3 through 4.6 establishing
limits on the data concerning registrations that Registry Operator
may make available to the public through a public-access service
described in this Subsection 3.10 and on the manner in which
Registry Operator may make them available. In the event ICANN
establishes any such policy, Registry Operator shall abide by
it within the time allowed by Subsection 4.5.
At its expense, Registry Operator shall provide bulk access to
up-to-date data concerning domain name and nameserver registrations
maintained by Registry Operator in connection with the Registry
TLD in the following two ways:
on a daily schedule, only for purposes of providing free public
query-based access to up-to-date data concerning domain name
and nameserver registrations in multiple TLDs, to a party designated
from time to time in writing by ICANN. The content and format
of this data, and the procedures for providing access, shall
be as established by ICANN. The initial content, format, and
procedures are set forth in Appendix P. Changes to that content
and format and those procedures may be made only with the mutual
written consent of ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither
party shall withhold without reason) or in the manner provided
in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6.
on a continuous basis, to ICANN in the manner which ICANN may
from time to time reasonably specify, only for purposes of verifying
and ensuring the operational stability of Registry Services ,
the DNS, and the Internet The content and format of this data,
and the procedures for providing access, shall be as established
by ICANN. The initial content, format, and procedures are set
forth in Appendix Q. Changes to that content and format and those
procedures may be made only with the mutual written consent of
ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither party shall withhold
without reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3
through 4.6.
Data Escrow. Registry Operator shall periodically deposit
into escrow all Registry Data in an electronic format. The escrow
shall be maintained, at Registry Operator's expense, by a reputable
escrow agent mutually approved by Registry Operator and ICANN,
such approval also not to be unreasonably withheld by either
party. The schedule, content, format, and procedure for escrow
deposits shall be as established by ICANN from time to time.
The initial schedule, content, format, and procedure shall be
as set forth in Appendix R. Changes to the schedule, content,
format, and procedure may be made only with the mutual written
consent of ICANN and Registry Operator (which neither party shall
withhold without reason) or in the manner provided in Subsections
4.3 through 4.6. The escrow shall be held under an agreement,
substantially in the form of Appendix S, among ICANN, Registry
Operator, and the escrow agent.
Registry Operator's Handling of Personal Data. Registry
Operator shall notify registrars sponsoring registrations in
the registry for the Registry TLD of the purposes for which Personal
Data submitted to Registry Operator by registrars is collected,
the intended recipients (or categories of recipients) of such
Personal Data, and the mechanism for access to and correction
of such Personal Data. Registry Operator shall take reasonable
steps to protect Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized
disclosure, alteration or destruction. Registry Operator shall
not use or authorize the use of Personal Data in a way that is
incompatible with the notice provided to registrars.
Rights in Data. Except as permitted by the Registrar-Registry
Agreement, Registry Operator shall not be entitled to claim any
intellectual property rights in data supplied by or through registrars.
In the event that Registry Data is released from escrow under
Subsection 3.11, any rights held by Registry Operator in the
data shall automatically be transferred on a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
royalty-free, paid-up basis to ICANN or to a party designated
in writing by ICANN.
Registry-Level Financial Support of ICANN. During the
Term of this Agreement, Registry Operator shall pay to ICANN
the following fees:
Fixed Registry-Level Fee. Registry Operator shall pay
ICANN a quarterly Fixed Registry-Level Fee in an amount established
by the ICANN Board of Directors, in conformity with the ICANN
bylaws and articles of incorporation, not to exceed the Fixed
Registry-Level Fee Cap described by the following sentence. The
Fixed Registry-Level Fee Cap shall be US$25,000 per quarter until
and including June 30, 2002; shall automatically increase by
15% on July 1 of each year beginning in 2002; and may be increased
by a greater amount in the manner provided by Subsection 4.4.
Registry Operator shall pay the quarterly Fixed Registry-Level
Fee no later than the last day of each March, June, September,
and December during the Term of this Agreement.
