TLD Application Review
(1 November 2000) |
On Monday, 2 October 2000 the application
period for those seeking to sponsor or operate new TLDs ended.
A total of 47
applications were received during the application period.
Forty-four of these applications are still active.
Tasks That Have Been Completed
ICANN has completed the following steps
in its review of applications:
- Acknowledging receipt of applications.
- Reviewing the applications to ensure they
include all the required parts. All applications being considered
now have all the required major parts, although some still appear
to be missing exhibits, postable HTML versions, etc.
- Verifying payment of the application fee.
Two of the 47 applications submitted were not accompanied by
the US $50,000 application fee. These two applications (.number/.tel/.phone
and .wap) have been returned.
- Reviewing confidentiality requests and
contacting applicants to notify them of the disposition of the
request. One of the 47 applications (.nyc) was withdrawn because
the applicant and ICANN did not agree on treatment of confidentiality
claims. All other confidentiality claims have been resolved by
agreement. In general, ICANN agreed to treat only a very limited
portion of application materials as confidential.
- Completing posting of non-confidential
portions of applications
on the ICANN web site.
We have now posted all of the basic
application materials, though a few partial omissions are still
being addressed.
Tasks Currently Underway
ICANN is currently involved in the following
aspects of the review:
- The web-based
public comment forum is currently collecting public comments
on the applications. In nineteen days of operation, over 3000
comments have been submitted. We are reviewing and digesting
the comments.
- Technical, business/financial, and legal
review of applications.
- Where an application seeks alternative
or multiple TLD strings, verifying
that it is a single application (i.e. that all parts of the
application apply, without significant variation, to all of the
strings). Applicants submitting materials that constitute more
than one application will be notified in the near future.
- We have begun sending questions out to
many of the applicants. As responses are received, we will post
the questions and responses with the application materials.
The Schedule
Here is the current schedule:
- First Public Comment Period. The web-based public
comment forum on the applications will remain open until 4:00
pm California time (midnight UTC) on Sunday, 5 November 2000.
- Staff Report. The results of the staff review of the applications
will be posted on approximately 8 November 2000. We expect these
results to be presented in a detailed report, including an explanation
of the goals of the analysis, a detailed statement of how the
analysis was performed, identification of those who participated
in the review process, summaries of findings as to each application,
compilations of comparative data on the applications, observations
regarding how the posted criteria for evaluation apply, and other
relevant results of the analysis.
- Second Public Comment Period. A second web-based public comment forum will be
established at the time the Staff Report is issued to allow the
public to comment on the report. The second forum will also permit
persons wishing to make their own comments on the applications
to do so.
Legal Claims Concerning TLDs
We continue to receive various correspondence
concerning additional legal claims concerning TLDs. We are preparing
responses that we will post
along with the correspondence asserting the claims.
Conflicts of Interest
It is important that persons having financial
interests in the applicants not be involved in making selections
among the applications. Accordingly, the members of ICANN's Board
of Directors (who will vote on the selections) and its officers
and employees (who will be advising the Board on the selections)
have reviewed whether they have any relationship to applicants
or applications that would make their participating in the selection
inappropriate. Based on this review, the following persons recused
themselves prior to their consideration of any application:
Person's Name |
Reason for Recusal |
Amadeu Abril i Abril |
Relationships with CORE and
Nominalia, which are participating in various applications. |
Rob Blokzijl |
On Advisory Board of CentralNic,
a company which was involved in preparing one of the proposals
as a technical advisor. |
Greg Crew |
Independent chairman of partly
owned telecom subsidiary of Melbourne IT, a company which is
participating in several applications. |
Phil Davidson |
Employment by British Telecom,
which supports the .one application. |
Comments concerning the layout, construction and
functionality of this site
should be sent to webmaster@icann.org.
Page Updated 02-November-2000
(c) 2000 The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
All rights reserved.