Variable Registry-Level Fee. Registry Operator shall pay
ICANN a quarterly Variable Registry-Level Fee. The total Variable
Registry-Level Fee due to ICANN from all TLDs sponsored or operated
under a registry agreement with ICANN shall be established from
time to time by the ICANN Board of Directors in conformity with
the ICANN bylaws and articles of incorporation and shall not
exceed the Total Variable Registry-Level Fee Cap described by
the following sentence. The Total Variable Registry-Level Fee
Cap shall be US$0 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001; shall
be US$3,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002; shall
increase by 15% each fiscal year thereafter; and may be increased
by a greater amount in the manner provided by Subsection 4.3.
The total Variable Registry-Level Fee shall be calculated according
to a formula and method established from time to time by the
ICANN Board of Directors, in conformity with the ICANN bylaws
and articles of incorporation, that reasonably allocates the
total variable fee among all TLDs sponsored or operated under
a registry agreement with ICANN (whether the fee is collected
at the registry or registrar level) based on the relative number
of domain names under administration by the operators of the
registries for those TLDs. For purposes of determining the number
of domain names under administration for various TLDs in making
this allocation, it shall be deemed reasonable to assume that
the number of domain names under administration in the Registry
TLD is the number of Registered Names within those TLDs. Registry
Operator shall pay the quarterly Variable Registry-Level Fee
within thirty days after the date of ICANN's invoice for that
Payments Must Be Timely. Registry Operator shall pay the
Fixed Registry-Level Fee and Variable Registry-Level Fee in a
timely manner throughout the Term of this Agreement and notwithstanding
the pendency of any dispute between Registry Operator and ICANN.
Registry Operator shall pay interest on payments not timely made
at the rate of 1% per month or, if less, the maximum rate permitted
by California law.
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Reports Provided to ICANN.
Within twenty days after the end of each month during the Term
of this Agreement, Registry Operator shall provide ICANN a written
report, giving information specified by ICANN, on operation of
the registry during the month. The initial specification of information
is set forth in Appendix T. Changes to that specification may
be made only with the mutual written consent of ICANN and Registry
Operator (which neither party shall withhold without reason)
or in the manner provided in Subsections 4.3 through 4.6.
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Registry Operator's Ongoing Obligation to Comply With New
or Revised Specifications and Policies. During the Term of
this Agreement, Registry Operator shall comply, in its provision
of Registry Services, on the schedule provided in Subsection
4.5, with
new or revised specifications (including forms of agreement to
which Registry Operator is a party) and policies established
by ICANN as Consensus Policies in the manner described in Subsection
in cases where:
this Agreement expressly provides for compliance with revised
specifications or policies established in the manner set forth
in one or more subsections of this Section 4 or
the specification or policy concerns one or more topics described
in Subsection 4.2.
Topics for New and Revised Specifications and Policies.
New and revised specifications and policies may be established
on the following topics:
issues for which uniform or coordinated resolution is reasonably
necessary to facilitate interoperability, technical reliability,
and/or operational stability of the Registry Services, the DNS,
or the Internet;
functional and performance specifications for the provision of
Registry Services;
safety and integrity of the Registry Database;
procedures to avoid disruptions of registration due to suspension
or termination of operations by a registry operator or a registrar,
including procedures for allocation of responsibility for serving
Registered Names affected by such a suspension or termination;
resolution of disputes regarding whether particular parties may
register or maintain registration of particular domain names;
principles for allocation of SLD names (e.g., first-come/first-served,
timely renewal, holding period after expiration);
prohibitions on warehousing of or speculation in domain names
by registries or registrars;
maintenance of and access to accurate and up-to-date contact
information for domain name registrants;
reservation of Registered Names that may not be registered initially
or that may not be renewed due to reasons reasonably related
to (a) avoidance of confusion among or misleading of users, (b)
intellectual property, or (c) the technical management of the
DNS or the Internet (e.g., establishment of reservations of names
from registration); and
registry policies reasonably necessary to implement Consensus
Policies relating to registrars.
Manner of Establishment of New and Revised Specifications
and Policies.
"Consensus Policies" are those specifications or policies
established based on a consensus among Internet stakeholders
represented in the ICANN process, as demonstrated by (a) action
of the ICANN Board of Directors establishing the specification
or policy, (b) a recommendation, adopted by at least a two-thirds
vote of the council of the ICANN Supporting Organization to which
the matter is delegated, that the specification or policy should
be established, and (c) a written report and supporting materials
(which must include all substantive submissions to the Supporting
Organization relating to the proposal) that (i) documents the
extent of agreement and disagreement among impacted groups, (ii)
documents the outreach process used to seek to achieve adequate
representation of the views of groups that are likely to be impacted,
and (iii) documents the nature and intensity of reasoned support
and opposition to the proposed policy.
In the event that Registry Operator disputes the presence of
such a consensus, it shall seek review of that issue from an
Independent Review Panel established under ICANN's bylaws. Such
review must be sought within fifteen working days of the publication
of the Board's action establishing the policy. The decision of
the panel shall be based on the report and supporting materials
required by Subsection 4.3.1. In the event that Registry Operator
seeks review and the Independent Review Panel sustains the Board's
determination that the policy is based on a consensus among Internet
stakeholders represented in the ICANN process, then Registry
Operator must implement such policy unless it promptly seeks
and obtains a stay or injunctive relief under Subsection 5.9.
If, following a decision by the Independent Review Panel convened
under Subsection 4.3.2, Registry Operator still disputes the
presence of such a consensus, it may seek further review of that
issue within fifteen working days of publication of the decision
in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth
in Subsection 5.9; provided, however, that Registry Operator
must continue to implement the policy unless it has obtained
a stay or injunctive relief under Subsection 5.9 or a final decision
is rendered in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 5.9
that relieves Registry Operator of such obligation. The decision
in any such further review shall be based on the report and supporting
materials required by Subsection 4.3.1.
A specification or policy established by the ICANN Board of Directors
on a temporary basis, without a prior recommendation by the council
of an ICANN Supporting Organization, shall also be considered
to be a Consensus Policy if adopted by the ICANN Board of Directors
by a vote of at least two-thirds of its members, so long as the
Board reasonably determines that immediate temporary establishment
of a specification or policy on the subject is necessary to maintain
the operational stability of Registry Services, the DNS, or the
Internet, and that the proposed specification or policy is as
narrowly tailored as feasible to achieve those objectives. In
establishing any specification or policy under this provision,
the ICANN Board of Directors shall state the period of time for
which the specification or policy is temporarily adopted and
shall immediately refer the matter to the appropriate Supporting
Organization for its evaluation and review with a detailed explanation
of its reasons for establishing the temporary specification or
policy and why the Board believes the policy should receive the
consensus support of Internet stakeholders. If the period of
time for which the specification or policy is adopted exceeds
ninety days, the Board shall reaffirm its temporary establishment
every ninety days for a total period not to exceed one year,
in order to maintain such specification or policy in effect until
such time as it meets the standard set forth in Subsection 4.3.1.
If the standard set forth in Subsection 4.3.1 is not met within
the temporary period set by the Board, or the council of the
Supporting Organization to which it has been referred votes to
reject the temporary specification or policy, it will no longer
be a "Consensus Policy."
For all purposes under this Agreement, the policies identified
in Appendix V shall be treated in the same manner and have the
same effect as "Consensus Policies."
In the event that, at the time the ICANN Board of Directors establishes
a specification or policy under Subsection 4.3.1 during the Term
of this Agreement, ICANN does not have in place an Independent
Review Panel established under ICANN's bylaws, the fifteen-working-day
period allowed under Subsection 4.3.2 to seek review shall be
extended until fifteen working days after ICANN does have such
an Independent Review Panel in place and Registry Operator shall
not be obligated to comply ICANN with the specification or policy
in the interim.
Pricing Adjustments Arising from New or Revised Specifications
or Policies. The maximum prices stated in Appendix G shall
be increased through an amendment to this Agreement as approved
by ICANN and Registry Operator, such approval not to be unreasonably
withheld, to reflect demonstrated increases in the net costs
of providing Registry Services arising from (A) new or revised
ICANN specifications or policies adopted after November 10, 1999,
or (B) legislation specifically applicable to the provision of
Registry Services adopted after November 10, 1999, to ensure
that Registry Operator recovers such costs and a reasonable profit
thereon; provided that such increases exceed any reductions in
costs arising from (A) or (B) above.
Time Allowed for Compliance. Registry Operator shall be
afforded a reasonable period of time (not to exceed four months
unless the nature of the specification or policy established
under Subsection 4.3 reasonably requires, as agreed to by ICANN
and Registry Operator, a longer period) after receiving notice
of the establishment of a specification or policy under Subsection
4.3 in which to comply with that specification or policy, taking
into account any urgency involved.
Indemnification of Registry Operator. ICANN shall indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless Registry Operator (including its directors,
officers, employees, and agents) from and against any and all
claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including
reasonable legal fees and expenses, arising solely from Registry
Operator's compliance as required by this Agreement with an ICANN
specification or policy (including, without limitation, a Consensus
Policy) established after the Effective Date; except that Registry
Operator shall not be indemnified or held harmless hereunder
to the extent that the claims, damages or liabilities arise from
the particular manner in which Registry Operator has chosen to
comply with the specification or policy, where it was possible
for Registry Operator to comply in a manner by which the claims,
damages, or liabilities would not arise. As an alternative to
providing the indemnity stated in this Subsection 4.6, ICANN
may, at the time it establishes a specification or policy after
the Effective Date giving rise to an indemnity obligation under
this Subsection 4.6, state ICANN's election that the Registry
Operator shall bear the cost of insuring the claims, damages,
liabilities, costs, and expenses that would otherwise be indemnified
by ICANN under this Subsection 4.6, in which case the reasonable
cost to Registry Operator of such insurance shall be treated
under Subsection 4.4 as a cost of providing Registry Services
arising from the newly established ICANN specification or policy.
Expiration of this Agreement.
The Expiration Date shall be January 1, 2006.
Registry Operator acknowledges and agrees that upon the earlier
of (i) the Expiration Date or (ii) termination of this Agreement
by ICANN pursuant to Subsection 5.4, it will cease to be the
operator of the Registry TLD unless ICANN and Registry Operator
enter a new registry agreement continuing Registry Operator's
status as operator of the Registry TLD.
Upon conclusion of its status as operator of the Registry TLD,
Registry Operator shall make all commercially reasonable efforts
to cooperate with ICANN, and with any party designated by ICANN
as successor operator, to facilitate prompt and smooth transition
of the operation of the Registry TLD.
Registry Operator acknowledges and agrees that, except as expressly
provided by this Agreement, it shall not acquire any right in
the Registry TLD by virtue of its operation of the Registry TLD
or its provision of Registry Services hereunder.
Procedure for Subsequent Agreement.
Not later than one year prior to the end of the term of this
Agreement, ICANN shall, in accordance with Section 2.1, adopt
an open, transparent procedure for designating a successor Registry
Operator. The requirement that this procedure be opened one year
prior to the end of the Agreement shall be waived in the event
that the Agreement is terminated prior to its expiration.
Registry Operator or its assignee shall be eligible to serve
as the successor Registry Operator and neither the procedure
established in accordance with subsection 5.2.1
nor the fact that Registry Operator is the incumbent shall disadvantage
Registry Operator in comparison to other entities seeking to
serve as the successor Registry.
If Registry Operator or its assignee is not designated as the
successor Registry Operator, Registry Operator or its assignee
shall cooperate with ICANN and with the successor Registry Operator
in order to facilitate the smooth transition of operation of
the registry to successor Registry Operator. Such cooperation
shall include the timely transfer to the successor Registry Operator
of an electronic copy of the Registry Database and of a full
specification of the format of the data.
ICANN shall select as the successor Registry Operator the eligible
party that it reasonably determines is best qualified to perform
the registry function under terms and conditions developed pursuant
to Subsection 4.3 of this Agreement, taking into account all
factors relevant to the stability of the Internet, promotion
of competition, and maximization of consumer choice, including
without limitation: functional capabilities and performance specifications
proposed by the eligible party for its operation of the registry,
the price at which registry services are proposed to be provided
by the party, the relevant experience of the party, and the demonstrated
ability of the party to manage domain name or similar databases
at the required scale.
In the event that a party other than Registry Operator or its
assignee is designated as the successor Registry Operator, Registry
Operator shall have the right to challenge the reasonableness
of ICANN's failure to designate Registry Operator or its assignee
as the successor Registry Operator pursuant to Section 5.9 below.
Any such challenge must be filed within 10 business days following
any such designation, and shall be decided on a schedule that
will produce a final decision no later than 60 days following
any such challenge.
[Deliberately left blank]
Termination by ICANN. This Agreement may be terminated
before its expiration by ICANN in any of the following circumstances:
[Deliberately left blank]
Registry Operator:
is convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of a felony
or other serious offense related to financial activities, or
is the subject of a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction
that ICANN reasonably deems as the substantive equivalent of
those offenses ; or
is disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct
involving dishonesty or misuse of funds of others.
Any officer or director of Registry Operator is convicted of
a felony or of a misdemeanor related to financial activities,
or is judged by a court to have committed fraud or breach of
fiduciary duty, or is the subject of a judicial determination
that ICANN deems as the substantive equivalent of any of these,
and such officer or director is not immediately removed in such
Registry Operator fails to cure any material breach of this Agreement
(other than a failure to comply with a Consensus Policy adopted
by ICANN during the Term of this Agreement as to which Registry
Operator has obtained a stay under Subsection 5.9) within fifteen
business days (or such longer reasonable period as may be necessary
using best efforts to cure such breach) after ICANN gives Registry
Operator written notice of the breach.
Registry Operator's action or failure to act has been determined
under Subsection 5.9 to be in violation of this Agreement and
Registry Operator continues to act or fail to act in the manner
that was determined to violate this Agreement for a period stated
in the arbitration decision, or if no period is stated, fifteen
business days.
Registry Operator acts or continues acting in a manner that ICANN
has reasonably determined endangers the operational stability
of Registry Services, the DNS, or the Internet after receiving
three days notice of that determination.
Registry Operator becomes bankrupt or insolvent.
This Agreement may be terminated in the
circumstances described in Subsections 5.4.1 through 5.4.7 above
only upon thirty calendar days written notice to Registry Operator
(in the case of the circumstances described in Subsections 5.4.4,
5.4.5, and 5.4.6 occurring after Registry Operator's failure
to cure), with Registry Operator being given an opportunity during
that time to initiate arbitration under Subsection 5.9 to determine
the appropriateness of termination under this Agreement. In the
event Registry Operator initiates arbitration concerning the
appropriateness of termination by ICANN, Registry Operator may
at the same time request that the arbitration panel stay the
termination until the arbitration decision is rendered, and that
request shall have the effect of staying the requirement until
the decision or until the arbitration panel has granted an ICANN
request for lifting of the stay. If Registry Operator acts in
a manner that ICANN reasonably determines endangers the operational
stability of Registry Services, the DNS, or the Internet and
upon notice does not immediately cure, ICANN may suspend this
Agreement for five calendar days pending ICANN's application
for more extended injunctive relief under Subsection 5.9. This
Agreement may be terminated immediately upon notice to Registry
Operator in the circumstance described in Subsection 5.4.7.
[Deliberately left blank]
[Deliberately left blank]
Indemnification of ICANN. Registry Operator shall indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless ICANN (including its directors, officers,
employees, and agents) from and against any and all claims, damages,
liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable legal
fees and expenses, arising out of or relating to: (a) the selection
of Registry Operator to operate the Registry TLD; (b) the entry
of this Agreement; (c) establishment or operation of the Registry
TLD; (d) Registry Services; (e) collection or handling of Personal
Data by Registry Operator; (f) any dispute concerning registration
of a domain name within the domain of the Registry TLD; and (g)
duties and obligations of Registry Operator in operating the
Registry TLD; provided that, with respect to items (b) through
(g) only, Registry Operator shall not be obligated to indemnify,
defend, or hold harmless ICANN to the extent of ICANN's indemnification
of Registry Operator under Subsection 4.6 and provided further
that, with respect to item (g) only, Registry Operator shall
not be obligated to indemnify, defend, or hold harmless ICANN
to the extent the claim, damage, liability, cost, or expense
arose due to a breach by ICANN of any obligation contained in
this Agreement. For avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Subsection
5.7 shall be deemed to require Registry Operator to reimburse
or otherwise indemnify ICANN for the costs associated with the
negotiation or execution of this Agreement, or with the monitoring
of the parties' respective obligations under this Agreement.
Indemnification Procedures. If any third-party claim is
commenced that is indemnified under Subsections 4.6 or 5.7, notice
thereof shall be given to the indemnifying party as promptly
as practicable. If, after such notice, the indemnifying party
acknowledges its obligation to indemnify with respect to such
claim, then the indemnifying party shall be entitled, if it so
elects, in a notice promptly delivered to the indemnified party,
to immediately take control of the defense and investigation
of such claim and to employ and engage attorneys reasonably acceptable
to the indemnified party to handle and defend the same, at the
indemnifying party's sole cost and expense, provided that in
all events ICANN shall be entitled to control at its sole cost
and expense the litigation of issues concerning the validity
or interpretation of ICANN policies or conduct. The indemnified
party shall cooperate, at the cost of the indemnifying party,
in all reasonable respects with the indemnifying party and its
attorneys in the investigation, trial, and defense of such claim
and any appeal arising therefrom; provided, however, that the
indemnified party may, at its own cost and expense, participate,
through its attorneys or otherwise, in such investigation, trial
and defense of such claim and any appeal arising therefrom. No
settlement of a claim that involves a remedy affecting the indemnifying
party other than the payment of money in an amount that is indemnified
shall be entered into without the consent of the indemnified
party. If the indemnifying party does not assume full control
over the defense of a claim subject to such defense in accordance
with this Subsection, the indemnifying party may participate
in such defense, at its sole cost and expense, and the indemnified
party shall have the right to defend the claim in such manner
as it may deem appropriate, at the cost and expense of the indemnifying
Resolution of Disputes Under This Agreement. Disputes
arising under or in connection with this Agreement, including
requests for specific performance, shall be referred in the first
instance to arbitration conducted as provided in this Subsection
5.9 pursuant to the rules of the International Court of Arbitration
of the International Chamber of Commerce ("ICC"). The
arbitration shall be conducted in the English language and shall
occur in Los Angeles County, California, USA. There shall be
three arbitrators: each party shall choose one arbitrator and,
if the two arbitrators are not able to agree on a third arbitrator,
the third shall be chosen by the ICC. The parties shall bear
the costs of the arbitration in equal shares, subject to the
right of the arbitrators to reallocate the costs in their award
as provided in the ICC rules. The parties shall bear their own
attorneys' fees in connection with the arbitration, and the arbitrators
may not reallocate the attorneys' fees in conjunction with their
award. The arbitrators shall render their decision within ninety
days of the initiation of arbitration. Either party, if dissatisfied
with the result of the arbitration, may challenge that result
by bringing suit against the other party in a court located in
Los Angeles, California, USA to enforce its rights under this
Agreement. In all litigation involving ICANN concerning this
Agreement (as provided in the remainder of this Subsection),
jurisdiction and exclusive venue for such litigation shall be
in a court located in Los Angeles, California, USA; however,
the parties shall also have the right to enforce a judgment of
such a court in any court of competent jurisdiction. For the
purpose of aiding the arbitration and/or preserving the rights
of the parties during the pendency of an arbitration, the parties
shall have the right to seek a temporary stay or injunctive relief
from the arbitration panel or a court located in Los Angeles,
California, USA, which shall not be a waiver of this arbitration
Limitation of Liability. ICANN's aggregate monetary liability
for violations of this Agreement shall not exceed the amount
of Fixed or Variable Registry-Level Fees paid by Registry Operator
to ICANN within the preceding twelve-month period under Subsection
3.14. Registry Operator's aggregate monetary liability to ICANN
for violations of this Agreement shall be limited to fees due
and owing to ICANN under this Agreement. In no event shall either
party be liable for special, indirect, incidental, punitive,
exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection
with this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of obligations
undertaken in this Agreement. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN
Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement shall be
effective only upon written agreement by the assignee with the
other party to assume the assigning party's obligations under
this Agreement. Moreover, neither party may assign this Agreement
without the prior written approval of the other party. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, a party may assign this Agreement by giving written
notice to the other party in the following circumstances: (a)
Registry Operator may assign this Agreement as part of the transfer
of its registry business if such transfer and assignment are
approved in advance by ICANN pursuant to its procedures, and
(b) ICANN may, in conjunction with a reorganization or re-incorporation
of ICANN assign this Agreement to another non-profit corporation
organized for the same or substantially the same purposes as
ICANN or as required by Section 5 of Amendment 1 (dated November
10, 1999) to the November 25, 1998, Memorandum of Understanding
between ICANN and the United States Department of Commerce.
Subcontracting. Registry Operator shall not subcontract
portions of the technical operations of the Registry TLD accounting
for more than 80% of the value of all Registry TLD operations
without ICANN's written consent. When ICANN's consent to subcontracting
is requested, ICANN shall respond within fifteen business days,
and the consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In any subcontracting
of the technical operations of the Registry TLD, the subcontract
shall state that the subcontractor shall not acquire any right
in the Registry TLD by virtue of its performance under the subcontract.
Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable to the other
for any loss or damage resulting from any cause beyond its reasonable
control (a "Force Majeure Event") including, but not
limited to, insurrection or civil disorder, war or military operations,
national or local emergency, acts or omissions of government
or other competent authority, compliance with any statutory obligation
or executive order, industrial disputes of any kind (whether
or not involving either party's employees), fire, lightning,
explosion, flood subsidence, weather of exceptional severity,
and acts or omissions of persons for whom neither party is responsible.
Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event and to the extent such
occurrence interferes with either party's performance of this
Agreement, such party shall be excused from performance of its
obligations (other than payment obligations) during the first
six months of such interference, provided that such party uses
best efforts to avoid or remove such causes of nonperformance
as soon as possible.
No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall not
be construed to create any obligation by either ICANN or Registry
Operator to any non-party to this Agreement, including any registrar
or SLD holder.
Notices, Designations, and Specifications. All notices
(including determinations, designations, and specifications)
to be given under this Agreement shall be given in writing at
the address of the appropriate party as set forth below, unless
that party has given a notice of change of address in writing.
Any notice required by this Agreement shall be deemed to have
been properly given when delivered in person, when sent by electronic
facsimile, or when scheduled for delivery by an internationally
recognized courier service. Designations and specifications by
ICANN under this Agreement shall be effective when written notice
of them is deemed given to Registry.
If to ICANN, addressed to:
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
Marina Del Rey, California 90292
Telephone: 1/310/823-9358
Facsimile: 1/310/823-8649
Attention: Chief Executive Officer
If to Registry Operator, addressed to:
General Counsel
VeriSign, Inc.
1350 Charleston Road
Mountain View, California 94043
Telephone: 1/650/961/7500
Facsimile:1/650/961/8853; and
General Manager
VeriSign Registry
21345Ridgetop Circle
Dulles, Virginia 20166
Telephone: 1/703/948/3200
Facsimile: 1/703/421/2129; and
Deputy General Counsel
VeriSign, Inc.
505 Huntmar Park Drive
Herndon, Virginia 20170
Telephone: 1/703/742/0400
Facsimile: 1/703/742/7916
Dates and Times. All dates and times relevant to this
Agreement or its performance shall be computed based on the date
and time observed in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Language. All notices, designations, determinations, and
specifications made under this Agreement shall be in the English
Amendments and Waivers. No amendment, supplement, or modification
of this Agreement or any provision hereof shall be binding unless
executed in writing by both parties. No waiver of any provision
of this Agreement shall be binding unless evidenced by a writing
signed by the party waiving compliance with such provision. No
waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed
or shall constitute a waiver of any other provision hereof, nor
shall any such waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise
expressly provided.
Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or
more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original,
but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement of the parties hereto pertaining to the operation of
the Registry TLD and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings,
negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, between
the parties on that subject.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto
have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their
duly authorized representatives.
M. Stuart Lynn
President and CEO
Stratton Sclavos
President and CEO
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should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 1-March-2001
(c) 2001 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
All rights reserved.